Title: How do I write a good Paragraph
1How do I write a good Paragraph?
- Tips on writing good paragraphs for extended
2A good paragraph is made up of 3 key parts.
These are
A statement A Reason An explanation
3The Statement
- The statement is a like a coat hanger. The rest
of your paragraph will hang on this statement.
In the statement, you introduce the subject of
the paragraph and the line of argument. It will
sometimes link to the previous paragraph to make
your extended writing flow smoothly.
4For example
The raising of the poll tax was a major cause of
the peasants revolt.
The most important factor that led to the
outbreak of civil war in 1642 was power.
Hitler is one of the most important reasons why
World War 2 began in 1939.
5The Reason
- The Reason is your justification of the
statement. This explains to the reader why you
think your statement is correct.
6For example
Peasants did not earn a lot of money. This was
because the government had passed a law called
the statute of labourers in 1349. This law
limited the amount of money peasants could earn.
The government then began to take the poll tax
from the small amount of money the peasants had
Parliament had tried to limit the power of
Charles I in the first 3 years of his reign.
This led to Charles ruling England for 11 years
without calling parliament.
7The Explanation
- The Explanation is the part of the paragraph
where you use evidence to support your statement
and reason. You need to make sure you choose
your evidence carefully as this is where you can
show what you know! Make sure you explain your
views clearly and in your last sentence, link
your point back to the question and the next
8For Example
When he came to the throne, Richard II had
introduced a poll tax to pay for armies fighting
in France. He later called for the tax to be
raised in 1379 and in 1380. The peasants didnt
like paying this tax. Some even hid in local
forests to avoid paying the tax collectors. In
April 1381, Archbishop Sudbury, sent armed forces
to make sure the peasants paid the tax. When the
poor refused to pay they were imprisoned. The
peasants thought this was unfair and began to
talk about making the king stop calling for this
9The Line of Argument
- The line of argument is like a piece of string
that holds your entire piece of extended writing
together. You begin your line of argument in
your introduction and draw it together in the
conclusion. You will refer to your line of
argument in each paragraph. This is like a sign
post for the reader of your essay.
10For Example
The raising of the poll tax is the most important
factor that caused the peasants revolt.
11Your paragraph will look something like this
12 The raising of the poll tax was a major cause of
the peasants revolt. Peasants did not earn a lot
of money. This was because the government had
passed a law called the statute of labourers in
1349. This law limited the amount of money they
could earn. The government then began to take
the poll tax from the small amount of money the
peasants had earned. When he came to the
throne, Richard II had introduced a poll tax to
pay for armies fighting in France. He later
called for the tax to be raised in 1379 and in
1380. The peasants didnt like paying this tax.
Some even hid in local forests to avoid paying
the tax collectors. In April 1381, Archbishop
Sudbury, sent armed forces to make sure the
peasants paid the tax. When the poor refused to
pay they were imprisoned. The peasants thought
this was unfair and began to talk about making
the king stop calling for this tax. The raising
of the poll tax is the most important factor that
caused the peasants revolt.
13A few tips.
- Always refer back to the question in each
paragraph - Make sure you give both sides of the argument in
essays that ask for your opinion. - Always try to talk about at least 2 factors in
essays that ask you to talk about factors e.g.
14What sort of questions are these?
- Hippocrates was the founding father of modern
medicine. How far do you agree with this
statement? - Opinion, so give BOTH sides of the argument
- Why did Civil War break out in 1642?
- Factors, so talk about MORE THAN 1
- The religion of Charles I was the reason why he
was executed in 1649. How far do you agree with
this statement? - Factors and Opinion, So give BOTH sides of the
argument AND talk about OTHER factors
- When you are writing each paragraph, remember to
include - Statement
- Reason
- Explanation
16Your Turn
- Try to write another paragraph answering the
question your teacher has given you. - Remember to include a statement, reason and
explanation. - Remember to link each paragraph to the question.