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Apache Flink and Apache Spark are both distributed and open-sourced processing frameworks built for reducing the latencies of the Hadoop MapReduce in quick data processing. http://www.npntraining.com
"Apache JMeter may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources (Files, Web dynamic languages - PHP, Java, ASP.NET, etc. -, Java Objects, Data Bases and Queries, FTP Servers and more). It can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, group of servers, network or object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under different load types. You can use it to make a graphical analysis of performance or to test your server/script/object behavior under heavy concurrent load. The Apache JMeter™ desktop application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions."
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This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Airflow project. It explains Apache Airflow in terms of it's pipelines, tasks, integration and UI. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Flink project. It explains Flink in terms of its architecture, use cases and the manner in which it works. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Samza project. It explains Samza's stream processing capabilities as well as its architecture, users, use cases etc. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Gobblin project. It explains Apache Gobblin in terms of it's architecture, data sources/sinks and it's work unit processing. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Phoenix project. It explains Phoenix in terms of its architecture, environment, ETL, SQL, UDF's and transactions. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Beam project. It shows that it is a means of developing generic data pipelines in multiple languages using provided SDK's. The pipelines execute on a range of supported runners/executors. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Ignite project. It explains Ignite in relation to its architecture, scaleability, caching, datagrid and machine learning abilities. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache MADlib AI/ML project. It explains Apache MADlib AI/ML in terms of it's functionality, it's architecture, dependencies and also gives an SQL example. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache CouchDB project. It explains CouchDB architecture in relation to replication, usage, its UI and the platforms it is available for. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Kafka project. It covers areas like producer, consumer, topic, partitions, API's, architecture and usage. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/ Music by "Little Planet", composed and performed by Bensound from http://www.bensound.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache SkyWalking project. It explains Apache SkyWalking in terms of it's architecture, protocols, users and languages supported. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache AsterixDB project. It explains the AsterixDB database in terms of its functionality and capabilities. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Ranger project. It explains Apache Ranger in terms of it's architecture, security, audit and plugin features. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Samoa ML project. It explains Apache Samoa ML in terms of it's architecture, the way that it abstracts implementation via its API and the stream processing systems that it supports. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Airavata project. It explains Apache Airavata in terms of it's architecture, data models and user interface. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation attempts to give an overview of the Apache NiFi project. I had intended to specifically examine the registry but found that there was more to say about Nifi itself. It does examine the Registry project as well as extensions and a possible registry for that area. Links for further information and connecting http://www.semtech-solutions.co.nz http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache PredictionIO project. It covers areas like architecture, features, model deployment and development. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Edgent project. It explains Edgent in terms of edge of network IOT analytics. It also explains the Edgent API, cookbook and console. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Arrow project. It explains the Arrow project in terms of its in memory structure, its purpose, language interfaces and supporting projects. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Fluo project. It explains Apache Fluo in terms of it's architecture, functionality and transactions. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Kylin project. It explains Kylin architecture in relation to Hadoop/HBase/Hive and Druid. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Tez project. It explains Tez as a processing system based on Hadoop YARN as well as comparing it to Map Reduce. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Singa AI project. It explains Apache Singa in terms of it's architecture, distributed training and functionality. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache MXNet AI project. It explains Apache MXNet AI in terms of it's architecture, eco system, languages and the generic problems that the architecture attempts to solve. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Bahir project. It explains the Bahir project in terms of it's Spark and Flink extensions and why it is useful and important. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Trafodian project. It explains Trafodian architecture in relation to Hadoop/HBase and it's process structure. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Tajo project. It explains Tajo architecture in relation to Hadoop/Hive and ETL. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Kudu project. It explains the Kudu project in terms of it's architecture, schema, partitioning and replication. It also provides an example deployment scale. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache SystemML AI/ML project. It explains Apache SystemML AI/ML in terms of it's functionality, dependencies and how systemDS has been forked from it providing greater functionality. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
https://www.learntek.org/blog/apache-kafka/ https://www.learntek.org/ Learntek is global online training provider on Big Data Analytics, Hadoop, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IOT, AI, Cloud Technology, DEVOPS, Digital Marketing and other IT and Management courses.
This presentation gives an overview of the Apache Tephra project. It explains Tephra in terms of Pheonix, HBase and HDFS. It examines the project architecture and configuration. Links for further information and connecting http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/ https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385 https://open-source-systems.blogspot.com/
Apache Mahout Qiaodi Zhuang Xijing Zhang What is Mahout? Mahout is a scalable machine learning library from Apache. It uses MapReduce paradigm which in combination ...
Apache ServiceMix Francesco D Addio Danilo Ricci Obiettivo della tesina Studiare e fornire una panoramica sugli Enterprise Service Bus In particolare studiare ...
Apache Tomcat Representation and Management of Data on the Web What is Tomcat? Tomcat is a Servlet container (Web server that interacts with Servlets) developed under ...
Apache Wicket Java Web Application Framework What is Wicket? Web Application Framework Component-Component-based Framework Wicket 1.4 is Java 1.5+ compliant Where ...
On top of HDFS, a non-relational database called Apache Hbase keeps running. An open source NoSQL database offering real-time read/write access with large datasets is nothing but the Apache Hbase.
This architecture offers the basis that permits Spark and other applications sharing a cluster common to the dataset while consistent ensuring levels of service and response.
Apache Tiles Tiles Introduction Tiles is a framework for the development user interface Tiles is enables the developers to develop the web applications by assembling ...
Increasing the number of virtual users in a controlled fashion. Running Load Test Scenario ... shows the URL of each sample taken . listeners will show ...