Title: Class 4. Fundamentals of Microfabrication-Some History
1Class 4. Fundamentals of Microfabrication-Some
- Dr. Marc Madou,
- 2012 , UCI
http//www.almaden.ibm.com 80/vis/stm/gallery.htm
2From ICs to MEMS and NEMS
http//www.almaden.ibm.com 80/vis/stm/gallery.htm
NovaSensor Accelerometer
3From ICs to MEMS and NEMS
4From ICs to MEMS and NEMS
- Todays car differs from those of the immediate
post-war years on a number of counts.But suppose
for a moment that the automobile industry had
developed at the same rate as computers and over
the same period how much cheaper and more
efficient would current models be? Today you
would be able to buy a Rolce-Royce for 2.15, it
would do three million miles to the gallon, and
it would deliver enough power to drive the Queen
Elizabeth II. And if you were interested in
miniaturization, you could place half a dozen of
them on a pinhead - Christopher Evans, 1979
- Definitions of ICs
- Why miniaturization ?
- Taxonomy of Microfabrication Processes
- Accuracy/precision
- Accuracy/precision and standard deviation
- Relative vs. absolute tolerance in manufacturing
- Merging of two approaches Top-down and bottom-up
machining methodologies - Biomimetics
- A few concluding words about manufacturing methods
6Definitions of ICs
- The transistor was invented 1948 by three Bell
Laboratory engineers and physicists. John Bardeen
was the physicist, Walter Brattain the
experimentalist, and William Shockley, who became
involved later in the development, was the
instigator and idea man. The team won the 1956
Nobel Prize in physics for their efforts. The
transistor demonstrated for the first time that
amplification in solids was possible.
7Definitions of ICs
8Definitions of ICs
- There are many different types of transistors,
but the basic theory of their operation is all
the same. The three elements of the two-junction
transistor are (1) the EMITTER, which gives off,
or emits," current carriers (electrons or holes)
(2) the BASE, which controls the flow of current
carriers and (3) the COLLECTOR, which collects
the current carriers.
9Definitions of ICs
- The arrow always points in the direction of hole
flow, or from the P to N sections, no matter
whether the P section is the emitter or base. On
the other hand, electron flow is always toward or
against the arrow, just like in the junction
10Definitions of ICs
- A forward biased PN junction is comparable to a
low-resistance circuit element because it passes
a high current for a given voltage. In turn, a
reverse-biased PN junction is comparable to a
high-resistance circuit element. By using the
Ohm's law formula for power (P I2R) and
assuming current is held constant, you can
conclude that the power developed across a high
resistance is greater than that developed across
a low resistance. Thus, if a crystal were to
contain two PN junctions (one forward-biased and
the other reverse-biased), a low-power signal
could be injected into the forward-biased
junction and produce a high-power signal at the
reverse-biased junction. In this manner, a power
gain would be obtained across the crystal. This
concept is the basic theory behind how the
transistor amplifies.
11Definitions of ICs
12Definitions of ICs
- The term transistor is derived from the words
TRANSfer and resISTOR. This term was adopted
because it best describes the operation of the
transistor - the transfer of an input signal
current from a low-resistance circuit to a
high-resistance circuit. Basically, the
transistor is a solid-state device that amplifies
by controlling the flow of current carriers
through its semiconductor materials.
13Definitions of ICs
- Types of transistors
- Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
- MOS transistor see Metal Oxide Semiconductor
(MOS) Capacitor
14Definitions of ICs
- A chip or an integrated circuit (IC) is a small
electronic device made out of a semiconductor
material. The integrated circuit consists of
elements inseparably associated and formed on or
within a single SUBSTRATE (mounting surface). In
other words, the circuit components and all
interconnections are formed as a unit. The first
integrated circuit was developed in the 1950s by
Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce
of Fairchild Semiconductor.
