Title: University Libraries
1Transformation of WIU Libraries
2Library Changes Between 2000-2006
- Circulation Statistics down 129
- Print Journals 2500 down to 1600
- Electronic Reserve 169 increase
- ILL Statistics 42 increase
- Electronic Journals almost none in 2000 to
20,000 currently.
- Gate Count 34 increase
- Seating space in libraries down from 3000 upon
opening, to 1331 currently.
- Archives no digital collection in 2000 to 4000
pieces of digital history of the region.
3Major Themes that Impact Todays Libraries
- Information Anytime and Anywhere
- Access versus Ownership of information resources
- Digital Native versus the Digital Immigrant
4Todays student in perspective
- Today's 21-year-olds were born in 1985
- The internet was two years old
- Nintendo launched 'Super Mario Brothers'
- World Wide Web
- The Palm Pilot
- Mobile phones
- Napster and Blogger.com
- The iPod and the early social networking services
appeared in 2002
- Skype launched in 2003
- YouTube launched in 2005
5Challenges of Creating Digital Collections
- Greater need for high speed computers and
wireless devices in the library.
- Increased use and demand for electronic databases
and journals
- Education of the virtual learner
- Access versus Ownership
- Balancing the print and electronic materials
- Digitizing our archival and historical documents,
i.e. creation of WIUs Digital Library
- Storage of University Archives and Special
6Challenges of Creating Learning Space
- Recreation and revitalization of library space
and services
- Demand for collaborative learning spaces in the
- Demand for compact storage and preservation of
our historical documents
7Student Digital Commons Phase One
8Where are we now in terms of storage?
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11What are the benefits of compact storage units?
- Compact storage saves space and can help to
preserve the life of documents.
- Superior alternative to stacking books, articles,
and documents on the floor or tops of book
12 So how does compact shelving work?
Side view in action!
Overhead view
- Compact storage shelving can be controlled and
moved just by pressing a button or on other units
by turning a crank.
13Compact storage gives up to 50 more floor space
14Compact Storage gives WIU the opportunity to
Recreate and Revitalize the Malpass Library and
Transform WIU Libraries
15We want to
- Exploit the educational mission of the library
- Create an Information Commons
- Improve Library Efficiency
- Increase technology innovation to provide the
delivery of information anytime and anywhere
- Hire, train and retain tech savvy staff
16- Our Vision
- WIU Libraries serves as a portal to the
information landscape (physical and virtual)
- Our Slogan
- WIU Libraries The Learning Space
17Our Goal
- Inspire and educate Faculty and Students to use
the library through innovative services and
redesigned facilities.
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