Title: Chapter 2: Using Objects
1Lecture 12
Introducing JAVA SERVER Pages
2JSP Application Development
3Implicit JSP Objects
- When you use scripting elements in a JSP page,
you always have access to a number of objects
that JSP container makes available. - Note All variable names listed on next page are
reserved for the implicit objects. If you declare
your own variables in a JSP page, you must not
use these reserved names for other variables.
4Implicit JSP Objects
5Using JavaBeans Properties
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lthtmlgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- ltjspuseBean id"clock" class"java.util.Date" /gt
- lt if (clock.getHours() lt 12) gt
- Good morning!
- lt else if (clock.getHours() lt 17) gt
- Good day!
- lt else gt
- Good evening!
- lt gt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
6Using Request Information
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lthtmlgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- lt if (request.getHeader("User-Agent").indexOf("MS
IE") ! -1) gt - You're using Internet Explorer.
- lt
- else
- if (request.getHeader("User-Agent").indexOf("
Mozilla") ! 1) - gt
- You're using Netscape.
- lt else gt
- You're using a browser I don't know about.
- lt gt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
7Working with Arrays
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lthtmlgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- ltform action"loop.jsp"gt
- ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Apple"gtAppleltbrgt - ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Banana"gtBananaltbrgt - ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Orange"gtOrangeltbrgt - ltinput type"submit" value"Enter"gt
- lt/formgt
8- lt
- String picked request.getParameterValues("
fruits") - if (picked ! null picked.length ! 0)
- gt
- You picked the following fruits
- ltulgt
- lt
- for (int i 0 i lt picked.length i)
- out.println("ltligt" pickedi)
- gt
- lt/ulgt
- lt gt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
9Displaying values
- A JSP expression element can be used instead of
the - ltjsp getPropertygt action element in some places.
- An expression starts with lt and ends with
gt - The result of the expression is written to the
response body. - The code in an expression must not end with
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lt_at_ page import"com.ora.jsp.util." gt
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtUser Info Entry Formlt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- ltjspuseBean id"userInfo" class"com.ora.jsp.
beans.userinfo.UserInfoBean"gt - ltjspsetProperty name"userInfo"
property"" /gt - lt/jspuseBeangt
- lt-- Output list of values with invalid
format, if any --gt - ltfont color"red"gt
- ltjspgetProperty name"userInfo"
property"propertyStatusMsg" /gt - lt/fontgt
11- lt-- Output form with submitted valid values --gt
- ltform action"userinfo4.jsp" method"get"gt
- lttablegt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtNamelt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text" name"userName"
- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getUserName()) gt" gt - lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtBirth Datelt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text" name"birthDate"
- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getBirthDate()) gt" gt - lt/tdgt
- lttdgt(Use format yyyy-mm-dd)lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
12- lttrgt
- lttdgtEmail Addresslt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text" name"emailAddr"
- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getEmailAddr()) gt" gt - lt/tdgt
- lttdgt(Use format name_at_company.com)lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtSexlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text" name"sex"
- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getSex()) gt" gt - lt/tdgt
- lttdgt(Male or female)lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtLucky numberlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text"
name"luckyNumber" -
13- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(userInfo.get
LuckyNumber()) gt"gt - lt/tdgt
- lttdgt(A number between 1 and 100)lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttd colspan2gtltinput type"submit"gtlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
- lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
14Checking off Checkboxes Dynamically
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lt_at_ page import"com.ora.jsp.util." gt
- lthtmlgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- ltform action"checkbox.jsp"gt
- ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Apple"gtAppleltbrgt - ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Banana"gtBananaltbrgt - ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Orange"gtOrangeltbrgt - ltinput type"submit" value"Enter"gt
- lt/formgt
15- lt
- String picked request.getParameterValues("
fruits") - if (picked ! null picked.length ! 0)
- gt
- You picked the following fruits
- ltformgt
- ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Apple" - lt ArraySupport.contains(picked,
"Apple") ? - "checked" "" gt gtAppleltbrgt
- ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Banana" - lt ArraySupport.contains(picked,
"Banana") ? - "checked" "" gt gtBananaltbrgt
- ltinput type"checkbox" name"fruits"
value"Orange" - lt ArraySupport.contains(picked,
"Orange") ? - "checked" "" gt gtOrangeltbrgt
- lt/formgt
- lt gt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
16Using more request Methods
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lthtmlgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- The following information was received
- ltulgt
- ltligtRequest Method lt request.getMethod()
gt - ltligtRequest URI lt request.getRequestURI()
gt - ltligtRequest Protocol lt request.getProtocol(
) gt - ltligtServlet Path lt request.getServletPath()
gt - ltligtQuery String lt request.getQueryString()
gt - ltligtServer Name lt request.getServerName()
gt - ltligtServer Port lt request.getServerPort()
gt - ltligtRemote Address lt request.getRemoteAddr(
) gt - ltligtRemote Host lt request.getRemoteHost()
gt - ltligtBrowser Type lt request.getHeader("User-A
gent") gt - lt/ulgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
17Declaring Variables and Methods
- Instance variables and methods can be declared by
using declaration element but this is not
recommended. - Instance variables may cause problem because
JSPServlet are multithreaded.
