Title: Standards
1SENG 691Q System Integration and E-Commerce
An Overview for Software EngineersWVU MS
Software Engineering Lecture 2 Instructor
Michael Evanoff (evanoffm_at_mantech-wva.com) Use
SENG 691Q in subject of ALL emails!!!
2Reading Assignments
- Chapters 1 - 5 in the e-Business 2.0 book
3Some takeaways from reading assignment
- Understand the importance of the term
Enterprise - Applications, Architectures, Computing, Culture,
Management, etc. - Trends driving E-Business Architecture
- Velocity of business, enterprise boundaries are
disappearing, technology expectations are higher - Technology infrastructure is becoming more
pervasive and ubiquitous - E-Business Application Architecture
- See Figure 5.11
- Supply Chain, CRM, ERP, EAI, etc.
- Horizontal vs. Vertical
- Begin understanding the important role that
integration plays with respect to E-Business
4Legacy to the Future
- EDI in use by big Fortune 1000
- See statistics 95 of Fortune 1000 use EDI today
- The Government is a big user of EDI
- Web Services XML are coming on like a tidal
wave - Both Big Industry the Government is embracing
XML - The goal is to transition smoothly from X12
Legacy Systems to Standards-based Web Services
5EDI Example Manufacturing Sector
This market represents about 65 of all
commercial EDI
Freight Forwarding
1st Tier Manufacturer
Wholesaler / Warehouses
6Commercial EDI Standards For DoD Logistics
The Fed / DoD Infrastructure
the ANSI X12 environment ...
- In step with finance, procurement,
- civil agencies facilitates integration
- In step with 95 of the Fortune 1000
- companies facilitates electronic
- partnerships with industry
- Pre-requisite for re-engineering
- (e.g., facilitates adopting commercial
- practices w/COTS (Software), third party
- log support)
- Expand electronic commerce
- ... (e.g.., maintenance, warehousing)
Web Enabled
Web Enabled
- Links warfighter to commercial sector
- Responsive to new process opportunities
- Facilitates adoption of commercial practices
7Ray Lanes Forces Shaping the EC Market
8Lecture Two Outline
- Overview of tonights lecture
- Importance of Standards
- Pre-Web Standards related to EC
- Web Standards for EC
- Open Source Standards for EC
- Categorizing Web EC Standards
- Industry Associations EC Standards
- E-Business Standards Efforts
- Critical Success Factors for Web EC Maturation
91. Importance of Standards
- Standards provide a vendor-neutral boundary layer
between the business systems used by each party
in a given trading partner community. - To achieve interoperability, EC standards, as a
minimum, must address secure connectivity, data
semantics, data syntax, document format,
transmission control protocol, etc.
11EC Standards
- Typically, a pair of trading partners or an
entire trading community (including online
consumer community) will agree upon the
applicable standards and document them in some
form of agreement. - Alternatively, as in the case of online browsers,
the standards may be industry defined. - The standards universe for Electronic Commerce
ranges from the purely technical transmission
standards, such as TCP/IP, to those designed to
address the business content of the EC
transaction, such as EDI and XML.
12e-Business Business Process Constructs
Design, Develop, Execute, Manage, Evaluate
Layer 5 - Layer 4 - Layer 3 - Layer 2 -
Layer 1 -
Pervasive Technical Infrastructure
raw data
13Traditional EDI vs. Next Generation e-Busines
Intelligent Business Information
- Schemas
- Repository
- Namespace
- BizCodes
- Core Components
- XSLT, DOM, Links,JDBC, Agents, APIs,
middleware, etc.
Web EC
Plus Transport, Routing, Security too!
14e-Business System Core Service Layers
- Interoperability Services
- Data translation, transformation, workflow, etc.
- Validation Services
- Content, syntax, etc.
- Security Services
- Authorization, encryption, authentication,
detection, etc. - Transport Services
- Routing, guaranteed delivery, receive, logs,
recovery, etc.
-- secondary functions might include business
activity monitoring, analytics, etc.
15A Definitive Need for Standardization
- Global Standards will enable
- Minimized the need for training personnel in use
and maintenance of EDI standards - Eliminating the costs associated with
duplication of functionality - Minimizing the need for multiple translation
software, and - Semantic harmonization, which in turn will
provide interoperability among different but
interconnected applications
162. Pre-Web Standards Related to EC
17Pre-Web E-Commerce Standards
- SMTP, etc.
- Automated Clearing House (ACH) Fed. Reserve
- Banking Finance industry
- Code lists
- Data element naming conventions, etc.
