Title: Diapositiva 1
The man who challenged the impossible
2 Anthony Mary Claret...
- Works a lot, but is not a workaholic
- Prays often, but is not an evasive
- Writes a lot, but is not a man of letters
- Is well known, but is not a superstar
- Suffers a lot, but is never a bitter man
- Is a saint, but is not a fool
3So, who is Antony Mary Claret?
4He was born in Sallent, Spain, on
December 23, 1807
5Since childhood he wanted to become a priest
6Works in the family textile mill. Manufacturing
was in his blood
7At age 17 leaves Sallent and goes to Barcelona
there is a whole world to explore!
8Works during the day. Studies at night. Dreams of
becoming a manufacturer. Received an offer to
manage a company
9But God has a different offer for him
10In the midst of this whiling of ideas, while I
was at Mass one day, I remembered reading as a
small boy those worlds What does it profit a
man if he gain the whole world and suffer the
loss of his soul? This pharese impressed me
deeply nd went like an arrow to my heart.
11The time to decide has come!
12He prepares himself to become a priest in the
seminary of Vic, in Catalonia, Spain
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17He bacame priest on June 13 of 1835 in Solsona
18After trying to go to foreign missions, he became
itinerant missionary in Catalonia
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20 and in Canary Islands
21Always poor and on foot, announcing the Gospel
to the poor, like the profects and the apostles
22On July 16 of 1849 he founds the Congregation of
Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
in this small room of the seminary of Vic
23Together with five other companions
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25- Most Blessed Mother, may the courtesy of your
Immaculate Heart, in accepting us as your Sons,
be praised a thousand times! Mother, make us
cooperate with such kindness by becoming daily
more humbe, fervent and zealous for the salvation
of souls.
26Surprising news arrived on August 4 of 1849 Pope
Pius IX appoints him as Archbishop of Santiago,
in Cuba
27Overwhelmed by the nomination, I had no desire
to accept it because I considered myself unworthy
and incapable of such a great dignity, for which
I lacked both the necessary knowledge and
281851-1857 Archbishopof Santiago in Cuba
29Fought injustice, promoted the poor, organished
the diocese
301857-1868 Confessor to Queen Isabel II of Spain
31I was a few days into the mission when I
received a royal summons to Madrid. The
Archbishop of Toledo, who was confessor to the
queen, had died, and Her Majesty had chosen me as
her new confessor.
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341857-1868 During these years he wrote plenty of
books and pamphlets
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36His mind and heart were always open to the
universal mission My spirit is for the whole
371868 Exile in París
381870 Father at the Vatican I
39Great champion of the Popes infallibility
40Exiled in the Cistercian monastery of Fontfroide,
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42He died on October 24 of 1870
43Since 1897 his tomb is in Vic, Spain
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45He was canonized by Pope Pious XII
on May 7 of 1950
46His ideal?
47To Evangelize
48A symbol?
49The fire
50- I tell to myself A Son of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary in a man on fire with love, who spreads
its flames wherever he goeas. He desires mighty
and strives by all means possible to set everyone
on fire with Gods love.
51Nothing daunts him he delights in privations,
welcomes work, embraces sacrifices, smailes at
slander, rejoices in all the torments and
sorrows, he suffers, and glories in the cross of
Jesus Christ
52He only concern is how he may follow Christ and
imitate him in praying, working, suffering and
striving constantly and solely for the greater
glory of God and the salvation of humankind.
54Shaped in the forge of Your mercy and love
55Big soul, born to assemble aspects in contrast
56Humble in origins and glorious at the eyes of the
57Small in body but great in spirit, simple
looking man but able to command respect from the
powers of this world
58Strong character, but gentle and sweet person,
fruit both of his austerity and penance
59Always in the presence of God, even in the midst
of an impressive activity
60Slandered and admired, praised
and persecuted
61and, among such a wonders, as gentle light that
makes everything bright, his devotion to the
Mother of God (Píus XII)
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63The Spirit of Claret is still alive today
- Claretian Missionary Sisters
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