Title: Integer Class library
1Integer Class library
- convert to and from integers
- used to convert a String to an int.
- Parse to extract
- Parse to Integer find an integer in a string
(e.g. xxx100xxx), and extract it (e.g. 100). - int x
- String UserInput 14 // readable 14
- x Integer.parseInt( UserInput )
2Calling a library method
- return libraryClass.method ( send )
- 1 - a collection of classes
- 2 - a particular method in that class
- 3 - a value sent to the method
- 4 - the result of the methods work
- in the example below
- a string is sent, and an integer is returned
- x Integer.parseInt( UserInput )
3String libraries
- Convert an int to a String (the other way)
- String y
- int x
- y String.valueOf( x )
- // x is an int, y is a String
- remember
- return library.method ( send )
10000s of such methods
4Why is String capitalized, and int not?
- String is a class Library
- int is not a class Library
- Integer.parseInt - Integer is a class Library
- JOptionPane is a class Library
- boolean is not
- double is not
- String.valueOf - class Libraries have methods
5the Java keyword null
- It means, literally, nothing
- Has no value
- Used as a placeholder before something is given a
legitimate value. - Most uninitialized variables have a null value.
- Pane, not pain like a window pane
- Puts a standard message box on-screen
- import javax.swing.JOptionPane
- UserInput JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter x
") - An on-screen message is sent.
- A string is returned.
7A simple Message Box
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Welcome to
the CSE 116 demo") - null is a necessary placeholder for
showMessageDialog - will be used later to specify where to place
Message - if null, then it shows up on your screen
Welcome to the CSE 116 demo
8Use instead of System.out.println
- int x 10
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"X " x )
9(No Transcript)
10A simple Yes/No/Cancel box
- Int2 JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog
- (null, "Do you really want to Exit?")
- Returns an int
- Int2 0 means Yes
- Int2 1 means No
- Int2 2 means Cancel
11String Helper Methods
- String userInput, Str1, Str2, Str3
- int Int1, Int2
- Str2 userInput.toLowerCase( )
12String Helper Methods
13String helper methods
- Str1 "x"
- Int1 Str1.compareTo("x")
- 0
- Int1 Str1.compareTo("a")
- 23
- Int 1 Str1.compareTo("z")
- - 2
14String Helper Methods
- Int2 Str1.indexOf("X")
- The place of X in the string
- - 1 if X not there
15Setting up a dowhile
- boolean quitFlag false
- do
- while (quitFlag false)
16Continuing a dowhile
- do
- Str1 JOptionPane.showInputDialog(G to GoOn, or
x to eXit") - Str2 Str1.toUpperCase( )
- Int1 Str2.indexOf("X")
- if (Int1 ! -1) // there's an x somewhere
- quitFlag true
- continue // go to the end of THIS
loop -
- while (quitFlag false)
jumps directly to while
17A simple Yes/No/Cancel box
- Int2 JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog
- (null, "Do you really want to Exit?")
- Returns an int
- Int2 0 means Yes
- Int2 1 means No
- Int2 2 means Cancel
18The Outermost Loop
- do
- // program runs forever
- while( true )
19loops within loops
- do
- continue
- do
- continue
- while ( quitFlag false )
- while ( true )
20- // header
- public class Lab1MainClass
- public int y
- public static void main(String args )
- int x
- supportMethod( )
- // end main method
- public static supportMethod( )
- // end supportMethod
- // end Lab1MainClass
class definition shared variables main
method not-shared method call support
method note end brackets
21- // header
- import java.util.Random
- public class Lab1MainClass
- public int y
- public Random myGen
- public static void main(String args )
- int x
- myGen new Random()
- // end Lab1MainClass
library shared variables
? ?
- You or someone else writes a class
- public class someClass
- ..
- You use the class in your program
- You must make a local copy
- someClass myObject new someClass( )
- Or, two-step
- public someClass myObject
- myObject new someClass()
23What is a class?
- A program, with no main
- Contains useful methods and variables, that you
might want to use in your program, that HAS a
24Applications - The main Method
- The computer runs it, you dont.
- The computer calls the main method
- The main method uses methods, contained in
Objects, derived from Classes that you write.
