Title: Melissa Storm
1Enhancing Your Instructional Skills Through
- Melissa Storm
- Addison Northeast Supervisory Union
- September 2, 2004
2Session Overview
- Introduction
- Differentiation Strategies
- Practice
- Practical Issues
- Collaboration
- Next Steps
3Why Differentiate?
- All kids are different.
- One size does not fit all.
- Differentiation provides all students with access
to all curriculum.
4What is Differentiation?
- A teachers response to learner needs
- The recognition of students varying background
knowledge and preferences - Instruction that appeals to students differences
5Teachers Can Differentiate
According to Students
Learning Profile
Adapted from The Differentiated Classroom
Responding to the Needs of All Learners
(Tomlinson, 1999)
6Comparing Traditional and Differentiated
- Addressing student differences
- Use of assessment
- Use of student interest and learning style
7Comparing Traditional and Differentiated
- Instructional format
- Assignment options
- Factors guiding instruction
8Discussion Question
9Differentiation Strategies
- All strategies are aligned with instructional
goals and objectives - Specific strategies are selected based on
- Focus of instruction
- Focus of differentiation
10Some Differentiation Strategies
- Choice Boards
- Tiered Activities
- Learning Contracts
11Differentiation Strategies
12- Develop a two-sentence summary of your strategy.
- Provide an example of how the strategy could be
used in your classroom.
Reading/Language Arts Compacting Math
Independent Study Science Interest Centers or
Interest Groups Social Studies/History Flexible
Grouping Technology and PE/Health Multiple
Levels of Questions
13Case Studies
- What aspects of differentiation do you see?
- Which techniques could you use in your classroom?
How? - What questions or concerns came up?
14Example Non-Fiction Writing
15Differentiation Practice
16Assessment in the Differentiated Classroom
- Ongoing
- Instruction-dependent
- Student-dependent
- Informs continued instruction
17Where do I Go From Here?Some Tips for
Implementing Differentiation in your Classroom
- Start slowly
- Organize your classroom space
19Where do I Go From Here?Some Tips for
Implementing Differentiation in your Classroom
- Start student files
- Start student portfolios
- Use a clipboard
- Start class with familiar tasks
- Use task cards, a tape recorder, or an overhead
for directions - Have systems for student questions
20Collaborating Effectively
- General Education and Special Education
- Interpersonal Communication
- Physical Arrangement
- Curriculum
- Classroom Management
21Collaborating Effectively
- Teachers and Program Assistants
- Communicate
- Schedules
- Share classroom experiences
- Share responsibility for students
22Investing Students
- Student buy-in
- Provide choice
- Allow students to assess their own mastery
- Adjust physical environment
- Increase student responsibility
23Where do I Go From Here?
- Support networks
- Online discussion forum
- http//www.k8accesscenter.org
- Whats New gt Effective Classroom Strategies
Discussion - Collaboration
- On-going support from the
- Access Center
- Assessment
- Curriculum Based Measurement
- www.studentprogress.org
- National Center on Accessing the General
Curriculum (NCAC) - www.cast.org/ncac/
- The Access Center
- www.k8accesscenter.org