Title: Lecture
1Lecture 6Dynamic Web Documents
- Summer 2005
- Shimrit Tzur-David
2Client-Server Architecture
- In a client-server architecture, computation is
done either in the client or in the server - There are cases where we can choose whether to
perform the computation in the client or in the
server - There are cases where we cannot choose where to
perform the computation - For example, accessing a database
3Form Validation
- Consider the case where a user is required submit
his name to a server application - Where, for example, should we check that the
inserted value is not an empty string? - In the client (i.e., the Web browser)?
- In the server?
4Client Side Technologies
- Javascript
- Developed by Netscape
- Supported by all browsers (although not all
support the standard) - Very light (no graphics) and good interaction
with HTML - Java Applets
- Developed by Sun
- In the past it was supported by all browsers, but
not any more - Capable of doing almost anything that Java allows
5JavaScript Overview
- A "scripting" language for HTML pages
- The code is embed in HTML pages
- The browser interprets and executes the script
(it is not compiled) - Do not declare data types for variables (loose
typing) - Dynamic binding object references checked at
6Overview Cont.
- Scripts can manipulate "browser objects"
- HTML form elements
- Images
- Frames
- etc.
- For security cannot write to disk (when run on
a client)
- Generating HTML content dynamically
- Monitoring and responding to user events
- Validate forms before submission
- Interact with the frames and windows of the
browser - Customize pages to suit users
Why do we need ltbrgt if we used writeln?
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtAn Hello World Examplelt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- document.write("ltfont size'4'gt")
- document.writeln("Hello World!ltbrgt")
- document.writeln("What a boring
examplelt/fontgt") - lt/SCRIPTgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt lt!-- An empty document body --gt lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
9Example Cont.
10Example 2
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtAn Hello World Examplelt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- document.write("ltfont size'4'gt")
- document.writeln("Hello World!ltbrgt")
- document.writeln("What a boring
examplelt/fontgt") - lt/SCRIPTgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt lth1gtMy Hello World Examplelt/h1gt lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
11Example 2 Cont.
12Example 3
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtAn Hello World Examplelt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- document.write("ltfont size'4'gt")
- document.writeln("Hello World!ltbrgtlt/fontgt")
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt lth1gtMy Hello World Examplelt/h1gt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- document.writeln("What a boring example")
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
13Example 3 Cont.
14JavaScript Variables
- Untyped!
- Can be declared with var keyword
- var foo
- Can be created automatically by assigning a
value - val 1
- val Thank for all the fish"
val has changed from an int to a String!
15Variables Names
- A variable name can be any valid identifier
- The identifier is a series of characters
- Consisting of letters (lower and upper case),
digits, and underscores (_) - Does not begin with a digit
- Does not contain any space
- Javascript is case sensitive (foo and FOO are
- Local variable is available only in the function
where it is declared - Global variable is available all over the
document - A variable declaration
- Inside a function creates a local variable
- Outside a function creates a global variable
- Local variables must be declared with var
- The typical bunch
- Numbers 17 123.45
- Strings Let it be
- Boolean true false
- Arrays 1,ab ba,17.234
- null
- undefined
- Arithmetic, comparison, assignment, bit wise,
Boolean (pretty much just like Java) - - / --
- ! gt lt gt lt
- ! ltlt gtgt
- - /
19The Special Plus Command
- Which of the following two is correct?
- What is the type of the answer?
x The answer is 42 y 42 is the answer
20Which is correct?
- Which of the following two is correct?
- What is the type of the answer?
String, output 377
Number, output 30
x "37" 7 y "37" - 7
21Types of Equality
- The equals checks if both operands are equal
after performing type conversion - The equals checks if both operands are of the
same type and equal - Example
- Is 3 "3" (true or false?)
- Is 3 "3" (true or false?)
22Conditional Operators
- equals
- if (a b)
- not equals
- if (a ! b)
- greater than or equal to
- if (a gt b) ...
- less than or equal to
- if (a lt b) ...
23Boolean Operators
- and
- if (true true)
- or
- if (true false)
- not
- if (! false) ...
24- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtUsing Variableslt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- var firstNumber 11,
- secondNumber 23,
- sum
- sum firstNumber secondNumber
- document.write("ltFONT COLOR 'blue' SIZE
'6'gtThe sum of " firstNumber " and "
secondNumber " is lt/FONTgt") - document.write(" ltFONT COLOR red' SIZE
'7'gt" sum "lt/FONTgt") - lt/SCRIPTgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt lt!-- An empty document body --gt lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
25(No Transcript)
26JavaScript Constructs
- condition (selection)
- if (condition) statements if true
- else statements if false
- if (metushelahAge lt yourAverageAge)
- document.write ("ltbodygtlth2gtits true that
- Metushelah is younger than most of you,")
- document.write ("ltbrgtcomputers never lie!lt/h2gt
- lt/bodygt")
27JavaScript Constructs
- loop (iteration) both for and while loops are
available - for (var i0 i lt myform.myAge.value.length i)
- var oneCharmyform.myAge.value.substring (i,
i1) - if (oneChar lt "0" oneChar gt "9")
- alert("Please enter a valid number "
- oneChar " is not valid.")
28- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtLoops Examplelt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- for (var counter 1 counter lt 8 counter)
- document.write(ltPgtltFONT COLOR blue SIZE
counter 'gt Now with font size " counter
" lt/FONTgtlt/Pgt ) -
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt lt!-- An empty document body --gt lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
29(No Transcript)
30JavaScript Functions
- Functions are first class citizens
- The keyword function used to define a function
(subroutine) - function add(x,y)
- return(xy)
31Function Input and Output
- Numbers and Boolean values always passed to
functions using call-by-value - For objects, a call-by-reference is used to pass
them to the functions - Numbers and Boolean values are always returned by
value - Objects returned by reference
- The next example uses functions to computing the
Fibonacci numbers - Note the use of recursion
- Be careful, some browsers may not deal well with
very big numbers in the input (i.e., too many
recursive calls)
33- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtFunctions Examplelt/TITLEgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE "JavaScript"gt
- function fibonacciValue()
- var value parseInt(document.fibonacciForm.nu
mber.value ) - window.status "Calculating Fibonacci number
for " value - document.fibonacciForm.result.value
fibonacci(value) - window.status "Done Calculating Fibonacci
number" -
- function fibonacci( n )
- if (n 0 n 1) return n
- else return fibonacci( n - 1 ) fibonacci( n
- 2 ) -
- lt/SCRIPTgtlt/HEADgt
34- ltBODYgt
- ltFORM NAME "fibonacciForm"gt
- ltTABLE BORDER "1" BGCOLOR fabbfc"gt
- ltTRgtltTD BGCOLOR eabbfc"gtEnter a numberlt/TDgt
- ltTDgtltINPUT NAME "number" TYPE
"text"gtlt/TDgt - ltTDgtltINPUT TYPE "button" VALUE
"Calculate" - ONCLICK "fibonacciValue()"lt/TR
gt - ltTRgtltTD BGCOLOR fabbfc"gtFibonacci Valuelt/TDgt
- ltTDgtltINPUT NAME "result" TYPE "text"gt
lt/TDgt lt/TRgt - lt/TABLEgt
- lt/FORMgt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
35Function Arguments
- Within a function, its arguments can be accessed
with argumentsi. - The number of arguments is arguments.length
- A function can be created that takes any number
of arguments
- function myConcat(separator) result"" //
initialize //What does this return? list //
iterate through arguments for (var i1
iltarguments.length i) result
argumentsi separator return result - myConcat(","red","orange","blue")
- Objects have attributes and methods
- There are pre-defined objects and user-defined
object types - Using objects has similarity to the syntax of
objectName.attributeName objectName.methodName()
38Objects Are Like Arrays
myCar.make "Ford" myCar.model
"Mustang" myCar.year 66
myCarmake "Ford" myCarmodel
"Mustang" myCaryear 66
39 function show_props(obj, obj_name) var
result "" for (var i in obj) result
obj_name "." i " " obji "\n"
return result
So, the function call show_props(myCar,
"myCar") would return the following
myCar.make Ford myCar.model
Mustang myCar.year 66
40Creating a New Object
- There are two ways to create new objects
- Object Initializer
- objectNameprop1val1, , propNvalN
- Constructor Function
- define a constructor function
- create the new object using new
function car(make, model, year) this.make
make this.model model this.year year
theMazda new car(Mazda", 323", 1991) theHonda
makeHonda, year1992,
color"red",wheels4, enginecylinders4,size
42Creating a Method
- A method of an object is a function that has been
assigned to the object
object.methodName functionName
- function displayCar()
- var result "A Beautiful " this.year
- " " this.make " " this.model
- document.writeln(result)
function car(make, model, year) this.make
make this.model model this.year year
this.displayCar displayCar