18Using a Declaration element
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtA page with a counterlt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- lt!
- int globalCounter 0
- gt
- This page has been visited lt
globalCounter gt times. - ltpgt
- lt
- int localCounter 0
- gt
- This counter never increases its value lt
localCounter gt - lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
19- You can also declare a method. Only harm is that
in that case JSP page will contain too much code
and may be problem to maintain. Better approach
is use JavaBeans and custom actions.
20Method declaration and use
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lthtmlgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- lt!
- String randomColor()
- java.util.Random random new
java.util.Random() - int red (int) (random.nextFloat() 255)
- int green (int) (random.nextFloat()
255) - int blue (int) (random.nextFloat()
255) - return ""
- Integer.toString(red, 16)
- Integer.toString(green, 16)
- Integer.toString(blue, 16)
- gt
21- lth1gtRandom Colorlt/h1gt
- lttable bgcolor"lt randomColor() gt" gt
- lttrgtlttd width"100" height"100"gtnbsplt/tdgt
lt/trgt - lt/tablegt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
22- Sharing Data Between JSP Pages, Requests, and
23Passing Control and Data Between Pages
- Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Pass control from one page to another.
- Pass data from one page to another.
- Display the form for user input (presentation)
- Validate the input (request processing and
business logic). - Display the result of the validation
(presentation). - Lets use a separate jsp page for each aspect.
24How it will work
- The userinfoinput.jsp page dislays an input form
- The user submit the form to userinputvalidate.jsp
to validate the input. - This page will process the request using the
UserInfoBean and passes control (forwards) to - either the userinfoinput.jsp page (if the input
is invalid) or - the userinfovalid.jsp page ( if the input is
valid). - UserInfoBean represents the Model
- userinputvalidate.jsp page is the controller
- userinfoinput.jsp userinfovalid.jsp represents
the Views.
25Passing control from one page to other
- ltjspforward pageuserinfovalid.jsp /gt
- This action stops processing one page and starts
processing the page specified by the page
attribute instead, called the target page. The
control never returns to the original page. - The target page has access to all the parameter
of the request. You can also add additional
parameters when you pass control to another page
by using one or more nested ltjspparamgt action
element. - ltjspforward pageuserinfovalid.jspgt
- ltjspparam namemsg valueinvalid e-mail
address /gt - lt/jspforwardgt
26- The page attribute is interpreted relative to the
location of the current page if it does not start
with /. - page index.jsp //file in same directory
- page ../foo/index.jsp //file in different
directory - page /foo/index.jsp //context relative path
27Passing Data from one Page to another
- The scope defines for how long the object is
available and whether its available only to one
user or to all application users. - Page Default scope. Object in this scope only
available to actions and scriptlets within one
page.) - RequestThis scope is for Objects that needs to
be available to all pages processing the same
request. - Session This scope is for Objects shared by
multiple requests by the same user - Application This scope is for Objects shared by
all users of the application.
