Title: 12 Words You Should Know
112 Words You Should Know!
12 Words You Should Know!
12 Words You Should Know!
12 Words You Should Know!
Analyze take apart look at closely look at it
from all angles
Analyze take apart look at closely look at it
from all angles
Analyze take apart look at closely look at it
from all angles
Analyze take apart look at closely look at it
from all angles
Compare/Contrast same/different connect it to
something then describe how it is alike or
Compare/Contrast same/different connect it to
something then describe how it is alike or
Compare/Contrast same/different connect it to
something then describe how it is alike or
Compare/Contrast same/different connect it to
something then describe how it is alike or
Describe tell about paint a picture with
words give details
Describe tell about paint a picture with
words give details
Describe tell about paint a picture with
words give details
Describe tell about paint a picture with
words give details
Evaluate give your opinion judge rate it or
grade it
Evaluate give your opinion judge rate it or
grade it
Evaluate give your opinion judge rate it or
grade it
Evaluate give your opinion judge rate it or
grade it
Explain tell why give reasons for elaborate
Explain tell why give reasons for elaborate
Explain tell why give reasons for elaborate
Explain tell why give reasons for elaborate
Infer read between the lines use what you
already know to make a judgment find the hidden
Infer read between the lines use what you
already know to make a judgment find the hidden
Infer read between the lines use what you
already know to make a judgment find the hidden
Infer read between the lines use what you
already know to make a judgment find the hidden
212 Words You Should Know!
12 Words You Should Know!
12 Words You Should Know!
12 Words You Should Know!
Formulate design put together develop a plan
Formulate design put together develop a plan
Formulate design put together develop a plan
Formulate design put together develop a plan
Predict What will happen next? make an
educated guess What do you expect?
Predict What will happen next? make an
educated guess What do you expect?
Predict What will happen next? make an
educated guess What do you expect?
Predict What will happen next? make an
educated guess What do you expect?
Summarize state the main idea in your own
words give the highlights review the main points
Summarize state the main idea in your own
words give the highlights review the main points
Summarize state the main idea in your own
words give the highlights review the main points
Summarize state the main idea in your own
words give the highlights review the main points
Support give evidence, examples, and details
prove your answer is correct use quotations from
the text
Support give evidence, examples, and details
prove your answer is correct use quotations from
the text
Support give evidence, examples, and details
prove your answer is correct use quotations from
the text
Support give evidence, examples, and details
prove your answer is correct use quotations from
the text
Trace track from beginning to end create a
time line go back to the roots
Trace track from beginning to end create a
time line go back to the roots
Trace track from beginning to end create a
time line go back to the roots
Trace track from beginning to end create a
time line go back to the roots