25- public static void main(String args)
- ShowColors app new ShowColors( )
- // any method in ShowColors is now useable
- // as app.MethodName( )
26Three ways to make use of classes
- One step instantiation
- JFrame myWindow new JFrame( )
- Two step Instantiation
- public JFrame myWindow
- public static void method( int a)
- myWindow new JFrame( )
27third way
- public class myClass extends JFrame
- // your class inherits all of JFrames
- // methods
28Use these helper libraries
- import javax.swing.JFrame // for JFrame
- import java.awt. // for painting and animation
- import java.awt.event. // for event
handling, more later - import java.util.Random // always useful
29some JFrame methods
- setLocation(100,200)
- setSize(250,250)
- setVisible(true)
- getContentPane( ) // gives us a context
- // more later
- setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
30If you dont extend JFrame.
- public class MainClass
- public MainClass ( )
- JFrame myFrame new JFrame( )
- myFrame.setLocation(100,200)
- myFrame.setSize(250,250)
- myFrame.setVisible(true)
- // end MainClass constructor
- public static void main (String args)
- MainClass application new MainClass( )
- // end main method
- // end class
31Color class
- Like the String class, and Integer class, does
not use the new keyword. - holds a color value (nothing more)
- e.g Color boxColor new Color( )
- boxColor Color.blue
- or
- Color boxColor Color.blue
- then boxColor can be used to set System
properties in Classes/Objects that need color
(more later).
32JColorChooser returns a Color object to the
33Returns an Object?
- JColorChooser fills in all of the information in
a blank object of the Color class, and copies it
to the Color object in the calling statement - boxColor JColorChooser.showDialog(
- null, Greeting, default color )
34the this qualifier
- Means this object, the one that were in.
- Used when a call to a method, especially in a
child, needs to specify which object the method
should act upon. - this always refers to an object of some type.
35the super qualifier
- refers to the parent class
- the command super calls the parents constructor
- super.MethodName can call any method in the
36A Random Number generator
- import java.util.Random
- .
- .
- .
- Int X 0
- Random myGen new Random( )
- X myGen.nextInt( 50 )
37The paint Method
- Computer runs it once (you dont), but then you
can run it by calling repaint(). - The computer passes it an object of the Graphics
Class, of its own making.
38- public void paint (Graphics g)
- // the computer calls the paint program
- // automatically whenever an event requires
- // the screen to be redrawn
- g.setColor
- g.fillRect
- g.drawString
- g.drawPolygon
- hundreds of methods that use your computers
graphics capability
- A Frank Lloyd Wright style generator
41the Container class
- Holds a whole window context frames, scroll
bars, buttons, menus, pop-ups, and operator
actions mouse clicks, dragging dropping. - Operator actions are called events.
- JFrame objects must be placed in a container, to
be of any use. - ContentPane is a special container that
contains the current state of the computer.
42Creating a ContentPane container
- Container frameContainer new Container()
- frameContainer getContentPane( )
- frameContainer is now an event environment,
which is an object that holds the current details
of all screen, user, keyboard, mouse events and
conditions, and further... is a place where we
can build a GUI, compatible with the computers
configuration (called a layered glass pane).
43what does this do?
- FlowLayout layout new FlowLayout( )
- Container frameContainer new Container()
- frameContainer getContentPane( )
- frameContainer.setLayout( layout )
44more JFrame and Container methods
- setSize( w, h )
- setLocation( x, y )
- setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE )
- Container myPC new Container()
- myPC getContentPane()
- FlowLayout layout new FlowLayout()
- myPC.setLayout( layout )
- JButton helloButton new JButton( "Hello" )
- myPC.add( helloButton )
- setVisible( true )
45- int z myGen.nextInt( 7 ) // 0 - 6
- if (z 0)
- return(Color.red)
- else if (z 1)
- return( Color.blue)
- else if (z 2)
- return( Color.cyan)
- else if (z 3)
- return( Color.green)
- else if (z 4)
46- public Color getColor()
- int z myGen.nextInt( 7 )
- switch(z)
- case(0)
- return(Color.red)
- case(1) return(Color.blue)
- case(2) return(Color.cyan)
- case(3) return(Color.green)
- case(4) return(Color.magenta)
- case(5) return(Color.yellow)
- default return(Color.pink)
- A difficult concept at first int z5
- Means z0, z1 , z2, z3, z4 are
separate integer variables - Starts at 0.
