Title: BRG Update
1Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting
Discussion 08/11/ 08 repeated on 08/13/2008
2Virtual Classroom Layout
Presentation Slide Area
3Submitting Questions
- Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in
lower left corner of the virtual classroom). - To submit a question, type the question in the
text box and click the arrow button. - To send questions to the Presenter only (not to
Everyone), select Presenter from the drop-down
menu before clicking the arrow button. - Questions will be answered at appropriate times
during the presentation.
Chat Room
Arrow Button
Text Box
Drop-Down Menu
Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion
4Submitting Questions
Chat Room
- Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in
lower left corner of the virtual classroom). - To submit a question or comment, type the
question in the text box and click the arrow
button. - Your name, the text (Submitted Question) and
your question will appear in red on your screen,
indicating successful submission. - Questions are directly transmitted to presenters
other participants will not see your questions.
Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion
In the chat room, please type the name of your
organization, your location, and how many people
are attending with you today.
Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion
6Access to Webinar Materials
All webinars are recorded and available for
viewing within 2 business days after the event.
Recorded webinars will be posted to the
Materials and presentation slides used in this
webinar will be available for download from the
7Your Hosts
- Presenters
- Barbara Strother, Larry Wickliffe, Omar Karim,
Office of Performance and Technology, EBSS Team - Richard West, Social Policy Research Associates
- Jonathan Ladinsky, Mathematica Policy Research
- Moderators
- Karen Staha and Wes Day, ETAs Office of
Performance and Technology
- Discuss reporting requirements for Wagner-Peyser
and WIA title IB, including the WIASRD, for PY
2007 - Review the Enterprise Business Support System
(EBSS) and how it works - Address state concerns on the submission process
- Open discussion
9Key Issues
- Passwords so many to keep track of!
- Looking ahead making sure your LWIAs are
correct - Loading your reports and fixing errors
- Creating your extract files
- Getting the reports in on time dont wait until
the last minute! - Server issues why does it take so long to upload?
Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion
10PY 2007 Due Dates
- Wednesday, October 1, 2008 PY 2007 4th quarter
9002 and VETS 200 reports - Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Validated PY 2007 WIA
Annual Reports (ETA must have your Report
Validation analytical summaries submitted prior
to your annual report submit narrative portion
of the Annual Report to WIA.AR_at_dol.gov ) - Wednesday, October 15, 2008 PY 2007 WIASRD
files -
11Grantee Reporting Log In Screen
- One for Wagner-Peyser Employment Service (Labor
Exchange) Reporting - One for WIA Reporting
- One for Wagner-Peyser Validation
- One for WIA Validation
13Passwords Your First Step
- Depending on what password you type the system
will direct you to the appropriate site. - Labor Exchange Reporting System LERS
- (Wagner-Peyser/Jobs for Veterans grants)
- Workforce Information Act Reports WIA
- Data Validation DRVS
- Wagner-Peyser
14Password Information
- Test your password NOW to ensure it works
- You have separate passwords for each function
make sure you are logging on to the correct
program and using the correct password - Check passwords by August 25, 2008 to ensure you
have access to EBSS
15Submission Page
16Cross Form Edit Check
- ETA U.S. Department of Labor Employment and
Training Administration - WIA Annual Report Data System
- The edit checks for the WIA ANNUAL REPORT DATA
for the State ST failed. - For final submission, we recommend to print this
screen a correct data as per the edit check
rules. For help on tables click link below and
resubmit your applicationHelp - State ST
- The denominator for the youth diploma or
equivalent rate in Table J must be less than or
equal to number of younger youth exiters in Table
M. Please check Table J (J8)1,403 and Table
M(M12)1,402. - Local Board Data Submission Details There should
be data for(17) local board name(s), whereas the
state you are reporting has entered only(19).
Please save all data to submit your
application.For the list of local board names
pending please click here - The data for the some local boards are
inconsistent. Please check the edit checks for
Table O For the list of local board whose data is
inconsistent please click here
17Cross Edit Checks Page
- For the WIA Annual the grantee must
- Complete all forms
- Complete all individual form edit checks
- Press Final Submit Forms, which does not appear
until the above is done - Resolve all cross form edit checks
- Press Final Submit Forms again to enter the PIN,
which is not available until all cross form
errors are resolved. (screen shot attached) - EBSS help is ebss.help_at_dol.gov
19LWIA Information
- States should review their LWIA information in
EBSS (TABLE O) for the most current listing of
local areas and their ETA assigned numbers - States should send any updates on the LWIAs to
ebss.help_at_dol.gov no later than August 25, 2008
20The Rounding Issue (W-P)
- For Wagner-Peyser refer to page 14 of the LX
handbook - All values on the ETA 9002 and VETS 200 reports
should be rounded to the nearest whole number,
using the values in the first two decimal places
of the number to be rounded. Unless otherwise
noted, the 5/4 rounding method is to be used. - That is, if the digit to the right of the digit
to be rounded is 5 or more, round up to the next
higher digit. If the digit to the right of the
digit to be rounded is 4 or less, round down or
truncate. - For example, if the calculated number is 60.01
through 60.44 round down to 60. If the
calculated number is 60.45 through 60.99 round up
to 61. Values which are totals of other values
appearing on the same form should be the sum of
the rounded sub-part figures.
21State Example
- Here is an example LERS rounding example from a
state for fourth quarter PY 2005 - N is numerator
- D is denominator
- Division is straight division with normal
rounding, - rounded is division with OMB mandated rounding
- ST9002C is what the state reported, the error is
in red -
- A B F G H
- N 91550 46265 3513 41 221
- D 162951 84555 8079 60 324
- Division 56 55 43 68 68
- rounded 56 55 44 68 68
- ST 9002C 56 55 43 68 68
- Two digits displayed 43.48
22The Rounding Issue (WIA)
- For WIA, where states negotiate to the nearest
10th of a percentage, states should only input
the information to the 10th of a percentage
point. - Example states enter their numerator and
denominators ETA calculates the percentage to
the 10th of a percentage point.
