Title: Perl, Apache, DBI and DBD::Informix
1Perl, Apache, DBI and DBDInformix
- Jonathan LefflerArchitect, Foundation Engineering
- Perl
- DBDInformix
- Apache
- mod_perl
- Questions and answers
3Perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
- Originally written by Larry Wall
- Version 1.0 in 1987
- Version 4.0 in 1991 under GPL and Artistic
License - Version 5.0 in 1994
- Very widely available
- Current stable versions
- 5.6.1
- 5.005_03 (with optional thread support)
- 5.004_04 (without thread support)
- Obtain via CPAN
- Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
- http//www.cpan.org/
- Script Language
- Does not require compilation
- Complex looking code
- Can be incredibly terse
- Can be quite legible
- Excellent at string handling
- Excellent access to operating system
5Remove RCS Keyword Markers
- !/usr/bin/perl -wp
- s/\(A-Za-zRCSfile) (\) \/2/g
- Theres more than one way to do it!
- (Yes, you could use sed for this)
- perl -wp -e s\\w (\) \1go
6Remove HTML Markup
/usr/bin/perl -wp s/ltparamgtltgtlt\/paramgt//go s
/ltgtgt//go s/\quot/"/go s/\lt/lt/go s/\g
t/gt/go s/\amp//go s/\nbsp/ /go
7File Renaming
!/usr/bin/perl _at_()Id rename.pl,v 1.1
1992/01/05 223347 jl Exp Rename files using
a Perl substitute command (op shift) die
"Usage 0 perlexpr filenames\n" if (!_at_ARGV)
_at_ARGV ltSTDINgt chop(_at_ARGV) for
(_at_ARGV) was _ eval op die _at_ if
_at_ rename(was, _) unless was eq _
8Perl Database Interface
- DBI written by Tim Bunce
- Standard way to access databases with Perl
- Many database drivers available
- Including ODBC
- And DB2
- And Oracle
- And, of course, Informix
- And many others
- Current version 1.15
- Using Perl and a database? Use DBI!
9The Cheetah Book
- The bible for Perl DBI
- Authors
- Alligator Descartes
- Tim Bunce
- OReilly, February 2000
- ISBN 1-56592-699-4
- http//www.oreilly.com/
10DBI - Database Handles
- Load DBI
- use DBI
- Create database handles
- dbh DBI-gtconnect(DBIInformixstores7)
- Database methods
- dbh-gtdo(DELETE FROM Customer)
- Transaction control
- dbh-gtrollback
- dbh-gtcommit
- Disconnect
- dbh-gtdisconnect
11DBI - Statement Handles
- Create statement handles
- sth dbh-gtprepare(qq DELETE FROM Customer
) - Statements can be executed
- sth-gtexecute()
- Statement handles can be released
- Implicitly
- Statement handle goes out of scope
- Explicitly
- undef sth
12DBI - Handling SELECT
- Statement handles are used for SELECT too
- sth dbh-gtprepare(qq SELECT FROM Customer
WHERE Fname ? AND Lname ? ORDER BY Lname,
Fname) - sth-gtexecute(firstname, surname)
- _at_results sth-gtfetchall_arrayref
- process results
- print resultsrownumcolnum, etc
- undef sth
- SELECT is fairly simple
13DBI - Handling SELECT
- Many ways to fetch rows
- sth-gtfetchrow_array
- sth-gtfetchrow_hashref
- sth-gtfetchrow_arrayref
- sth-gtfetchall_arrayref
- Also utility methods
- dbh-gtselectrow_array
- dbh-gtselectall_arrayref
14DBDInformix - at last
- Using DBDInformix is using DBI
- All the examples work with DBDInformix
- Current version is 1.00.PC1
- Building DBDInformix is easy
- Requires working ESQL/C 5.00 or later (eg
ClientSDK) - ANSI C compiler (code uses prototypes)
- Test database with DBA privileges
- Perl version 5.004 or later
- 5.005_03 or 5.6.1 strongly recommended
- DBI version 1.02 or later
- Version 1.14 or later strongly recommended
15Installing DBDInformix
- Download software from CPAN
- cd DBD-Informix-1.00.PC1
- more README
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- make install
- Have fun!
- Same rules apply to all Perl modules
- Building Perl modules is easy!
16DBDInformix - example
! /usr/bin/perl -w use DBI dbh
RaiseError gt 1, PrintErrorgt1) sth
dbh-gtprepare(qSELECT Fname, Lname, Phone
FROM Customer WHERE Customer_num ?
) sth-gtexecute(106) ref sth-gtfetchall_arra
yref() for row (_at_ref) print Name
row0 row1, Phone row2\n dbh-gtdis
Error Checking Automated
17DBDInformix AutoCommit
- AutoCommit is on by default
- To comply with DBI requirements
- Cannot be unset on unlogged databases
- Simulates MODE ANSI on logged databases
- Explicit BEGIN WORK is possible
- dbh-gtdo(begin work)
- dbh-gtAutoCommit 0
- dbh DBI-gtconnect(DBIInformixstores7,
, , AutoCommit gt 0 )
18Standard DBI Information
- Standard database attributes
- dbh-gtDriver
- dbh-gtAutoCommit
- dbh-gtPrintError
- dbh-gtRaiseError
- dbh-gtChopBlanks
- There are others, too.