18Pre-Web Standards
- www.ansi.org American National Standards
Institute - www.x12.org ANSI ASC X12 Committee
- American National Standards Institute Accredited
Standards Committee X12. X12 is an Accredited
Standards Committee operating under the
procedures of the American National Standards
Institute. ASC X12 develops, maintains,
interprets, publishes and promotes the proper use
of Electronic Data Interchange standards.
19Pre-Web (and Post-Web) Standards
- www.disa.org Data Interchange Standards
Association - Data Interchange Standards Association the
secretariat and educational arm for ASC X12,
entry point for U.S. participation with the
UN/EDIFACT standard, and manager for a number of
industry e-business organizations.
20Pre-Web (and Post-Web) Standards
- www.uncefact.org -- United Nations Centre for
Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business - United Nations Centere for Trade Facilitation and
Electronic Business - www.iso.ch International Organization for
Standardization - Worldwide federation of national standards bodies
from some 130 countries, one from each country
21Examples of some ISO standards used in E-Business
- ISO 639. Code for the representation of names of
languages. - ISO 4217. Codes for the representation of
currencies and funds. - ISO 8601. Data elements and interchange formats
-- Information interchange -- Representation of
dates and times. - ISO 6709. Standard representation of latitude,
longitude and altitude, for geographic point
locations. - ISO 3166. English country names and code elements.
22Internet Engineering Task Force
- www.ietf.org --
- Internet Engineering Task Force is an open
international community of network designers,
operators, vendors, and researchers concerned
with the evolution of the Internet architecture
and the smooth operation of the Internet.
23Some IETF Standardsused in E-Business
- Transmission Communication Protocol / Internet
Protocol - MIME
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- File Transfer Protocol
- Etc.
24Electronic Payments Standards
- http//www.nacha.org -- The Electronic Payments
Association - a not-for-profit trade association that develops
operating rules and business practices for the
Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network and for
other areas of electronic payments, which include
Internet commerce, electronic bill payment and
presentment (EBPP), financial electronic data
interchange (EDI), international payments,
electronic checks, electronic benefits transfer
(EBT) and student lending. Also promote the use
of electronic payment products and services, such
as Direct Deposit and Direct Payment
-- National ACH Association (NACHA)
25Electronic Payments Standards
- Fedwire
- The Federal Reserve Banks operate the Fedwire
electronic funds transfer, bonds, treasury bills,
mortgages, and securities services. - Institutions that maintain a reserve or clearing
account with a Federal Reserve Bank may use
Fedwire to send payments to, or receive payments
from, other account holders directly. These
payments are primarily for the settlement of
interbank purchases and sales of fed funds the
purchase, sale, and financing of securities
transactions the disbursement of loan proceeds
or the repayment of loans and the settlement of
real estate transactions.
26Object Management Group
- http//www.omg.org
- The OMG was formed to create a component-based
software marketplace by hastening the
introduction of standardized object software. The
organization's charter includes the establishment
of industry guidelines and detailed object
management specifications to provide a common
framework for application development.
Conformance to these specifications will make it
possible to develop a heterogeneous computing
environment across all major hardware platforms
and operating systems. - See XMI, UML, Corba/Java binding
27Product / ServiceIdentification Standards
- International Article Numbering Association
- http//www.ean-int.org
- Working with the development of a set of
standards enabling the efficient management of
global, multi-industry supply chains by uniquely
identifying products, shipping units, assets,
locations and services. It facilitates electronic
commerce processes including full tracking and
traceability. - The International Article Numbering Association,
which in cooperation with the UCC administers the
UCC/EAN system. The UCC/EAN system consists of
product and serialized identification codes,
Application Identifiers, and associated symbols
for recognition.
-- EAN European Article Numbering Association
28Product / ServiceIdentification Standards
- Uniform Code Council
- http//www.uc-council.org/
- The mission of the Uniform Code Council, Inc., is
to take a global leadership role in establishing
and promoting multi-industry standards for
product identification and related electronic
communication. - The goal is to enhance supply chain management
thus contributing added value to the customer.
29Trading PartnerIdentification Standards
- Dun Bradstreet
- http//www.dnb.com/
- DUNS Number Name Services are based on Dun and
Bradstreet's Data Universal Numbering System
(DUNS Number). - The DUNS Number is an internationally recognized
nine-digit company identifier used for EDI and
electronic commerce. - Note the Government sometimes uses a DUNS 4
- The EAN/UCC and Dun Bradstreet are competitors
in this business of assigning company numbers for
building location codes. DB operates world-wide,
assigning unique DUNS numbers to all legal
entities, whereas you have to join the EAN or UCC
before an EAN company prefix will be assigned.
Therefore, the DUNS4 assignment might be more
convenient for some companies.
