Title: Institutional Review Board Overview
1Institutional Review Board Overview Process
- The Office of Research Services and Sponsored
Programs - P.O. Box 8005
- Phone (912) 478-5465
- Fax (912) 478-0719
2Office for Human Research Protections
- 45 CFR 46 The Common Rule
- DHHS Policy for Protection of Human Research
Subjects - Subparts A, B, C, D
- http//www.hhs.gov/ohrp/
3What is an Institutional Review Board?
- Commonly known as an IRB, it is a committee who
is responsible for reviewing research that
involves human subjects. - makes a recommendation to approve the research or
to revise the research to ensure protection of
the participants. - An IRB must apply federal regulations for the
protection of humans in research.
4IRB Gate Keeper????
- Investigators should not have sole
responsibility for determining whether research
involving human subjects fulfills ethical
standards. Others who are independent of the
research must share this responsibility. - National Commission Report on
- Institutional Review Boards, 1978
5Does all research have to follow PL 45CFR46?
- To require IRB review, the project must be
considered - Research and
- Involve human subjects
- according to the definitions in the federal
- Systematic Investigation
- Development
- Testing
- Evaluation
- Generalizable knowledge
7Human Subjects
- Living Individuals
- Unless medical data gathered (HIPPA applies to
nonliving subjects) - Data gathered
- Interaction with individual
- Data from individual
- Samples from individual
8Third Parties as Human Subjects
- Information gained from participants about a
friend, spouse, relative or other. - YES data from or about an identifiable
person - No general data not traceable to specific
9Minimal Risk 45 CFR 46.102(i)
- the probability and magnitude of harm or
discomfort anticipated in the research are not
greater in and of themselves than those
ordinarily encountered in daily life or during
the performance of routine physical or
psychological examination or tests.
10Types of Risk
- Risk may include
- Risk of criminal/civil liability,
- Financial risk,
- Employment risk,
- Stigmatization,
- Insurability,
- Embarrassment
- Look at all aspects when deciding if risk is
11High Risk Populations
- Children
- Prisoners
- Pregnant women/fetus
- Terminally ill
- Comatose Patient
- Students/Employees
- Mentally ill
- Language barrier
- Illegal Immigrants
- Illegal activity
- Activity beyond Social Morays
Others who may be vulnerable to deception,
coercion or unrecognized injury through inquiry
12IRB Training - Online
- Meets the National Institutes of Health training
for use of Human Subjects in research - http//phrp.nihtraining.com/users/login.php
- Housed on the National Institute of Health Office
of Extramural Research training web site. - Registration required but Free
- Training is good for 3 years
- Training was updated March, 2008
13IRB Training - Online
- Required for all applicants to the IRB
- Faculty/Staff
- Principal investigators
- Co- investigators
- Graduate students
- Undergraduate students
- External researchers
- Required for all IRB members prior to service
14Types of Review as Defined by 45 CFR 46
- Three categories of review
- Exempt
- Expedited
- Full Board
- Categories based on level of potential risk
versus benefits
15Review Continuum
- Exempt Expedited Full Board
- Low Risk High
16Full Board
- Greater than minimal risk
- Upon recommendation of 1 board member or ORSSP
- High risk population
- Sensitive or potentially harmful research method,
strategy or content - Potential harm to institution
- Decision returned one week after review
17Full Board Process
18Expedited Review
- No risk greater than minimal
- 2 board members review
- Comments emailed to ORSSP with in 5 business days
of receipt - ORSSP relays comments to applicants as board
comments - Response reviewed by ORSSP
- ORSSP may consult the reviewer for confirmation
of acceptable response
19Review Options
- Request Additional information to clarify
- Suggest modifications for enhanced protection of
human subjects - Suggest modifications to enhance validity of
research where flaws may impact fair use of human
subjects - Approve conditionally Minor changes
- Approve as read
20Expedited Process
21Board Review Complete Submission (?)
- Cover Page
- Proposal Narrative
- Informed Consent
- Individual, parent, minor
- Certificate of Investigator Responsibility
- Investigator and Co-Investigator
- Human Subjects Training Certificate
- For each individual handling data
- Survey or data collection instrument
- If using..