- An array with 5 elements is indexed from 0 to 4.
- in Java int z new int5
48Shortcut for defining arrays
- int xValues 1, 4, 6, 9, 0
- Defines an array of 5 integers called xValues
- xValues4 0
49For polygons
- int xValues 20, 40, 50, 30, 20, 15
- int yValues 50, 50, 60, 80, 80, 60
- Polygon polygon1
- new Polygon(xValues, yValues,
6) - g.drawPolygon( polygon1 )
- is needed to draw a single, closed, 6-sided
polygon, and defines the x,y points (20,50)
(40,50) (50,60) (30,80) and (15,10). - See how they match up?
50( x 50, y 0)
( x 0, y 100)
( x 100, y 100)
int xValues 50, 0, 100 int yValues
0, 100, 100 Polygon polygon1 new
Polygon(xValues, yValues, 3) g.setColor(
Color.cyan ) g.drawPolygon(polygon1)
51The Font class
- Constructor
- Font ( Name, Style, Size )
- Name Monospace, Arial, Helvetica
- Style uses FIELDS
- Font.BOLD, Font.PLAIN, Font.ITALIC
- Font myFont new Font(Arial, Font.PLAIN,12 )
52Writing text in Graphics
- Font is an object like Color
- Font myFont new Font ("Monospaced",
- Font.BOLD , 12)
- g.setFont( myFont )
- g.setColor( Color.red)
- g.drawString( hello" ,160, 220)
53A push-button object
- JButton helloButton new JButton( "Hello" )
- Where can we place the pushbutton?
- On anything, really remember that!
54JFrame methods summary
- setSize (400, 400)
- setLocation (50, 75)
- setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE )
- setVisible( true )
- NOT a JFrame method
- add( someObject ) a Container method
55Graphics method summary
- paint (Graphics g)
- g.setColor( boxColor )
- g.fillArc( x, y, width, height, 0, 360 )
- g.fillRect( x, y, width, height )
- g.setFont( myFont )
- g.drawString( hello" ,160, 220 )
- g.drawPolygon( shape1 )
- g.drawLine( x1,y1,x2,y2)
56Using Layout Managers
- A layout manager is an object that determines the
size and position of the components within a
container. Although components can provide size
and alignment hints, a container's layout manager
has the final say on the size and position of the
components within the container.
57Flow Layout
- Container myPC new Container()
- myPC getContentPane()
- FlowLayout layout new FlowLayout()
- myPC.setLayout( layout )
- JButton helloButton new JButton( "Hello" )
- myPC.add( helloButton )
58Grid Layout
- Container myPC new Container()
- myPC getContentPane()
- GridLayout layout new GridLayout()
- myPC.setLayout( layout )
- JButton helloButton new JButton( "Hello" )
- myPC.add( helloButton )
59Border Layout
- Container myPC new Container()
- myPC getContentPane()
- BorderLayout layout new BorderLayout()
- myPC.setLayout( layout )
- JButton helloButton new JButton( "Hello" )
- myPC.add( helloButton, BorderLayout.NORTH )
60first an Integer object
- old way
- int x 10
- new way
- Integer x new Integer( 10 )
- Integer is a container that holds ints, but has
methods to operate on them (more powerful) - int is just a number safe in most cases
of this CLASS!
- Create
- JButton pushButton new JButton(Java )
- Add to Container
- myPC.add( pushButton )
- Use
- - not so easy
- - cant really know when user presses it
of this CLASS!
62Instantiate a Class into an Object when there are
methods to be used.
- Container myPC new Container( )
- FlowLayout layout new FlowLayout( )
- JButton pushButton new JButton(push )
- myPC.setLayout ( layout )
- myPC.add( pushButton )
- Create
- JSlider slide new JSlider( )
- Add
- myPC.add( slide )
- Use
- int value slide.getValue()
- Or
- int x 10
- slide.setValue( x ) // uses ints
how do you know when user changes it?