313. Web Standards for EC
32Web EC Standards
- Enabling Standards
- XML Family, HTML
- Web Services
- Java servlets, applets, translets,
applications, and enterprise component modules - Open Source
- We will discuss this today in part four of this
brief - Business Application Frameworks
- See next slide
33Fusion of Pre-Web and Web Standards
34WHO IS DOING WHAT?Standards Activities Directly
Related to XML
- International Standards Bodies
- ISO TC184/SC4
- ISO TC 154
- Consortia
- W3C
- ebXML
- XML.org
- RosettaNet
- BizTalk
XML Standards Activities
35World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- The World Wide Web Consortium is the main
standards body (non-accredited) for the
World-Wide Web. W3C was created by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
during October 1994. Netscape Communications
Corporation was a founding member. The
Consortium is operated by MIT Laboratory for
Computer Science (LCS) and The French National
Institute for Research in Computer Science and
Control (INRIA), in collaboration with CERN where
the Web originated.
36World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- W3C is funded by industrial members and with
support from DARPA and the European Commission
but its products are freely available to all.
Organizations may apply for membership to the
Consortium individual membership isn't offered.
The director is Tim Berners-Lee who invented the
World-Wide Web at the Center for European
Particle Research (CERN). - --See next slide
37W3C Members (Over 300)
- Access
- Access Company Limited
- Acuity
- Adobe Systems Inc.
- Agfa Division, Bayer Corp.
- Agile Software
- Agranat Systems, Inc.
- Alcatel Alsthom Recherche
- Alfa-Omega Foundation
- Aliaron, Inc.
- Alis Technologies, Inc.
- Allaire Corporation
- America Online, Inc.
- American Express
- AND Data Ltd
- AND-USA, Inc.
Commissariat a LÉnergie Atomique (CEA) Compaq
Computer Corporation Computer Answer Line Concur
Technologies Corel Corporation Corporation for
National Research Initiatives (CNRI) Council for
the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
(CCL) Crystaliz, Inc. CSIRO Australia CyberCash,
Inc. Daewoo Electronics Company Data Channel Data
Interchange Standards Association, Inc.
(DISA) Data Research Associates, Inc. Datafusion,
Inc. Datalogics, Incorporated Defense Information
Systems Agency (DISA) Department of
Communications, Information Technology and the
Arts Deutsche Telekom - Online Service GmbH
(T-Online) DFN Verein Digital Vision Laboratories
Corporation Direct Marketing Association,
Inc. Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC
Pty Ltd) DoubleClick E-centre UK Eastman Kodak
Company EC Cubed, Inc. École Nationale Supérieure
dInformatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées
(ENSIMAG) University of Edinburgh (HCRC Language
Technology Group) EEIG/ERCIM Electricité de
France Electronic Network Consortium ENEL Engage
Technologies Enigma ENN Corporation Entrust
Technologies, Inc. Epicentric, Inc. Eprise
Corporation ERICSSON Ernst Young LLP ETNOTEAM
S.p.A. EUnet International BV Excosoft Federal
Geographic Data Committee Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory FIZ Karlsruhe
(FachInformationsZentrum) Forschungszentrum
Informatik (FZI) Foundation for Research and
Technology (FORTH) France Telecom Fraunhofer
IGD Fretwell-Downing Data Systems Ltd. FSTC
(Financial Services Technology Consortium) Fujitsu
Limited Fulcrum Technologies, Inc. GE
Information Services, Inc. GEMPLUS General Magic,
Inc. GEO Interactive Media Group Ltd. George
Washington University Geoworks GlobeID Software
MindQuake Interactive, Inc. MITRE
Corporation Mitsubishi Electric
Corporation Motorola MTA SZTAKI NASA Ames
Research Center National Chiao Tung
University National Security Agency
(NSA) National University of Singapore NCompass
Labs, Inc. NCR NEC Corporation NETAWAY Netscape
Communications NetStudio Corporation Network
Computer, Inc. (NCI) Network Solutions University
of New South Wales NHS (National Health Service,
UK) Nippon Telegraph Telephone Corp.