- permission from institutional authority to
access institution subjects. - - Copy of recruitment flyer or email
22Exempt from Full Board Review
- Review by ORSSP or IRB Chair
- Specific criteria for exemption in regulation
- Exemptions do not apply to any high risk
population except school children in normal
educational settings under normal educational
practice - Exemption status not to be determined by
researcher - Decision returned in one week
23Exemption Category
- Exemption Categories are
- Normal educational practice conducted in normal
educational setting - Research involving the use of educational test
(standardized), survey procedures, interview or
observation of public behavior UNLESS - Recorded in a manner that subjects can be
identified directly or indirectly and - Disclosure of responses could place participant
at risk of criminal or civil liability or damage
financial standing, employability or reputation
24Exemption Category Cont.
- Research involving the use of educational test
(standardized), survey procedures, interview or
observation of public behavior IF - Subject are elected or appointed public official
or candidates for public office or - Federal statute requires without exception that
the confidentiality of the personally
identifiable information be maintained throughout
the research and thereafter. (e.g., minor
offense records) - Research involving the collection or study of
publicly available data - Research designed to evaluate public health
benefit or service programs and approved by
Federal department or agency head - Taste and food- quality evaluation and consumer
acceptance studies
25Exempt Not Defined Research
- Oral History
- Story teller is aware of recording
- No conclusion drawn
- Market Survey
- No use but for Program Evaluation
- Not applied to a broader concept
- Archeological dig
- No living subjects or third parties
- No risk to current living individuals
26Exempt Complete Submission
- Cover Page
- Exempt Questionnaire
- Survey or Data collection instrument
- NIH training certificate
27Exempt Process
28Informed Consent (?)
- A process, not just a document
- If participants are under 18 years of age,
informed consent must be obtained from - The childs parent(s) asking permission to ask
child to participate - The child ask child to participate
- Must be written at no higher than an 8th grade
reading level, or the reading level of the
29Informed Consent (?)
- Must be written to the participant not the IRB.
- Write as though you were explaining your project
to a friend - How will this project impact the participant
- How much time will this take?
- What to I have to do?
- Why should I spend my time?
- What if I change my mind?
- How can I be sure I am safe?
30Informed Consent (?)
- Must be written to the participant not the IRB.
- Write as though you were explaining your project
to a friend - How will this project impact the participant
- How much time will this take?
- What to I have to do?
- Why should I spend my time?
- What if I change my mind?
- How can I be sure I am safe?
31Essential Elements for Consent45 CFR 46.116
- Invitation to participate
- Purpose, duration, procedures
- Foreseeable risks/benefits
- Confidentiality conditions
- Contact persons for questions
- Voluntary nature of participation
- Alternatives, if any
- Compensation, if applicable
- Provide copy
32Informed Consent at GSU (?)
- Must be on GSU letterhead (provided online)
- Include PIs name and contact info and faculty
advisors name and contact info, if a student - Include all sections included on optional
template, unless not applicable to your project. - Process of obtaining informed consent from
participants must be explained in methodology
section of Proposal Narrative
33Special Activities and Processes
- Passive Consent anonymous survey can use
passive consent rather than informed consent
form. - Oral Consent may have to obtain from very young
children. In this case, provide a copy of
exactly what will be said in obtaining oral
consent. - Classroom Projects research project required
for completion of a course, but cannot involve
minors, deception, videotaping, or
34Special Activities and Processes
- Survey Research can be exempt only if anonymous
no identifiers are used. - Deception if deception is involved, include a
debriefing form to be given to participants upon
conclusion of research. - Oral History if no conclusions are being made
about oral histories, this does not fall under
the purview of the IRB
35Review Summary
- Informed consent
- Participant is aware and able to agree
- Human subject protection from unnecessary risk
- Realized and unrealized
- Ethical research
- Balance of risk/benefit
- Valid research
- Potential value balances risk to subject
- Institution unharmed
36In Conclusion
- If you ever have questions or concerns, please
feel free to contact - Eleanor Haynes at 478-0843
- ehaynes_at_georgiasouthern.edu
- Or visit
- http//academics.georgiasouthern.edu/research/comp