Title: Small Matters with Big Consequences
1Small Matters with Big Consequences
Sam Zeller Columbia University NeutrinoFest April
18, 2005
- n physics marked by unexpected results
- that have had deep significance
- surprising results that ns have uncovered
- incredible experiments
- - with emphasis on potential for further
discovery - at future planned experiments
2Surprise 1 Neutrinos Exist?!
1930 Wolfgang Pauli postulates new,
elusive subatomic particle (n) which
carries away missing energy in b decay
- saves energy conservation
- but introduced a brand new particle ? n
- drastic remedy very bold thing to do
- oh by the way, n difficult to detect
3Surprise 2 Can Detect Neutrinos!
25 years later, Reines/Cowan finally observe
antineutrinos emitted by a nuclear reactor
----------------------------- W E S T E R N U N
I O N -----------------------------
June 14, 1956 Dear Professor Pauli,
We are happy to inform you that we have
definitely detected neutrinos. . .
Fred Reines Clyde Cowan
4Surprise 3 Three Neutrinos
5Surprise 4 New Type of Interaction!
this is how we detected neutrinos in the first
weak processes always transform nm into m ??
standard model being developed claims
6Surprise! NuTeV n Results
7Surprise 5 Neutrinos Oscillate!
astonishing sequence of experiments have
revealed that neutrinos oscillate observation
shook the n community
combination has forced us to modify our thinking
8Surprise! Two Many Oscillation Signals
mass difference
- 3 neutrinos ? 2 independent
- mass differences, we see 3?!
- LSND seeing oscillations?
- one possible interpretation
- at least one extra n! (sterile n)
9Are there More Neutrinos?(did LSND really
observe oscillations?)
MiniBooNE experiment (U.S.) will address this
nm ? ne ??
much-anticipated answer expected later this year
10Surprise! Neutrino Mixing
(solar neutrino data 8 years ago)
another peculiar feature revealed by n
oscillation data is the size of the n mixing
quark mixing small neutrino mixing small ??
(M. Cirelli, A. Strumia)
11Surprise! Neutrino Mixing is Different
lepton mixing turns out to be quite distinct
from quark mixing
(M. Cirelli, A. Strumia)
12Surprise! Neutrino Mixing is Different
quark mixing small neutrino mixing LARGE (at
least for 2 of the mixing angles)
(M. Cirelli, A. Strumia)
in addition to this unexpectedly large mixing
13Surprise! mn is very small
we dont know why masses are distributed this way
mass (eV)
(A. De Gouvea)
- heaviest n is at least a million times lighter
than - lightest charged particle (electron) why so
much lighter? - nothing in between? n-electron gap is deserted?!
14mn How Small Is Small?
- oscillation experiments are only sensitive to
- differences between n masses (Dm2)
- rely on other types of exps to tell us mn
15Poised for More Surprises?
- now that have established that ns have mass and
mix, - this raises more questions
answers can only be determined by experiments
do neutrinos behave any differently
from antineutrinos ?
what is mn?
are neutrinos their own antiparticles?
what is the pattern of mixing among the ns?
16Next Generation n Oscillation Exps(will provide
us with best window)
proton driver (more intense n
sources) JPARC/T2K (Japan)
long baseline n experiments (NOvA, U.S.)
reactor experiments (Josh Kleins talk)
17Long Baseline n Experiments
increase physics capability ? long distances,
large detectors (strongly improve our knowledge)
- NOvA (U.S.)
- even longer baseline
- 24,000 tons liquid scintillator
18Long Baseline n Experiments
long distances, large detectors ? important
ok, so how large is that really?
15.7 m
132 m
15.7 m
19Even Longer Baselines
- U.S. can play a unique role
20Precision Neutrino Scattering Exps
- broad exciting program of n physics built upon
- precisely knowing how ns interact with matter
- new fine-grained detectors being planned to
ensure - that future oscillation experiments have what
they need
21Need All Types of Experiments
consistent picture has been the result of careful
testing repetition of important experiments
- neutrinos have surprised us with their
- unexpected behavior for the past 75 years
- it is certain that ns have not exhausted their
- ability to surprise the physics community
- shape our understanding of Nature
- new n discoveries on horizon might again
- force a profound revision in our thinking
- with current future planned experiments
- - were in store for an exciting ride!