(NTT) NOKIA Corporation Nortel Novell, Inc. NTT
Data Corporation NTT Mobile Communications
Network, Inc. (NTT DoCoMo) OReilly Associates,
Inc. Organization for the Advancement of
Structured Information Standards (OASIS) Object
Design Object Management Group, Inc. (OMG) Object
Services and Consulting, Inc. OCLC (Online
Computer Library Center, Inc.) OmniMark
Technologies Corporation ONION S.p.A. The Open
Group Open Market, Inc. Open Software Associates,
Inc. Open Text Corporation Oracle
Corporation Pacific Softworks Paradigm
Development Corporation Partners HealthCare
System, Inc. Pencom Web Works Perspecta,
Inc. Pervasive Software Philips Electronic
N.V. Phoenix Technologies Ltd. Poet Software
Corporation PointCast Incorporated Pretty Good
Privacy, Inc. The Productivity Works,
Inc. Qualcomm Inc. Quark, Inc. Rapid Logic,
Inc. Raptor Systems, Inc. RealNetworks Reed
Elsevier Reuters Limited Rivcom Riverland Holding
NV/SA Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology Royal National Institute for the Blind
(RNIB) S.W.I.F.T. sc SAIC/Bellcore
Sandpiper Networks, Inc. SAP AG SBC Technology
Resources Security Dynamics Technologies,
Inc. Segue Software Sema Group Sharp
Corporation SICS Sitara Networks,
Inc. Snap SoftQuad Software, Inc. Software
AG Software Publishers Association
(SPA) Sonnetech, Ltd. Sony Corporation University
of Southampton Speech Works International,
Inc. Spyglass, Inc. Sqribe Technologies StarBurst
Communications Strategic Interactive Group Stuart
McIntosh Sun Microsystems, Inc. surfCONTROL SURFne
t bv Swedish Institute for Systems Development
(SISU) Sybase, Inc. Synth-Bank Tandem Computers,
a division of Compaq Technische Universitat
Graz Teknema Corporation Telecom Colombia Telecom
Italia Texcel Group The Thomson
Corporation TIAA-CREF TNO Multimedia and
Telecommunications Toshiba Corporation Toyota
Motor Corporation Trilogy Technologies,
Inc. TRUSTe 2Bridge Software UKERNA UNI.C United
States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Unwired Planet UWI.Com Veon, Inc. VeriSign,
Inc. Verity, Inc. Victor Data Systems Co.,
Ltd. Vignette Corporation Visio Corporation VTT
Information Technology Wall Data
Incorporated Waterloo Maple webMethods,
Inc. WebTV Networks Inc. WinWriters Wolfram
Research, Inc. worldweb WWW - KR Xerox
Corporation Xionics Document Technologies, Inc.
- GMD National Research Center for Information
Technology - Graphic Communications Association
- Grenoble Network Initiative
- Groove Networks, Inc.
- Groupe ESC Grenoble
- GTW Associates
- Harlequin Inc.
- Health Level Seven, Inc.
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Helsinki Telephone Corporation
- Hewlett Packard Company
- Hitachi, Ltd.
- Hong Kong Jockey Club
- Hong Kong Productivity Council
- Hong Kong University of Science Technology
- HTML Writers Guild, Inc.
- Hyperwave Information Management, Ges. m.b.H.
- IBM Corporation
National Labs
38XML Specifications
- The core specification is subset of the Standard
Generalized Markup Language (ISO standard 8879) - The XML series of related technical
specifications - Provide a syntax for identifying, exchanging, and
displaying data - Are designed for data exchanges using web
transfer protocols between connection nodes - and
the originator/receiver of the data
39XML Specifications
- The Technical Specifications -
- Are developed by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) - Issued as W3C recommendations
- Not submitted to accredited standards bodies
40Web Internet Standards Bodies
- The Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- The Document Object Model (DOM),
- XSL Transformations (XSLT)
- The XML Path Language (XPath)
- Namespaces in XML
- XML HyperText Markup Language (XHTML)
41XML Business Standards
- The developing XML business standards provide
metadata containers - These business standards provide the following
capabilities - Define format
- Define content
- Define how information will be exchanged
42Some additional XML Specs
- Schema Working Group
- XML Schemas
- Core Working Group
- XML 1.1, Canonical XML, XML Base, XML InfoSet,
XInclude, XML Fragment Interchange - Linking Working Group
- XLink, XPointer
- Query Working Group
- XML Query
- XML Signature
434. Open Source Standards for EC
44Open Source StandardsThe source code is in the
public domain
- Star Office
- http//www.openoffice.org
- Java Community Process
- http//jcp.org/en/home/index
- Apache Software Foundation
- http//www.apache.org/
- Mozilla.Org
- http//www.mozilla.org/
- Linux - http//www.linux.org
- API for programmatic access to Microsofts
emerging Web Services, which include the
following - UDDI
- Mobile Computing
- Palm Computing
- E-Commerce
- etc.
465. Categorizing Web EC Standards
47Bill Joys - The Emerging Six Webs
- 1. Near Web - The most familiar Web we interact
with from our desktop. - 2. Pocket Web Like Wireless Application
Protocol for an information appliance like the
Palm. - 3. Entertainment Web Television combined with
Web experience. - 4. The Voice Web - Any device with a built-in
chip that can respond to your voice (phone today
/ radio soon). - 5. The EC Web - The Web that automates
behind-the-scenes business transactions. - 6. The Device Web - The Web with different
devices that let each other know their
capabilities, and interact accordingly.