19Standard DBI Information
- Standard statement attributes
- sth-gtStatement
- sth-gtCursorName
- sth-gtNAME
- sth-gtTYPE
- sth-gtNULLABLE
20Standard DBI Information
- Standard handle attributes
- h-gterr
- h-gterrstr
- h-gtstate
- Standard handle methods
- h-gttrace(trace_level)
- h-gttrace_msg(message)
21Informix-only Information
- SQLCA is available
- sth-gtix_sqlcode
- sth-gtix_sqlerrd - an array
- sth-gtix_sqlerrm
- sth-gtix_sqlerrp
- sth-gtix_sqlwarn - an array
22Informix-only Information
- Non-standard attributes
- dbh-gtix_InformixOnline
- dbh-gtix_LoggedDatabase
- dbh-gtix_ModeAnsiDatabase
- dbh-gtix_InTransaction
- dbh-gtix_ConnectionName
- Standard attribute
- dbh-gtName database name
23Informix-only Information
- Non-standard attributes
- drh-gtix_ProductVersion
- a version number for ESQL/C
- drh-gtix_ProductName
- drh-gtix_MultipleConnections
- drh-gtix_ActiveConnections
- drh-gtix_CurrentConnection
- drh-gtix_ServerVersion
- a version number for the database server
- All these attributes can also be found via the
database handle, dbh
24Informix-only Information
- Non-standard attributes
- sth-gtix_NativeTypeName
- sth-gtix_ColType
- sth-gtix_ColLength
- Known Limitations
- Not yet fully aware of 9.x collection types or
UDTs - Doesnt handle blobs in UPDATE statements
- Coded in DBDInformix 1.01.PC1
- sth-gtbind_param(3, blobval, ix_typegtIX_TEXT)
- No support for bind_param_inout method
- Version 1.10.PC1 is an official Informix product
- Officially Informix Database Driver for Perl
- The support channel is the mailing list
- dbd-informix_at_informix.com
26DBDInformix Documents
- Primary References
- Pre-install
- README file
- Informix.Licence file
- Post-install
- perldoc DBI
- perldoc DBDInformix
- Books
- Programming Perl, 3rd Edition
- Programming the Perl DBI
27DBDInformix - Web Sites
- Use CPAN to obtain the software
- http//www.cpan.org
- DBI web sites
- http//www.symbolstone.org/technology/perl/DBI
- http//www.perl.org/dbi-lists.html
- Sign up for dbi-users_at_iperl.org mailing list
- http//eskimo.tamu.edu/jbaker/dbi-examples.html
- Help yourself - join the mailing list!
- Apache Web Server
- Most widely used web server
- Version 1.3.19
- unless theres a new version this week
- Modular structure
- Allows special purpose modules to be added
- mod_jserv - Java Server
- mod_perl - Perl Interpreter
29Apache, Perl and CGI
- CGI scripts drive the web
- Many of them are Perl scripts
- Most of those use the CGI module
- http//www.somewhere.com/cgi-bin/script.pl
- Giveaway that theres a Perl script in use
- Often not that easy to spot
- Can be slow on heavily loaded servers
- New Perl interpreter loaded for every hit
30Apache and mod_perl
- Use mod_perl version 1.24_01 or later
- Requires Perl 5.004 or later
- Can automatically download pre-requisites
- perl -MCPAN -e install BundleApache
- Downloads, compiles, tests, installs software
- Simlarly for DBI and DBDInformix
- perl -MCPAN -e install BundleDBDInformix
- You need to see this in action to believe it!
- Also consider FastCGI technology
- http//www.fastcgi.com/
31Greased Lightning
- Apache with mod_perl
- Uses same CGI scripts
- Cleaned up for multiple use
- Loads scripts once and reuses them
- Without starting a separate process each hit
- Can even re-use database connections
- ApacheDBI module
- httpd is much bigger
Much faster web service
32Apache Documentation
- http//perl.apache.org/
- Use perldoc for mod_perl info
- mod_perl_traps
- mod_perl_tuning
- ApacheDBI
- cgi_to_mod_perl
- HOWTO for Linux at IIUG web site
- http//www.iiug.org/
Theres a lot of it about
33Apache and mod_java
- Apache-Jserv
- Version 1.1.2 or later
- Similar to Apache Perl
- Requires JDK 1.1.x and JSDK 2.0
- Obtain from Apache web site
- http//java.apache.org
- HOWTO in D4GL corner of IDN web site
34Questions and Answers
- Your Turn!
- Dont forget to check out
- http//www.iiug.org/
- http//www.perl.com/
- http//www.apache.org/
- Thank You for Listening
35Questions and Answers