28- ltjspuseBean iduserInfo scoperequest
- class com.ora.jsp.beans.userinfo.UserInfoBean
/gt - If you want to perform an action only when the
bean is created, place the elements in the body
of the ltjspuseBeangt - ltjspuseBean iduserInfo scoperequest
- class com.ora.jsp.beans.userinfo.UserInfoBean
gt - ltjspsetProperty nameuserInfo property
/gt - lt/jspuseBeangt
29Putting it all togather (userinfoinput.jsp)
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lt_at_ page import"com.ora.jsp.util." gt
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtUser Info Entry Formlt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- ltjspuseBean id"userInfo"
- class"com.ora.jsp.beans.userinfo.UserInfoBe
an" - scope"request" /gt
- lt-- Output list of values with invalid format,
if any --gt - ltfont color"red"gt
- ltjspgetProperty name"userInfo"
property"propertyStatusMsg" /gt - lt/fontgt
- lt-- Output form with submitted valid values --gt
- ltform action"userinfovalidate.jsp"
method"post"gt - lttablegt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtNamelt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text" name"userName"
- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getUserName()) gt" gt - lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtBirth Datelt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text" name"birthDate"
- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getBirthDate()) gt" gt -
31- lt/tdgt
- lttdgt(Use format yyyy-mm-dd)lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtEmail Addresslt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text" name"emailAddr"
- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getEmailAddr()) gt" gt - lt/tdgt
- lttdgt(Use format name_at_company.com)lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtSexlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text" name"sex"
- value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getSex()) gt" gt - lt/tdgt
32- lttdgt(Male or female)lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtLucky numberlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltinput type"text"
name"luckyNumber" - value"lt StringFormat.toHTMLString(u
serInfo.getLuckyNumber()) gt"gt - lt/tdgt
- lttdgt(A number between 1 and 100)lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttd colspan2gtltinput type"submit"gtlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
- lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
- lt_at_ page language"java" gt
- ltjspuseBean id"userInfo" scope"request"
- class"com.ora.jsp.beans.userinfo.UserInfoBean"
gt - ltjspsetProperty name"userInfo" property""
/gt - lt/jspuseBeangt
- lt if (userInfo.isValid()) gt
- ltjspforward page"userinfovalid.jsp" /gt
- lt else gt
- ltjspforward page"userinfoinput.jsp" /gt
- lt gt
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtUser Info Validatedlt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- ltfont colorgreen size3gt
- Thanks for entering valid information!
- lt/fontgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
35Sharing Sessions (counter1.jsp
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtCounter pagelt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- ltjspuseBean
- id"sessionCounter"
- scope"session"
- class"com.ora.jsp.beans.counter.CounterBean
" - /gt
- ltjspuseBean
- id"applCounter"
- scope"application"
- class"com.ora.jsp.beans.counter.CounterBean
" - /gt
- lt String uri request.getRequestURI() gt
36- lth1gtCounter pagelt/h1gt
- This page has been visited ltbgt
- lt sessionCounter.getNextValue(uri) gt
- lt/bgt times by the current user in the current
session, and ltbgt - lt applCounter.getNextValue(uri) gt
- lt/bgt times by all users since the application
was started. - lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
37URL rewriting
- lt_at_ page language"java" contentType"text/html"
gt - lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtCounter page 1lt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody bgcolor"white"gt
- ltjspuseBean
- id"sessionCounter"
- scope"session"
- class"com.ora.jsp.beans.counter.CounterBean
" - /gt
- lt String uri request.getRequestURI() gt
- lth1gtCounter page 1lt/h1gt
- This page has been visited ltbgt
- lt sessionCounter.getNextValue(uri) gt
38- lt/bgt times by the current user in the current
session. - ltpgt
- Click here to get to
- lta href"lt response.encodeURL("counter3.jsp"
) gt"gt - Counter page 2lt/agt.
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
39Memory management
- Place only those objects in session that are
required - Set the time out period for sessions to a lower
value - session.setMaxInactiveInterval( )
- Provide a way to end session explicitly. (logout)
- session.invalidate( )