Human in the loop
48Web E-Commerce Standards
- Describing data / information
- Presenting data
- Linking data
- Processing Data
- APIs / Data models
- Identification Standards
- Security Standards
- Industry Specific Business Standards
49Emerging e-Business FrameworkStandardization
Transport Routing
Content Definition
e-Business Standardization Activities
506. Industry Associations EC Standards
51Industry Associations
- Sometimes referred to as Industry Trade Group or
Trade Association, is generally a public
relations organization founded and funded by
corporations that operate in a specific industry. - Its purpose is generally to support and promote
the industry through outreach and support
activities to facilitate collaboration between
companies, and to support standardization. - E-Business conventions and requirements trickle
down from Top-tier to lower tier E-Business
partners - Associations may offer other services, such as
producing conferences, networking, offering
training classes / educational materials, etc. - Many associations are non-profit organizations
governed by bylaws and directed by officers who
are also members.
52Specific Industries
- Automotive
- Aviation
- Banking and Finance
- Communications
- Consulting
- Electronics
- Energy Utilities
- Government (Defense, Federal, State, Local)
53Specific Industries continued...
- Healthcare
- Insurance
- Petroleum
- Publishing
- Raw Materials
- Retail
- Software
- Transportation
54EIA Electronics Industry Association
- EIDX (www.eia.org)
- The Electronic Industries Alliance is a
federation of Associations and Sectors operating
in the most competitive yet innovative industry
in existence. They are the critical players in
their industries. Each has their own members,
their own mission, their own autonomy. United
under EIA, they form the premier high technology
organization in the world. - EIA connects them, not only offering digital age
companies membership in leading associations -
but also provides the unique benefits of a true
cross-sector alliance. - EIA is a complete resource, and a powerful,
unified voice to expand and advance the
electronics industries.
- The AIA (www.aia-aerospace.org)
- The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) of
America, Inc., based in Washington, DC, is the
premier trade association representing the
nation's manufacturers of commercial, military,
and business aircraft, helicopters, aircraft
engines, missiles, spacecraft, materiels, and
related components and equipment.
56Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
- www.aiag.org
- The Automotive Industry Action Group is a
globally recognized organization founded in 1982
by a group of visionary managers from
DaimlerChrysler, Ford, and General Motors. - The purpose To provide an open forum where
members cooperate in developing and promoting
solutions that enhance the prosperity of the
automotive industry. - AIAGs focus is to continuously improve business
processes and practices involving trading
partners throughout the supply chain. - (see also www.gmsupplier.com)
- http//www.air-transport.org
- The purpose of the ATA is to support and assist
its members by promoting the air transport
industry and the safety, cost effectiveness, and
technological advancement of its operations
advocating common industry positions before state
and local governments conducting designated
industry-wide programs and assuring governmental
and public understanding of all aspects of air
58Electronic Payments Association
- www.nacha.org
- NACHA is a not-for-profit trade association that
develops operating rules and business practices
for the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network
and for other areas of electronic payments. - NACHA activities and initiatives facilitate the
adoption of electronic payments in the areas of
Internet commerce, electronic bill payment and
presentment (EBPP), financial electronic data
interchange (EDI), international payments,
electronic checks, electronic benefits transfer
(EBT) and student lending. - We also promote the use of electronic payment
products and services, such as Direct Deposit and
Direct Payment.
59Insurance Industry Association
- Insurance Industry
- http//www.acord.org/about_frame.htm
- The Association for Cooperative Operations
Research and Development, is the insurance
industry's nonprofit standards developer, a
resource for information about object technology,
EDI, XML and electronic commerce in the United
States and abroad.
60American Trucking Association
- Trucking Association
- http//www.trucking.org/
- The American Trucking Associations is the
national trade association of the trucking
industry. Our mission is to serve the united
interests of the 9.3 million people and
423,000-plus companies involved in trucking, and
to educate public officials at all levels of
government about the essential nature of our
61Government Perspectives
- U.S. Government Policy
- United States Electronic Commerce Policy Page
- http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov/
- See the 2003 E-Government Strategyhttp//www.whi
tehouse.gov/omb/egov/2003egov_strat.pdf - Federal Office of Electronic Government and
Technology - http//www.estrategy.gov/
62International Development
- World Customs Organization (WCO)
- http//www.wcoomd.org/
- The WCO RECOMMENDS that Members of the Council
and all members of the United Nations
Organization or its specialized agencies, and
Customs or Economic Unions should apply the
UN/EDIFACT rules as defined in the Annex to this
Recommendation, and future updated versions of
these rules for the preparation of electronic
messages to be interchanged between Customs
administrations and between Customs
administrations and other trade users.
