Title: Diapositiva 1
1Advance of Energy Pre-diagnosis
Dra. Mª de la O Barroso Dra. Irene Correa
Tierra Observatorio Local de Empleo (UHU)
Elaborado por
- Objetive of the project
- Metodologhy followed
- Advance of pre-diagnosis
- Upcoming task
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31. Objetivos del proyecto
The ultimate goal of this work is to raise
awareness among citizens Huelva on the importance
of proper use of energy, betting on its
efficiency, and encourage the use of renewable
energy sources. To which we are working on the
execution of an Energy Assessment for a group of
municipalities committed to sustainability, and
pre-advance of strategic lines of a future Plan
of Action Energy.
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41. Objetivos del proyecto
- The study area make up the municipalities in the
province of Huelva committed to the
sustainability of its territory have analyzed
their energy situation within the process of
Local Agenda 21. - The municipalities to consider are
- Aljaraque
- Almonaster la Real
- Almonte
- Aroche
- Ayamonte
- Cartaya
- Isla Cristina
- Lepe
- Moguer
- Palos de la Frontera
- Punta Umbría
- Rosal de la Frontera
- Valverde del Camino
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52. Metodología seguida
The methodology that will guide this work will be
extrapolating quantitative data from
municipalities studied and the incorporation of
qualitative data obtained of expert-the most
important in the field of energy-using the Delphi
method, so that made possible the participatory
development of energy diagnosis in the province
of Huelva.
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62. Metodología seguida Desglose de Tareas
1. Phase pre-diagnosis 1.1. Analysis and
homogenization of energy data presented 1.2.
Development of an interview by Delphi method that
will be sent to a small group of experts 1.3.
Analysis of information obtained 1.4.
Preparation of thematic tables 2.
Establishment of the panel topics 2.1.
Coordination of bureau work agreed date and form,
through a dynamic participatory adjusted to the
peculiarities of each. 2.2. Analysis of
results 3. Presentation of energy Diagnosis
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7 Data analysis municipal energy LA21and
statistics datas
Questionnaire municipal energy
Delphi Method
Analysis of the information. Energy
Presentation Day Pre-diagnosis Energy
municipalities in the area of energy Project 21
Establishment of thematic tables
Thematic tables
Provincial tables
Analysis of results
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Presentation Day Diagnosis Energy municipalities
in the area of energy Project 21
82. Methodology followed Breakdown of Task
Analysis of enrgy municipalities datas LA21 and
statistics datas.
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Source OLE
92. Methodology followed Breakdown of Task
Analysis of enrgy municipalities datas LA21 and
statistics datas.
Source OLE
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102. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
- - Centeringon the analysis of four themes
- Energy efficiency of public services
- Planning and Building
- Sustainable Mobility
- Renewables
- - Delphi methodology
- - Structured in tow rounds of work
- Aimed at belonging technicians 13 municipalities
immersed in process of sustainability process - Relevant Agents in the area
- - Analysis of the 1st round
Questionnaire municipal energy
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112. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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122. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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132. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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142. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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152. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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162. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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172. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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182. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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192. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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202. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
- Energy efficiency of public services
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212. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
2. Planning and building sustainable
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222. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
3. Sustainable Mobility
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232. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
3. Sustainable Mobility
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242. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
4. Renewable Energies
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252. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
4. Renewable Energies
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262. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
4. Renewable Energies
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272. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Questionaire municipal energy
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282. Methodology followed Breakdown of task
Establecimiento de las mesas temáticas
- Thematic meetings
- 4 provincial meetings in Huelva
- Open to municipalities and relevant agents
- DATES may 20 y 27, june 3 y 10
- Zonal bureaux Transverse and/or thematic
- Mín. 4 máx. 12 provincial district meetings
- Open to municipalities and relevant agents
- Dates september-october
Provincial tables
Analysis of results
Presentation Day Diagnosis Energy municipalities
in the area of energy Project 21
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29Please fill in the sheet (Priorities, needs and
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30Elaborado por
31Thank you for your cooperation and attention
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