Title: Beyond mean-field versus shell model
1Beyond mean-field versusshell model
- The beyond mean-field method
- 16O a nice meeting point
- Existing codes
- Developments, open questions, possible answers
P. Bonche, H. Flocard, P.-H. Heenen M. Bender
(Bordeaux) T. Duguet (MSU)
2- Starting point
- The mean-field method
- Skyrme HFB
- Pairing with a density-dependent zero range
interaction - Solution of the HF equations on a 3D cartesian
mesh - (unrestricted nuclear shape)
- Triaxiality always included, same accuracy for
any shape, - Octupole,.
- Lipkin Nogami method to simulate a Variation
- after N,Z projection
3- Beyond mean-field
- Set of mean-field wave functions depending on a
collective -
variables - Projection on N, Z, J
- New wave functions by mixing on q
with fJ,k (q) determined by minimizing the energy
416O mean-field and projection (axial Q)
5 Single particle levels
6Configuration mixing
Energies Wave functions
7How to analyze the wave functions in shell model
Mean-field basis changes for each
deformation Construction of a basis formed by
- the spherical mf state - np-nh
deformed HF states projected on J0 After
convergence, the np-nh are below the Fermi
levels and cause the deformation of the
mean-field state.
8Decomposition in ph components
9Self-consistent HF states
Configuration mixing states
- -Very rich basis with many ph components
- (more precisely qp excitations with respect)
- with respect to a spherical basis
- GMC is not limited to small amplitudes as the
- Kind of ph determined by the constraint
- Only time reversed pairs are excited
11- Projection on angular momentum
- From intrinsic to laboratory frame of
reference - No approximation based on the collective model
- for transition probabilities.
- Existing
- In (active) preparation
- What should be done
13Mean-field Codes
tetrahedral shapes stability?
qp excitations in transfermium
T0 pairing
14From static to dynamics
tailored HW program
15From static to dynamics
HW program!
16From static to dynamics
17The Skyrme functionals (TRI)
10 parameters
18The densities (TRI)
qn or p
The sp wave functions are obtained from the HF
Static to dynamic densities replaced by mixed
1924Mg, g30, Q0 80 fm2, cranking state Jz2
reconstruction of all matrix elements from the
projected ones (very
strict test of codes!)
projection on J from J0 to 8
norm 0.279534
0.279186 total energy
-194.463 -194.560 r2a
1387.80 pairing neutron -1.99581
-2.01915 pairing proton
-1.98091 -1.99062
20Esperance the new code
Projection of triaxial wave functions
(ok) Projection of cranking wave functions
(nearly ok?)
e-e nuclei
Nearly ready for odd nuclei, any kind of qp
Same range of applications as the shell
model Tool to test models (from the Bohr
Hamiltonian to
tunneling in the (Q, g) plane