63International Development
- United Nations Commission on International Trade
Law - STANDARDIZATION POLICIES - http//www.unece.org/
- Trade Facilitation Web Sites
- http//www.unece.org/trade/
- World Trade Organization
- http//www.wto.org/
- World Bank / IMF
- Controlled by the G7 group of seven
industrial countries
647. E-Business Standards Efforts
- electronic business XML (www.ebXML.org)
- a joint effort of UN/CEFACT and OASIS with the
collaboration of cross-industry electronic
business experts and e-commerce initiatives to
establish a suite of specifications to enable a
standardized global framework the business
specifications for the exchange of electronic
business data using XML. - The group began work in November of 1999 and has
a self imposed goal of 18 months to deliver a
suite of technical specifications - The group will turn these specs over to an
accredited stds body
-- Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards
66ebXML Industry Support
- Industry Associations represented
- AIAG (auto)
- Aviation Industry
- OTA (travel)
- Government
- Food
- Finance
- Banking
- etc.
67ebXML Government Participation
- U.S. Government
- EC Program Office
- NIST (Natl Institute for Standards Testing)
- Military Transport Materiel Command (MTMC)
- DOD Contractor Support
- ManTech Mike Evanoff
68ebXML Stds Bodies Represented
- International Organization for Standardization
- http//www.iso.ch/
- The European Committee for Standardization
Information Society Standardization System - http//www.cenorm.be/
- Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12
- http//www.disa.org/
69ebXML Stds Bodies Represented
- UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and E-Business
- http//www.unece.org/cefact/
- W3C and IETF (non-accredited)
- See XML/EDI Standardization An Industry Profile
Report - http//www.w3.org
- http//www.ietf.org
- Object Management Group
- http//www.omg.org/
- RosettaNet is an independent, self-funded,
non-profit consortium dedicated to the
development and deployment of standard electronic
business interfaces. These standards form a
common eBusiness language, aligning processes
between supply chain partners on a global basis. - RosettaNets main thrust has been initially to
integrate the supply chain for the Personal
Computer Hardware supply chain, although they
plan to expand into other supply chains - Many leading manufacturers in the PC Hardware
supply chain are using the RosettaNet approach to
e-business integration using XML
71BizTalk http//www.microsoft.com/biztalk/
- Microsofts attempt to take over the XML/EDI and
e-Business exchange marketplace - BizTalk includes
- BizTalk Framework
- BizTalk Tools and Server
- Targeting providing a complete solution for both
traditional EDI (X12 EDIFACT) and XML business
72- eCo Framework (1/2)http//eco.commerce.net
- eCo Interoperability Framework consists of the
Architecture and the Semantic Recommendation
which define 7 layers of information allowing
prospective trading partners to learn the
requirements for interoperating by simply
browsing the structured document on the Trading
Partners website. - The Architecture defines the way businesses
describe themselves and their commerce services,
as well as the markets or trading communities to
which they belong. - The Semantic Recommendations describe best
practices for developing XML based e-commerce
documents. The recommendations also define a set
of XML building blocks and document definitions
that will let future XML specifications to
interoperate easily with existing ones. - Through this information, Trading Partners can
locate the system, understand what it is for,
recognize what markets it participates in,
identify protocols the system uses to
communicate, discover what documents the system
uses to conduct business, and learn how to
interoperate with the system.
73- eCo Framework (2/2)
- An initiative of CommerceNet, an industry
consortium with over 500 members, with Commerce
One as the primary corporate sponsor. It does
not require implementing new standards for a
company's e-commerce systems, nor does it compete
with transaction protocols or business semantic
languages. - Participation by CommerceNet and Commerce One is
partly funded by a grant from U.S. Department of
Commerce (NIST) Advanced Technology Program
Advanced Technology Program. - The eCo Specification was designed by industry
for industry - Public release of eCo Interoperability
Specification working draft was made May 1999
with Public release of final Specifications in
August 1999.
74Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards (1/2)
- A nonprofit, international consortium dedicated
to accelerating the adoption of
product-independent formats based on public
standards including SGML, XML, Web Services, SOA,
and many other key areas. - Members of OASIS are providers, users and
specialists of the technologies that make
structured information standards work in practice
and there are more than 100 member organizations
dedicated in supporting the application of XML
including -
- Boeing Aircraft Microsoft NIST Dun
Bradstreet IBM Corporation - Sabre Oracle Corporation Sun Microsystems Inform
ix Software - Provides an open forum where members discuss
market needs and directions and recommend
guidelines for product interoperability. The
consortium creates, receives, coordinates, and
disseminates information describing
methodologies, technologies and standards
implementations. - OASIS complements the work of standards bodies,
focusing on making them easy to adopt, practical
to use and seeks to help achieve supportive
industry consensus.
