Title: 42nd Annual
1 Car Show, Cruise-In and Swap Meet held at
the Dawsonville Municipal Complex formerly known
as Thunder Road USA Downtown Dawsonville, GA
- 42nd Annual
- Mountain Moonshine Festival
- Car Show, Cruise-In and Swap Meet
- Dawsonville, GA
All proceeds go to KARE for Kids, Inc. Making
the World A Brighter Place, One Child at A Time
Pre-register by October 10th to be entered in a
special drawing for pre-registered
participants ONLY! First 100 participants
registered will receive a goody bag dash plaque.
For more information Call Robin Smith
678-617-3307 or e-mail robin_at_kareforkids.us KARE
for Kids 706-216-KARE (5273) www.kareforkids.us
Cruise-In October 23 500 PM to 900 PM Car
Show October 24 25 Registration 900 AM to
1200 PM Judging 100 to 300 PM Awards will be
announced at 400 Swap Meet October 24
25 1000 AM to 500 PM
Cruise-In no charge to participate Car Show 1
day participation fee 15 by October 10th 20
after the day of the show Car Show 2 day
participation fee 30 by October 10th 35 after
the day of the show Swap Meet - 25 for a 10 X
20 spot