Title: OMB Grant Update
1OMB Grant Update
- Gilbert Tran
- Executive Office of the President
- Office of Management and Budget
- Grant the Big Picture
- Grant Requirements
- National Single Audit Sampling Project
- The Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act
Taxpayers have a right to know where that money
is going, and you have a right to know whether or
not you're getting value for your money
3The Garden of Grants
4Distribution of Federal Grants
5Steep Rise in Federal Grants
In Billion of
CFDA lists more than 1000 Federal grant programs
6 FY 2006 Budgeted Grants to State Local
Governments by Agency
Im DHHS, Hear me roar, RAA!!
Programs Department of
Agriculture 25.7 68
Department of Commerce ..........................
............ 0.6 40 Department of
Education ........................................
40.1 124 Department of Energy
0.3 4 Department of Health and Human
Services .....256.6 169 Department of Homeland
Security. .9.1 32 Department of
Housing and Urban Development .........34.8
31 Department of the Interior ....................
.................... 4.1 66 Department of
Justice ..........................................
...... 3.8 60 Department of Labor
7.1 22 Department of Transportation
.................................... 46.8
20 Department of the Treasury ....................
................... 0.3 1 Department of
Veterans Affairs .................................
0.3 6 Environmental Protection Agency
................................ 3.8
44 Other agencies ................................
......................... 2.2 -- Total
...................435.7 Billion
- Medicaid 177.2
- Highway Planning Const. 35.8
- TANF - HHS 19.2
- Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers 14.7
- Title I Education 12.3
- Special Education to States 10.1
- Head Start 6.8
- National School Lunch Program 6.8
- Foster Care 4.7
- Nutrition Program for WIC 4.6
Total 292.2 Billion
8Patty, Will you marry me?
9Patty, Will you marry me?
And pay my mortgage
My student loan
My child support
Grants cant be taken from granted
10The Pyramid of Grant Requirements
Program Statutes Appropriations
Statutes OMB Circulars
Suspension Debarment Regulations
Davis Bacon Act
Drug Free Workplace Regulations
Lobbying Act
Agency Programs
Policy Manuals
Terms and Conditions
Program Regulations
Grant Agreements, Terms and Conditions
11OMB Grants Management Circulars
- Cost Principles (Gilbert Tran)
- A-21- Colleges Universities
- A-87- Governments
- A-122- Non-Profits
- Administrative Requirements (Marguerite Pridgen)
- A-102- Governments
- A-110- Everyone Else
- Audit Requirements (Gilbert Tran)
- A-133- Everyone
- Compliance Supplement
500 B
Whats the LAW ?
12The Garden of Grants
13National Single Audit Sampling Project
- Final Report Issued June 2007
- http//www.ignet.gov/pande/audit/NatSamProjRptFINA
14Sample Design
- 208 single audits from universe of 38,523 audits
successfully submitted to clearinghouse April 1,
2003 to March 31, 2004 - 96 of 208 were from 852 audits of entities that
expended Federal Awards of 50 million or more
(Stratum I) - 112 of 208 were from 37,671 entities that
expended less than 50 million in Federal Awards
(Stratum II)
15Classification of Audits
- Acceptable
- Limited reliability because of significant
deficiencies - Unacceptable
16Summary Results
- Acceptable - 115 (49)
- Large 61 (63.5) , Smaller 54 (48.2)
- Limited reliability because of significant
deficiencies 30 (16) - Large 12 (12.5), Smaller 18 (16.1)
- Unacceptable 63 (35)
- Large 23 (24), Smaller 40 (35.7)
- Fed Awards Reported 53/57 billion (93)
- Audit Documentation did not evidence auditor
understanding of the 5 elements of internal
control and testing of internal controls for many
or all applicable compliance requirements.
However, documentation did evidence that most
required compliance testing was performed - Audit documentation did not evidence internal
control testing and/or compliance testing for
more than a few compliance requirements, or did
not explain why they were not applicable for the
auditee - Audit documentation did not evidence that audit
work relating to the SEFA was adequately
performed, or did not evidence that audit
programs were used for auditing internal
controls, compliance and/or the SEFA
18Single Audit Improvement Process
19Single Audit Improvement Process
20Federal Workgroups
- Good Rules Guidance
- Revisions to A-133 and AICPA Guidelines to report
audit findings - Revisions to A-133, AICPA Audit Guide and OMB
Compliance Supplement to document the required
compliance testing - Revisions to A-133 and AICPA for audit testing
and sampling - Training
- Revisions to A-133 to require SA training.
Development of training curriculum
21Federal Workgroups
- Incentives
- Review of suspension debarment process and
identify alternative methods to address
unacceptable audits - Coordination with other SA constituencies for
sanctions and punitive actions for substandard
audits. Revisions to A-133 to any proposed
sanction language - System Support
- Coordination with PCIE to issue uniform standards
on QCRs - The New and Improved Single Audit Process
22The Garden of Grants
- S. 2590
- To require full disclosure of all entities and
organizations - receiving Federal funds.
- 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representa - 2 tives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, - 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
- This Act may be cited as the Federal Funding Ac
- countability and Transparency Act of 2006.
- Congress sponsored three different bills to
create a searchable website for information on
grants and contracts. Led to bill in current
form. - President signed bill on September 26, 2006.
- Searchable website for public to search funding
by data elements. - Be able to ascertain amount of Federal funding
awarded to an entity. - Be able to download results of search.
25You know, we spend a lot of time and a lot of
effort collecting your money, and we should show
the same amount of effort in reporting how we
spend it. Every year, the federal government
issues more than 400 billion in grants, and more
than 300 billion in contracts to corporations,
associations, and state and local governments.
Taxpayers have a right to know where that money
is going, and you have a right to know whether or
not you're getting value for your
money President Bush, signing the Federal
Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of
2006, September 26, 2006.
- Winter 2006 Transmit implementation plan to
agencies - July 1, 2007 Pilot on subcontracts and
subgrantee data - January 1, 2008 Single searchable website for
awards - Includes FY 2007 data, but not subgrantees or
subcontractors - Doesnt include credit card transactions
- January 1, 2009 Include subcontractor and
subgrantee awards - Waiver for entities that prove they have annual
gross revenues from previous tax year lt300,000 - Annually Report to Congress on implementation
progress - January 1, 2010 Comptroller General Report to
Congress on Compliance
1/1/10 Comptroller General Report to Congress on
1/1/09 Include subcontractor and subgrantee
Late 2006 Transmit implementation plan to Agys
1/1/08 Single searchable website for awards
7/1/07 Pilot on subcontracts and subgrantee data
- http//www.USAspending.gov
Welcome to USASpending.gov - Where Americans Can
See Where Their Money Goes