75OASIS (2/2)
- The XML Conformance Subcommittee or Working
Group - a joint development effort between OASIS
and NIST (National Institute of Standards
Technology) where XML vendors, content providers
and users can discuss issues pertinent to XML
conformance. - OASIS recently advised the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) on the impact of XML on
information technology development and its
potential for NATOs information systems. - Sponsors the XML Cover Pages - widely regarded
as the most comprehensive online reference work
for XML and its parent, SGML. - Joined with UN/CEFACT - The United Nations body
for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business in
development of the ebXML, the vendor-neutral
Electronic Business XML Initiative to establish a
global technical and semantic framework that will
enable XML to be used in a consistent manner for
the exchange of electronic business data. - Advisable for anyone with XML prospective goals
to closely watch, listen and learn from leading
edge technological organizations such as OASIS
and its sponsoring members.
- XML.ORG is an industry web portal / repository
designed to provide a credible source of
accurate, timely information about the
application of XML in industrial and commercial
settings and to serve as a reference repository
for XML specifications such as vocabularies,
DTDs, schemas, and namespaces.
77XML Common Business Library - xCBL (1/3)
xCBL 2.0 is the first open XML specification for
the cross-industry exchange of business documents
such as product descriptions, purchase orders,
invoices, and shipping schedules. xCBL version
2.0 is a set of XML building blocks created to
provide the schema document framework that is
needed for robust, reusable XML document exchange
in e-commerce and quick development of XML
applications. Some of these building blocks come
from well established international standards
such as xCBL 2.0 has a goal to harmonize
these standards as much as possible. Veo Systems,
acquired by Commerce One (1999) was chosen in
September of 1997 by the U.S. Governments
Advanced Technology Program (ATP) of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to
conduct research and development on XML
foundations for e-commerce. Commerce Ones
XML-based Common Business Library is an
innovative framework for enabling
interoperability among online trading
communities. The ATP has been partly funding the
underlying xCBL research since 1997 because we
believed in its potential to have a major impact
on e-commerce and the nations economy. -
Shirley Hurwitz, Program Mgr., ATP
78xCBL (2/3)
- xCBL 2.0 relates to other commerce
specifications - It is not a single standard, rather a collection
of common business elements that underlie all EDI
and Internet commerce products - Developed and modeled after EDI semantics such
as X12 and UN/EDIFACT in order to preserve and
extend the EDI investments of trading partners - xCBL 2.0 will use the joint IETF/W3C digital
signature standard to protect and insure the
integrity of xCBL documents and data - Reusable components speed the implementation of
standards - Facilitates standards interoperability by
providing a common semantic framework - xCBL 2.0, not a proprietary effort, provides a
transition path for companies wanting to move
from EDI systems to open Internet-based commerce
systems. - It is noteworthy that Commerce Ones purpose in
developing xCBL is to accelerate the adoption of
XML based e-commerce. xCBL 2.0 is available free
of charge through the registries and repositories
operated by XML.ORG, BizTalk.Org and others, as
well as from Commerce One.
79xCBL (3/3)
- As a demonstration of its commitment to
interoperability, xCBL 2.0 is available in XML
DTD form and in two different schema languages - Microsofts XML Data Reduced Schema (XDR)
- Commerce Ones Schema for Object-Oriented XML
(SOX) - xCBL 2.0 was designed to model the information
requirements of B2B e-commerce. A first step in
this direction was the identification of a small
set of core documents that could be used to
conduct the majority of business transactions.
xCBL 2.0 provides schemas to represent the
following business documents
80Commerce XML (cXML)http//www.cxml.org
- Supports supplier content and catalog models
- including buyer-managed, supplier-managed and
Internet marketplaces. - Mainly backed by Ariba Microsoft
81OAG - Open Applications Group (1/4) http//www.
The OAG is a non-profit consortium of leading
enterprise application software developers
focusing on best practices and process based XML
content for e-business and application
integration. As the largest publisher of XML
based content for business software
interoperability in the world, the OAG also
builds and publishes the detail specifications
necessary to use the XML content as well as
publishing a common middleware API
specification. The OAG was formed in 1995 by the
leading worldwide enterprise (ERP) software
vendors. To date nearly 50 members comprise the
OAG including
82OAG - Open Applications Group (2/4)
The vision of the membership of the OAG is to
make plug and play business software a reality
and may best be described by visualizing the way
a laptop computer will accept a new PC Card with
comparatively little effort. Imagine if you could
buy two software applications, plug in a driver,
and then do the final configuration for your
unique requirements!