- Create
- JProgressBar percent new JProgressBar( )
- Add
- myPC.add( percent )
- Use
- percent.setValue( somenumber ) // uses ints
of this CLASS!
provides METHODS
- Create
- JSpinner dial new JSpinner( )
- Add
- myPC.add( dial )
- Use
- int value dial.getValue()
- Or
- Integer x new Integer( 10 ) // NO ints
- dial.setValue( x )
how do you know when user changes it?
66Asynchronous events
- We can put controls on screen
- We can setValues
- We can getValues in the constructor
- But how do we get values that the operator
changes, since we cant keep looking all the time - Events are called asynchronous when you cant
tell when they will happen
- One sloppy way to tell when something changes, is
by looking at it over and over - do
- System.out.println( dial.getValue( ) )
- while(true)
68A better way
- Listen, in the background
- Java supports listeners
- ActionListener
An Event Java code that Listens for an
event Is called an Action Listener
703 new classes
- Use these two
- ActionEvent
- ActionListener
- To write your own
- eventClass with actionPerformed( ) method
71Add this to any code
- private class eventClass implements
ActionListener -
- public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
- System.out.println(Something just
happened) - System.out.println( e.getActionCommand( )
) -
72What does implement mean
- Just like extend, only different.
- In extend, you can choose to use as-is, or
re-write the methods of the parent class. - The author of a class that is implemented,
insists that YOU write the methods for it.
73ActionListener class
- An interface written by someone else, and you
must adhere to the contract - Class that implements the ActionListener must
meet one obligation - provide a method called actionPerformed that
receives an ActionEvent object, as a means of
telling what just happened?. - The actionPerformed method runs based on a
certain specified asynchronous event
74Add this to any code
- private class eventClass implements
ActionListener -
- public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
- System.out.println(Something just
happened) - System.out.println( e.getActionCommand( )
) -
75Objects of eventClass
- Useful when this becomes an object somewhere in
the immediate code (for instance, a class
constructor) - eventClass handler new eventClass( )
76the JButton
- grabs one ActionListener object as its own
- (e.g. handler)
- sends its activity to that ActionListener
77Tying a component to an ActionListener
- Components JButtons, JComboBoxes, JTextFields,
and other GUI controls. - JButton helloButton new JButton( Hello)
- eventClass handler new eventClass( )
- helloButton.addActionListener( handler )
78Inner Classes
- the eventClass implementation of the
ActionListener interface class, is wholly defined
as private within the bounds of your main class - public class ButtonTest extends JFrame
- private class eventClass implements
ActionListener -
- public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent
e ) -
79- import java.awt.event.
- public class ButtonTest extends JFrame
- public ButtonTest ( )
- private class eventClass implements
ActionListener -
- public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent
e ) -
- public static void main (String args)
JFrame class
Inner class
main method
80Combo boxes ItemEvents not ActionEvents
- // inner class for combo item handling
- private class ComboHandler implements
ItemListener -
- public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent x )
- System.out.println( x.getItem( ) )
- // end inner class
81in Constructor
- String names "stay", "leave", "ignore"
- JComboBox myCombo new JComboBox( names )
- c.add( myCombo)
- ComboHandler myComboHandler new ComboHandler(
) - myCombo.addItemListener(myComboHandler)
82Labels no handler
- JLabel label3 new JLabel(Demo)
- c.add(label3)
- Pull JButtons, JTextFields out of constructor
brackets. - Make them public and known to every one.
- Can be tested in if statements
- Must use the two step instantiation
84Two-step Instantiation
- public class ButtonTest extends JFrame
- JButton exitButton
- public ButtonTest()
- exitButton new JButton(I want to leave)
- // other stuff
85test in actionPerformed
- private class ButtonHandler implements
ActionListener -
- public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e
) -
- System.out.println(e.getActionCommand())
- if (e.getSource( ) exitButton)
- System.out.println("Exiting")
- System.exit(0)
864 problems to solve
- Formatting a Date( ) for Month, Year only
- Forcing button layout on a JFrame (when the
layout manager is no help) - Determining which component caused an event
- JButton Colors
87import java.util.Date public class testpublic
test() System.out.println("Starting
test program") Date myDate new Date()
System.out.println( myDate ) public
static void main(String args ) test app
new test( )
88DateFormat class
- import java.util. // for Date
- import java.text. // for DateFormat
- public class shortDate
- public static void main(String args)
- Date myDate new Date()
- DateFormat df DateFormat.getDateInstance()
- String todaysDate df.format( myDate )
- System.out.println( todaysDate )
- Add buttons to a JPanel
- JButton exitButton new JButton(Exit)
- JPanel topRow new JPanel()
- topRow.add( exitbutton )
- Add JPanel to the container
- c.add( topRow )
- e.getActionCommand gets the button label
- What if the event is caused by a component that
has no label (like a Timer)? - e.getSource( ) returns the component object
- So all components must be public.