23Screen Labels
- All screen labels have been changed to reflect
the current reporting requirements - Older Youth still report an EARNINGS CHANGE
- The entire block of cells for earnings share one
label which reads Average Earnings. - The calculation for the Older Youth performance
measure is still earnings change.
24Screen Shot of Earnings Data
25WIASRD File Submission
- These files can be submitted any time after you
submit your final annual report EBSS will be
opened to accept WIASRD files as early as August
15, 2008. - Submit your files as soon as possible after
submitting your Annual Reports so you can fix
any errors you may encounter. - EBSS will not accept any files with rejects
warning messages should also be reviewed and
26WIASRD File Submission
- Many states have asked why there is a lag between
submitting the WIASRD and receiving the error
messages. - EBSS processes all WIASRD files overnight you
will know by the next morning if your file has
been accepted or rejected.
27WIASRD Files Submission
- If you submit your WIASRD Wednesday morning at
900 AM it will be processed Wednesday night and
you will receive any warnings or edit messages
Thursday, morning. - If you need to resubmit your file you can do so
on Thursday but will not see any changes to the
submission until Friday morning. - You need to allow for the overnight processing of
the records before you see if your resubmission
was successful!
28Speed up Your WIASRD Submissions!
- Most states send data smartly. However, some
States are not sending any more data, just
unnecessary characters which slows down the
submission process. - Please do not send spaces or quotes, they are not
necessary. Zero, 0, is the same as "00000.00"
why mail us a brick with your data? - Please ZIP your WIASRD file.
- Firefox is faster than Internet Explorer.
29The Comma Rule
- The "comma rule" is that when blank is a valid
value, the extract file should have two commas
next to each other without any spaces or quotes.
- For example, if a participant did not receive any
NEG funds, the file should have ,, not , ,.
Spaces can cause records to be rejected or
incorrectly assigned to funding streams and/or
performance measures. -
30What NOT to do
- The slow way 626 characters
- "000000000","18810118","2","3","2","2","2
31The Correct Way
- The same data sent smartly 283 characters
- 000000000,18810118,2,3,2,2,2,1,2,2,3,3,3,2,1,2,1,3
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -
32Please Zip Your WIASRD File
- To save you upload time, please zip your WIASRD
file prior to upload - Zipping the file should save you about 90 of the
time required to upload your WIASRD data. - Zipping is required when uploading files with
over half a million records, and will reduce the
time uploading for every size upload file.
33Refer to the Handbooks
- The WIA annual and quarterly
- reporting specifications as well as the
- WIASRD specifications are available at
- http//www.doleta.gov/performance/
- guidance/wia.cfm.
34Top WIASRD Problems
- Not reporting disability status (Item 104) for
many individuals the code entered should be 1
or 2, NOT 0 or blank for almost everyone - Not reporting Recently Separated Veteran (Item
114) - Not reporting new adult characteristics for all
or many individuals, including items 125
(Homeless) or 128 (offender)
35Top WIASRD Problems
- Not reporting new service fields
- Receipt of Core Self Service and Informational
Activities (Item 331) - Date of First Staff-assisted Core Service (Item
332) - Receipt of Workforce Information Services (Item
333) - Receipt of Prevocational Activities (Item 339)
36Top WIASRD Problems
- Not distinguishing between no and dont know
in training related employment (Item 604) - NO should be coded as 2
- Dont Know should be coded as 0 or left blank.
37Top WIASRD Problems
- Incorrect reporting of wages before registration
(items 612-614) - Using code 999999.99 for zero wages
- Code 999999.99 should only be used if wage
records for the quarter cannot be accessed
because the quarter is too far back in time this
should be rare - If the wage records for the quarter are searched
but no record is found for an individual, then
zero earning should be reported. - Not reporting wages in the quarter before
participation (Item 614)
38Top WIASRD Problems
- Not reporting education status at exit (Item 670,
new item starting in PY 2005) for youth - Incorrect reporting of enrolled in education
(Item 343). - Should generally be yes if a youth was in
school at either participation (Item 129) or exit
(Item 670).
39Top WIASRD Problems
- Incorrect Reporting of Food Stamps.
- Receipt of Food Stamps is reported in Item 121,
Other Public Assistance Recipient - Item 325, Employment and Training Services
Related to Food Stamps, is to be used to report
only ET services funded by Food Stamps.
40Top WIASRD Problems
- Incorrect NEG reporting
- Not providing records for All NEG participants
- Regardless of whether or not they are co-enrolled
in Title 1b programs. - Incorrect NEG project ID (Items 313a to 313c)
- The project ID is to be reported for each NEG
participant. - The project ID is the state postal code followed
by a 2-digit numbere.g., UT02. This number is
found in the NEG Grant Award Package.
41Top WIASRD Problems
- Not reporting occupational code for type of
training or employment after exit (Items 342,
603) - Not reporting TANF participant status (Item 120)
42 Contacts
- All questions related to EBSS should be sent to
- ebss.help_at_dol.gov
- All questions related to DRVS and any other
performance related topic should be sent to - etaperforms_at_dol.gov
- Please COPY your regional performance specialists.
Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion
43Question and Answer Period
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion
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Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion
45Access to Webinar Materials
All webinars are recorded and available for
viewing within 2 business days after the event.
Recorded webinars will be posted to the
Materials and presentation slides used in this
webinar will be available for download from the
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Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion
Program Year 2007 Performance Reporting Discussion