The OAG believes that with all of the
stakeholders in the IT community working together
in adopting a common, best practices based model
for interoperability, this kind of solution is
83OAG - Open Applications Group (3/4)
- The focus of the OAG is primarily associated with
their two specifications - OAGIS - Open Applications Group Integration
Specification and the - OAMAS - Open Applications Group Common
Middleware API Specification
The OAGIS contains a set of XML DTD files and
schemas which defines a set of components,
processes and interfaces for use in e-Business,
Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Financials, and
Human Resources applications. Since XML is
database neutral, operating system neutral,
language neutral, and device neutral, it is an
effective tool for defining interoperability
among disparate systems. XML is also in complete
alignment with the OAGs stated technology
strategy, which is to be technology aware, but
not technology specific. The OAGIS defines the
common business interoperability content model
and the OAMAS defines the tie from that common
business content model to a common technical
interoperability mechanism.
84OAG - Open Applications Group (4/4)
OAMAS - Open Application Middleware API
Specification The OAG and the constituency it
represents, require a common single middleware
API to connect Enterprise Business Application
software components and are interested in working
with organizations that are attempting to address
this need. The OAG recognizes that technology,
and particularly the middleware segment is a key
piece to achieve the overall goals of the
interoperability effort and are relying on
middleware transport mechanisms to provide
necessary infrastructure to enable the goal of
heterogeneous business application
interoperability. The OAG has set out to go the
farthest towards defining the digital dial tone
organizations require to do business in the
emerging e-commerce world.
858. Critical Success Factors for Web EC Maturation
86Issues regarding EC Standards
- How to deal with proliferation of competing
standards? - Future proof, single vendor projects
- How many standards should you support?
- Leading to new breeds of tools / services
- How do you develop a plan of action when your
shooting at a moving target? - Hire high paid consultants or get educated!
87Key Trends Events Timeline
- Approval of XML Schemas
- Initial ebXML development completed (May 2001)
is currently ongoing in modules within ISO - ebXML handed-off to an Accredited Stds Bodies
- Coordination, Coordination, Coordination!
- ANSI X12, EDIFACT Working Group (EWG), OASIS, and
ebXML. (Fusion of Frameworks) - UN/ECE and ANSI ASC X12 joint initiative
- Semantic Harmonization via core components
- Deployment of Next Generation EDI / ebXML COTS
88Key Trends Events Timeline
- ebXML Update
- Core Components / UML modeling
- Registries and repositories
- EWG / ANSI ASC X12 Semantic Harmonization
- Proof of Concept RosettaNet PIP via ebXML
89Key Trends Events Timeline
- Universal Description Discovery Integration
- Defines a way to publish and discover information
about Web services i.e. specific business
functionality exposed by a company, via the net,
for the purpose of providing a way for another
company or software program to use the service. - The core component of the UDDI project is the
UDDI business registration, an XML file used to
describe a business entity and its Web services - White Pages - address, contact, and known
identifiers - Yellow Pages - industrial categorizations based
on standard taxonomies - Green Pages - technical information about
services that are exposed by the business
90Key Trends Events Timeline
- XML Schemas
- W3C Recommended as of 2001
- Other XML Development
- XSLT, XPath, XML Digital Signatures, RDF, etc.
- Semantic Web / SOA Web Services
91Key Trends Events Timeline
- COTS Tools / Services
- Hybrid mappers and tranlsators
- Communication Handlers
- Emerging Application Server market
- Emerging Registries Repositories
- Emerging Intelligent Agent-based Applications
- Awareness Discovery
- Visual CASE-like tools for designing developing
intelligent enterprise systems
- It is important to embrace standards to ensure
structure, consistency, and clarity in what you
do - Commercial tools, techniques, and methodologies
- Traditional standards bodies have had trouble
keeping up the pace with the Internet Web - New standards bodies have emerged over the past
few years that are more agile and adept - Although Web/Internet technology changes very
quickly, EC standards are in a transition period
93Emerging e-Business Timeline for Past Ten Years
Service Oriented Architectures Enterprise!
Semantic Web Technologies!
94Additional Sources forEC Related Information
- The Gartner Group
- www.gartner.com
- Forrester Research
- www.forrester.com
- META Group
- www.metagroup.com
- Gilbane Report Home Page
- http//www.gilbane.com/
95Next Lecture
- Begin looking into XML
- http//www.w3schools.com/xml/default.asp
- http//java.sun.com/xml/tutorial_intro.html
- Cover Pages (best XML news site on the Web!)
- http//www.oasis-open.org/cover
- Reading Assignment Chapters 1 5
- Emphasis on Chapter 5 (and others)