Title: Housing Solutions for Young People Leaving Foster Care
1Housing Solutions for Young People Leaving Foster
- National Center for Housing and
- Child Welfare
2009 National Pathways to Adulthood Conference
2About NCHCW
- NCHCW is non-profit dedicated to linking housing
resources and knowledge to child welfare systems
to ensure that - children no longer linger needlessly in foster
care as a consequence of family homelessness - young people aging out of foster care system have
solid plans for housing and services to help them
transition to adulthood
3Pop Quiz
- According to 2008 Census Bureau figures, how many
people between 18 to 34 live at home with their
parents - A. 5 million
- B. 20 million
- C. 15 million
- D. None of the above
- 20 million people
- (30 of the 18-34 age group)
5Former Foster Youth are Becoming Homeless
7Youth Housing Options
- Transitional Housing
- Group Homes
- Shared Homes
- Host Homes
- Supervised Apartments
- Scattered Site Apartments
- Permanent Housing
- Permanent Supportive
- Housing
- Individual Apartments
- Emergency Housing
- Shelters
8Transitional Housing
Base housing option on needs of youth
9Permanent Housing/Emergency Needs
Base housing option on needs of youth
10Dont Do This..
11Strategies to Access Housing Resources for Youth
Aging Out of Care
12Strategy 1 Tap into Federal Housing Resources
13Family Unification Program (FUP) Vouchers
- Provides Housing Choice Vouchers to communities
to - Prevent placement of children into care and
reunify families - Provide temporary rent assistance (up to 18
months) for youth aging out of care - Requires a MOU between child welfare agency and
public housing authority - 20 million will be awarded this year
14Strategy 1 Tap into Federal Housing Resources
15Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re-housing (HPRP)
- 1.5 billion allocated on formula basis not a
competition - 60 percent of funds must be spent within two
years, 100 percent within three - Funding should be available September at the
latest - Contact your ESG coordinator for more information
16Strategy 2 Access Child Welfare Funding
17Fostering Connections to Success Act
- States, at their option, can extend support to
youth in foster care until age 19, 20 or 21
potential avoiding homelessness upon discharge.
18Strategy 3 Access Community Development
- Flexible funding for individuals with low and
moderate incomes - Most relevant activity for youth is Public
Services and Public Improvements and Facilities - Used to find the purchase, construction, or
rehabilitation of youth facilities
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20Strategy 4 Establish Public-Private Partnerships
21Strategy 5 Create Cross-System Dialogue
22Final Thoughts..
23Last Chance for a Prize
24Answer is
25(No Transcript)
26Contact Information
- Roxana Torrico, MSW
- Senior Consultant, National Center for Housing
Child Welfare - 703-606-7106
- roxana_torrico_at_yahoo.com
- For more information
- National Center for Housing Child Welfare
- www.nchcw.org