15Definitions of ICs
- Integrated circuits are often classified by the
number of transistors and other electronic
components they contain - SSI (small-scale integration) Up to 100
electronic components per chip - MSI (medium-scale integration) From 100 to 3,000
electronic components per chip - LSI (large-scale integration) From 3,000 to
100,000 electronic components per chip - VLSI (very large-scale integration) From 100,000
to 1,000,000 electronic components per chip - ULSI (ultra large-scale integration) More than 1
million electronic components per chip
16Definition of MEMS
Sandia, Poly-Si steam engine
- Micro electromechanical systems (MEMS), or
micromachining (also micro-manufacturing and
microfabrication), in the narrow sense, comprises
the use of a set of manufacturing tools based on
batch thin and thick film fabrication techniques
commonly used in the integrated circuit industry
or IC industry. This involved originally mainly
Si based mechanical devices.
17Definition of MEMS
- MEMS Micro electro mechanical systems. In recent
years, it has become obvious that Si is not
always the right substrate, that batch is often
not good enough and that a modular approach is
sometimes better than an integrated one. This
has especially become clear in the case of
biomedical applications (see BIOMEMS course). The
science of miniaturization has become a much
more appropriate name than MEMS and it involves a
good understanding of the intended application,
scaling laws, different manufacturing methods and
materials .
18Definition of MEMS
Isometric Scaling
19Why miniaturization?
- Minimizing energy and materials use in
manufacturing - Redundancy and arrays
- Integration with electronics, simplifying systems
(e.g., single point vs. multipoint measurement) - Reduction of power budget
- Faster devices
- Increased selectivity and sensitivity
- Wider dynamic range
- Exploitation of new effects through the breakdown
of continuum theory in the microdomain
20Why miniaturization?
- Cost/performance advantages
- Improved reproducibility (batch concept)
- Improved accuracy and reliability
- Minimal invasive ( e.g. mosquito project)
- Do we have a choice? (see next viewgraph- - the
Law of Accelerating Returns)
21Why miniaturization?
- Evolution (sophistication) of life-forms or
technology speeds up because they are build on
their own recorded degree of order. Ray Kurzweil
calls this The Law of Accelerating Returns - This Law of Accelerating Returns gave us ever
greater order in technology which led to
computation -- the essence of order. - For life-forms DNA provides the record. In the
case of technology it is the ever improving
methods to record information. - Ray Kurzweil in The Age of Spiritual
- Machines
22Why miniaturization?
23Why miniaturization?
- Moores law (based on a temporary methodology
i.e., lithography) is only an example of the Law
of Accelerating Returns. Beyond lithography we
may expect further progress in miniaturization
based on DNA, quantum devices, AFM lithography,
nanotubes, etc.
24Why miniaturization?
- Moores Law The amounts of information
storable on a given amount of silicon roughly
doubled every year since the technology was
invented. This relation, first mentioned in 1964
by semiconductor engineer Gordon Moore (who
co-founded Intel four years later) held until the
late 1970s, at which point the doubling period
slowed to 18 months. The doubling period remained
at that value up to late 1999. Moore's Law is
apparently self-fulfilling.
25Why miniaturization?
26Taxonomy of Microfabrication Processes
27Accuracy /precision
- Accuracy is the degree of correctness with which
a measuring system yields the true value of a
measured quantity (e.g. bulls eye). - Accuracy is typically described in terms of a
maximum percentage of deviation expected based on
a full-scale reading.
http//ull.chemistry.uakron. edu/analytical/animat
- Precision is the difference between the
instruments reported values during repeated
measurements of the same quantity - Precision is typically determined by statistical
analysis of repeated measurements
http//ull.chemistry.uakron. edu/analytical/animat
30Accuracy, precision and standard deviation
- A measurement can be precise, but may not not be
accurate. - The standard deviation (s) is a statistical
measure of the precision in a series of
repetitive measurements (also often given as ??
with N the number of data, xi is each individual
measurement, and x the mean of all
measurements. - The value xi - is called the residual for each
31Relative vs. absolute tolerance in manufacturing
- Lithography is excellent for achieving small
absolute tolerances - - we can make much smaller
devices with lithography than with mechanical
machining. The relative tolerance on those
dimensions though is not so good on a 100 µm
line we might perhaps achieve 1 . In mechanical
machining terms this does not even qualify as
precision machining ! - For a small relative tolerance, ultra-fine
diamond milling is better. Can be better than
0.01 . Of course we cannot make things as small
as we can with lithography. - The above argument might decide your choice of
machining approach or decide the size of the
device you want to make.
