Title: A New Approach To Fighting Fires
1A New ApproachTo Fighting Fires
2Old Ways
- A new approach is obviously needed in the way we
fight fires. A paradigm shift in thinking may be
hard to sell, but I believe it's needed to solve
a reoccurring dangerous and expensive problem.
We're still using the same approach, and often
times same equipment as we used 30 to 50 years
ago. Even if we didn't have the threat of arson
and terrorism, we need a better way to be in
control of fire.
3- Regardless of whether people should build near
forests, or whether forests need to be cleared,
or whether fire is nature's way of clearing, it
is necessary that we have a way of controlling
4What we know about fire
- What we know about fire is that it's a relatively
small problem when the fire itself is only a few
acres, and it's basically out of control when
it's large and consumes thousands of acres. We
also know fire has no local or state borders and
doesn't care about politics. We know that fire
has it's way when local governments don't have
the resources, the technology, the coordination
or the delivery systems.
5What else do we know?
- We also know our military excels in air
technology and delivery systems and our Federal
Government has as it's primary mission to protect
the people from danger to life and property
foreign and domestic.
6The New Approach
- I'm suggesting that the Federal Government,
namely the military, be in charge of regional air
strike forces to fight initial fires with the
intention that they are hit immediately, with
overwhelming force, any time of day or night,
regardless of weather-- and that the fires are
put out when theyre small within hours of their
7The Cost
- The military's budget would include enough to
utilize high technology with infrared satellite
information to show exact fire edges, the
development of whatever state-of-the-art
retardants and delivery systems are needed, and a
fleet of planes ready for immediate launch in the
different regions of the U.S. These are things
each local government could never develop due to
lack of knowledge, expertise, resources, and
coordination and it shouldn't be left to the
private sector on a 'for-profit' basis.
With our technology at work with the power of our
military air expertise, there is no reason why we
cant put fires out while they are small.
- Imagine a small fire is spotted in the middle of
an area in the southwest region with no roads.
Immediately an overwhelming force of military
planes are scrambled from a centralized area
within the region. Satellites give exact fire
edges, the all-weather-day/night air support hits
the fire with double or triple the amount needed
within a few short hours while the fire is small.
This involves drops of higher technology
retardants (that may not yet be developed) with
precision placement with incredibly quick
response time.
9Brave Firefighters With Impossible Odds
- The men and women who fight the fires on the
ground are brave and wonderful, but I'd like to
prevent them from having to be called in to fight
so many giant fires in which they are severely
overmatched. There should no longer be excuses
that we can't fly at night, we don't have the
planes, we don't have the training, technology,
or coordination, or that days are needed to get
outside help. We have the technology, the power,
the expertise to put the fires out within hours
while they are small. But do we have the WILL and
INTENTION to do it?
10Call To Action
- I believe that our homeland security and defense
calls for this shift in responsibility and I hope
we can muster the will to change our approach
before we lose more lives and property more
treasured forests and more of our ability to
control our destiny-- especially in this day and
age of terrorist threats. - What can you do?
11What you can do!
- Spread this idea to your friends, to your
governor, to senators, to representatives, to the
President. Let it be known that you know there
are solutions to this terrible yearly fire
problem and you want a shift in approach and want
better solutions than each locality battling with
old technology and poor resources. That you want
the Federal Government, namely the military, to
be in charge of regional air strike forces to
fight initial fires with the intention that they
are hit immediately, with overwhelming force, any
time of day or night, regardless of weather-- and
that the fires are put out when theyre small
within hours of their detection.
Presented by Cliff Durfee, designaffect.com
11/8/03 Some photos were obtained through
anonymous emails, please forgive any unauthorized
use due to the importance of this cause, and
please do not re-use these photos for other
purposes due to this unknown nature of the photo
rights. (all fire photos except for slide
4-(unknown) 8-Ventura county were of the San
Diego fires in the fall of this year.)
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