91JButton Colors
- JButton exitButton new JButton(Exit)
- exitButton.setBackground( Color.red )
92Two types of handlers
- An ActionListener for most components
- private class eventClass implements
ActionListener public void
actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) - An ItemListener for comboBoxes
- private class itemClass implements ItemListener
public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent x )
93A Timer Event
- Imagine a clock ticking at every tick, the
computer generates an event. - Computers have many internal clocks.
- Some with nano-second timing.
- 10-9
- A nanosecond is to a second as a second is to 30
years - The standard measure of computer time is the
millisecond - 10-3
- second
- millisecond - 1/1000 - 10-3
- microsecond - 1/1,000,000 - 10-6
- nanosecond - 1/1,000,000,000 - 10-9
95The Timer Component
- SomeHandler myHandler new SomeHandler( )
- Timer tickTimer new Timer(1000, myHandler)
- tickTimer.start()
- tickTimer.stop()
How many milliseconds between events
what code runs every tick
96Animation Coding Example
97Main Class
- public class Bouncer extends JFrame
implements ActionListener - // note that the main class IS the handler class
- // any registration will use this
- // will contain an actionPerformed method
98Main Class continued
- private Timer timer // timer must be known
everywhere in the // class - int ballX0
- int ballY0
- int diameter 50
- static int width 400
- static int height 400
- int counter 0
- // NO CONSTRUCTOR (everything must be in main
99paint method
- public void paint (Graphics g)
- // background
- g.setColor( Color.white )
- g.fillRect( 0,0, width, height)
- // ball
- g.setColor( Color.red )
- g.fillOval( ballX, ballY, diameter, diameter
) -
100actionPerformed every time the timer ticks
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- ballY
- ballX
- repaint( ) // like calling the paint method
- if ( counter 400 ) // inc. and test
together -
- timer.stop( )
101main does what constructor usually does
- public static void main(String args)
- diameter 50
- bouncer ball new bouncer( )
- ball.setSize( 400, 400 )
- ball.setVisible( true )
- ball.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE
) - timer new Timer( 10, ball )
- timer.start( ) // end main method
102add a bounce
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- ballY
- ballX
- repaint( )
- if(counter 400)
- timer.stop()
- if(counter 200)
- ballY ballY - 2 // net effect -1
103Advice on Methods 10 Useful Items
104So whats a static class?
- Its a class that doesnt have to be instantiated
to be used - Like System.exit(0)
- Like Math.random()
1051. Math.round(x)
- double x 47.67
- Math.round( x ) returns an int, rounded to 48
- Use (int) x to truncate
1062. String.valueOf( any number )
- creates a String when you need it
1073. Integer.parseInt( any String )
- creates an int from a String
1084. Double.parseDouble( any String )
- creates a double from a String
1095. x.substring( start, end )
- String x Happy Halloween
- x.substring(2, 4) yields ppy
- Start at 0.
- x.substring( 11 ) yields ween from 11 to
end - Also useful
- x.equalsIgnoreCase( another String )
- returns a boolean true if the same
1106. Math.random( )
- Returns a double value with a positive sign,
greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
1117. some other Math methods
- Math.pow (double a, double b)           Returns
the value of the first argument raised to the
power of the second argument. - Math.sqrt( double a )           Returns the
positive square root of a double value. - Math.max( a, b ) and Math.min( a, b )
1128. JOptionPane
- Here are three useful static methods from
javax.swing.JOptionPane that allow you to easily
create dialog boxes for input and output. The
Java API documentation has many more JOptionPane
options, but these are sufficient for many uses.