32Relative vs. absolute tolerance in manufacturing
- Lithography (e.g. Si-micromachining) is excellent
for small absolute tolerances - For relative tolerances, ultra-fine diamond
milling is better - In some cases we might want to keep our
micromachine somewhat larger to optimize relative
tolerances (see Mass Spectrometer example)
33Relative vs. absolute tolerance in manufacturing
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL),
at one point used LIGA to make the next
generation mass spectrometer - The picture below shows an array of holes in
PMMA to electroplate Ni posts (poles) - The diameter of each hole is 40 µm !!
- A larger mass spectrometer is machined with
traditional ultra fine diamond milling at JPL - Relative tolerance is better than with the LIGA
machined one, so its performance is better
34Relative vs. absolute tolerance in manufacturing
35 Merging of two approaches Top-down and
bottom-up machining methodologies
- Most human manufacturing methods of small devices
involve top-down approaches. Starting from larger
blocks of material we make smaller and smaller
things. Nature works the other way, i.e., from
the bottom-up. All living things are made atom by
atom , molecule by molecule from the small to
the large. As manufacturing of very small things
with top-down techniques (NEMS or nano
mechanical devices) become too expensive or hit
other barriers we are looking at nature for
guidance (biomimetics). - Nature and mankind have developed competitive
manufacturing methods on the macro level (e.g.,
steel versus bone). Biomimetics mostly failed in
the larger world (see Icarus). Background
reading Cats Paws and Catapults by Steven Vogel
(Efficiency of mechanical systems in biology and
human engineering in the macro-world).
36 Merging of two approaches Top-down and
bottom-up machining methodologies
- On the nanoscale nature is outperforming us by
far (perhaps because nature has had more time
working towards biological molecules/ cells than
towards making larger organisms such as trees and
us). - Further miniaturization might be inspired by
biology but will most likely be different again
from nature -- the drivers for human and
natural manufacturing techniques are very
37 Merging of two approaches Top-down and
bottom-up machining methodologies
38 Merging of two approaches Top-down and
bottom-up machining methodologies --NEMS
- MEMS little brother is NEMS, the top-down
approach to nano devices. This biomimetic
approach to nano devices I like to call
nanochemistry. To succeed in the latter we will
need - self-assembly and directed assembly (e.,g, using
electrical fields -see next viewgraph) - massive parallelism
- understanding of molecular mechanisms --
chemomechanics - engineers/scientists who understand wet and
dry disciplines
39Merging of two approaches Top-down and bottom-up
machining methodologies --NEMS
- Example nano chemistry approaches
- Natural polymers e.g., NAs and proteins not only
as sensors but also as actuators and building
blocks (Genetic engineer NAs and proteins-rely
on extremophiles for guidance) - Mechanosynthesis
- NEMS/biology hybrids --to learn only
- Bimimetics
- Many examples in nature provide hints for future
manufacturing methods but as stated earlier the
purpose for their development is different from
the reasons for human manufacturing methods
(e.g., teeth and sea shells might be excellent
strong building materials but their growth is
typically way too slow to be attractive for human
41A few concluding words about manufacturing
- Serial versus batch versus continuous
manufacturing methods - Projected versus truly 3D
- Additive process versus subtractive process
- Top-down versus bottom-up
42Something to think about
- Looking back at the worst times, it always seems
that they were times in which there were people
who believed with absolute faith and absolute
dogmatism in something. And they were so serious
in this matter that they insisted that the rest
of the world agree with them. And then they would
do things that were directly inconsistent with
their own beliefs in order to maintain that what
they said was true. - From Richard P. Feynman in The Meaning of it All.
- If in the course of these lectures I can make you
doubt most of the things you have come to
believe then I probably put you on the path of
becoming a true scientist/engineer.
43Something to think about
- Describe to a 12 year old, in the shortest and
clearest fashion how a transistor works and why
it is so important in applications all around us
(figure is ok but words are required). - Characterize using the following criteria
- projected versus 3D,
- serial, batch or continuous
- top-down versus bottom-up
- Laser machining
- Mechanical machining
- E-beam machining and plastic molding.
- Calculate the number atoms in a 100 µm long Ag
line (1 µm wide and 1 µm heigh). If we put one
atom down per second (e.g., using an STM) how
long will it take to finish this Ag line ?