In the code below userInput and text are Strings,
button is an int. - String userInput  JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
component, text ) - JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( component, text )
- int button JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
component, text ) - Use null for the component parameter if you don't
have a window - The dialog box will be centered over the
component given in the first parameter. Typically
you would give the window over which it should be
centered. If your program doesn't have a window,
you may simply write null, in which case the
dialog box will be centered on the screen.
1139. Shortcuts
- x is the same as x x 1
- String userInput Hello
- userInput how are you? yields
- Hello how are you?
- System.out.println(\nHello)
- when printed, \n skips a line
- System.out.print(Hello)
- does not go to next line
11410. A website
- http//leepoint.net/notes-java/
- I have no idea where this is from.
- Protecting methods from errors
- CATCHING an exception protects your program from
bad users - THROWING an exception protects others who use
your methods
116catching an error
- try
- x Integer.parseInt( userString )
- catch (Exception e)
- System.out.println(Not an integer!)
- Tries the try-bracketed statement.
- try
- // whatever is here
- Stops at an error. Does not complete.
- Error info is placed into the object e, of the
Exception class - can decipher ALL exceptions - catch (Exception e)
- // do something here
118Exception class
- catch (Exception e)
- declares an object e of the Exception class
- there are methods to be used
- catch (Exception e)
- e.printStackTrace( ) // where the error was
- System.out.println(user did e.getMessage(
) ) - // what input
caused error -
- System.out.println(computer thought
e.toString( ) ) - // the
computers description of - // the
message -
119Summary - Exception methods( )
- catch (Exception e)
- e.getMessage( ) - what the user typed that
generated the error - e.toString( ) - the computers description of the
message - e.printStackTrace( ) - list all the methods from
main, to the one that generated the error
120catch different types
- try
- myClass myObject new myClass()
- myObject.myMethod( )
- // method 2( )
- // method 3( )
- catch (NullPointerException e)
- catch (DivideByZeroException e)
- System.out.println(Cant divide by zero)
121different types
- Exception catches all
- NullPointerException - method called in try, was
supposed to return an object (like Color), but
didnt (user hit cancel in JColorChooser) - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - method called
in try, accessed index greater than the array
122different types
- NumberFormatException - method called in try,
like parseInt, tried to convert a string to a
number, and the string wasnt a digit. - ArithmeticException - method called in try, did
something arithmetically wrong - like mixing
variable types.
123different types
- AWTException - method called in try, attached a
handler object that was inappropriate for the
component (a MouseListener to a JButton, or an
object not of an ActionListener class). - DivideByZeroException - method called in try, did
a divide by zero.
124throwing an exception
- public myClass
- public double myMethod( int q) throw
DivideByZeroException -
- if (q 0)
- throw new DivideByZeroException( )
- else
- return(10/q)
125User Defined Exceptions
1261. extending Exception
- class HighTempException extends Exception
- public HighTempException()
- super(Temperature Exceeds Safe Level")
127super gives us all the necessary methods
- getMessage( ) - what the user typed that
generated the error - toString( ) - the computers description of the
message - printStackTrace( ) - list all the methods from
main, to the one that generated the error
1282. throwing
- public void increasePowerLevel() throws
highTempException -
- powerLevel powerLevel 10
- temperature powerLevel 100
- if (temperature 10000)
- throw new highTempException()
- // end increasePower
1293. using (i.e. catching)
- try
- chernobyl.increasePowerLevel()
- catch (highTempException hte)
- hte.printStackTrace()
- System.exit(0)
130Managing Data
- Databases
- Arrays, Lists, and File I/O
131An Array-based database
- public static String Artist new String5
- public static String Song new String5
- public static int length 0
- public static void main(String args)
- length Artist.length
- Artist0 "System of a Down"
- Song0 "Hypnotize"
- Artist1 "Every Time I Die"
- Song1 "Kill the Music"
- // etc
132Whats wrong with this
- Two arrays must be synchronized
- Filling the arrays with Artists and Songs is done
IN THE CODE. Bad. - One more thing.
- public static void sortByArtist()
- for (int y 0 y
- for (int z 0 z
- if ( Artistz.compareTo(Artisty) 0 )
- swap( y,z)
- // end if
- // end for z
- // end for y
- // end sort by artist
134Swap permanently moves items
- public static void swap( int a, int b)
String temp temp Artista Artista
Artistb Artistb temp temp Songa
Songa Songb Songb temp
135File Helper Classes
136Class File
- We want
- String lineOfText
- We start with
- File fileObject
- fileObject will contain tons of information on a
138Class JFileChooser - like JColorChooser
- // 1. create a file object
- File fileObject
- // 2. create a file chooser
- JFileChooser fileChooser new JFileChooser( )
- // 3. show the file chooser
- fileChooser.showOpenDialog( null )
- // 4. attach the choice to the file object
- fileObject fileChooser.getSelectedFile()
139FileReader Class
- File Class contains methods to get file info
- FileReader class contains methods to get file
contents - Too difficult to use, though. Have to deal with
one character a time, rather than buffering up
many characters into a String. - FileReader fileRead new FileReader(
fileObject )
140One last class Buffered Reader
- FileReader fileRead new FileReader(
fileObject ) - BufferedReader textInput new BufferedReader(
fileRead ) - Contains a readLine() method!!! Also a ready()
method. Also a close() method - Start with a file object
- Create a FileReader object using the File object
- Create a BufferedReader object using the
FileReader object
141BufferedReader finally gets to file contents
- String lineOfText
- FileReader fileRead new FileReader( fileObject
) - BufferedReader textInput new BufferedReader(
fileRead ) - System.out.println("The file contents are")
- while ( textInput.ready( ) true ) // more
lines? -
- lineOfText textInput.readLine( )
- System.out.println(lineOfText)
- textInput.close( )
- System.exit(0)
1422 ways to create a file object
- File musicFile
- JFileChooser fileGetter new JFileChooser()
- fileGetter.showOpenDialog( null )
- musicFile fileGetter.getSelectedFile()
- or
- File f new File (filename.txt)
143try territory
- try FileReader fileContents new FileReader(
musicFile ) BufferedReader textInput new
BufferedReader( fileContents ) while
(textInput.ready() true ) Artist
i textInput.readLine() Song i
textInput.readLine() i
textInput.close() - catch( IOException e) System.out.println("No
144Writing to a file
- File f new File( "newfile.txt" )
- try
- FileWriter out new FileWriter( f )
- BufferedWriter writer new BufferedWriter(
out ) - for (int x 0 x
- writer.write( Artistx " " Songx
) - writer.newLine( )
- writer.close()
- catch ( IOException e )
- System.out.println(problem writing to file")
- Our last topic
- How do many programs run at once on the same
computer? - What is meant by client / server?
146what are threads?
- independently running programs within one Unix
process - can communicate through (static) variables that
they share - define the Client / Server relationship
- used when a task needs undivided attention
- playing mp3s
- running a task while waiting for user input
147how threads operate
148main typically exists in the server
Communicate usually through a separate class
Server thread
end (not exit)
Client thread
150writing a client thread
- public class ClientClass extends Thread
- public void run()
- do while
- // stuff
- ( true )
151writing a Server
- public class ServerClass extends Thread
- public void run()
- while
- // does stuff here
- ( true )
- // end run()
- public static void main (String args)
- ClientClass clientThread new ClientClass()
- clientThread.start()
- ServerClass serverThread new ServerClass()
- serverThread.start()
- // end main
- // end class
152your Server Class responsibility
- main
- start own thread
- start all client threads
- run forever until commanded to stop
- System.exit(0) from this classs .run() ends all
threads - actually any System.exit(0) ends all threads.
- many ways to command - shared variables are often
used files etc.
153talk to each other
- public class commClass
- public static String ClientToServer "idle"
- public static String ServerToClient "idle"
- // end commClass
- static means everyone can use the Strings
- commClass.ClientToServer exit
- defines a protocol
154typical uses of thread communications
e.g. web server
registration Ive started
display this page
mouse clicks new pages
e.g. web page
155some useful methods
- Thread.sleep( milliseconds ) - suspends this
threads activity
156stopping a thread
- a clean end to a threads .run( ) method ends
that thread. - A .run( ) method that is in a while (true)
loop will not end. - System.exit(0) from ANYWHERE ends all threads