Title: Fall 2004 Blackboard Faculty Survey
1Fall 2004BlackboardFaculty Survey
The following are the results of a Faculty survey
conducted in Fall 2004. The survey is based on
50 online responses and 50 paper based responses.
3How important is an easy-to-use program for
adding course documents to the web (like
4How important is the ability to create and stream
video/audio content for your classes ?
5How important is it to have an easy way to share
content between different classes from one
semester to the next?
6How important is it to have good tools for
communicating with students outside of the
7How important is it to have more reliable
Internet connectivity?
8How important is more server storage space?
9How important is faster download speed?
10How important is it to have support staff to help
you create course materials?
11How important is it to have plagiarism control
12How important is it to have more secure testing
13How important is it to have more reliable testing
14How important is it for the University to offer
more online academic programs?
15How important is it for you to have more
administrative support for online course
16How important is it to you for the University to
focus less on the web, more on the classroom?
17How important is the ability for you to be able
to manage your files?
18How important are more flexible grade book
19How important are more flexible testing
20How important is it for students to be able to
add content to the course web site?
21How important is the ability to have additional
student community areas for communicating and
sharing student-oriented information?
22How important is single sign-on for all campus
23How important is integration with the Registrar's
system (DARS, ACInquire, student database,
24How important is integration with transaction
systems (controller's system, bookstore, BU Quick
Card, etc.)?
25How important is integration with library
26How important is it to have students that drop a
course automatically removed from the course
27How important is it to have more creative
flexibility in the design and layout of the
course site?
28How important is it to have online student
portfolio capabilities?
29How important is it for graduates to maintain a
web presence on Bradley servers?
30How important is it to have alumni outreach
capabilities within the online course management
system (Blackboard)?
31How important is it to have desktop video
conferencing abilities?
32How important is it to have a personalized portal
for different categories of users (students vs.
faculty vs. alumni vs. visitors vs. off-campus
33How important is the ability to make different
content available for different groups of people?
34How important is the ability to connect,
communicate and share information with others
outside of the university?
35Need for more online tutorials
36An Online course site that teaches Blackboard to
37Examples of well-done course sites (Best
38More hands- on training
39More Opportunity to work with colleagues in my
40A course that teaches the best methods for using
41The current options for training suit my needs
42 More online tutorials to students
43An Online course site that teaches Blackboard to
44The current resources suit the needs of my
- There are a few things that could be better,
such as more options for the item weighting
(e.g., counting only a predetermined number of
the highest quizzes), but overall it is a very
powerful and useful tool. - I need to learn how to do the audio video
streaming. I also need to learn how to add
foreign accents without having to cut paste
from Word. I need to learn how to use Bulletin
Board or "Chat rooms" with my students for
discussions in French. - I have used the online tutorials, and I have
found them to be very helpful. I have also
requested and received support from ITAC, and the
group was very helpful. Thanks!
- I know that offering courses on the web is
popular but on doing so will take away from the
overall education experience that we offer here
at Bradley. I would be very cautious in moving in
that direction for fear of it negatively
affecting the type of university we wish to be. - I use it only for posting grades and PowerPoint
slides. It meets my needs well. - Blackboard has been very easy to learn and
helpful. The most frustrating feature is the
multiple times Blackboard has been down or
- It would be awesome to have more
videoconferencing availability that could move
through Bb (if they have that) to other
colleagues in other geographic areas. I have
videoconferencing tools, but if Bb could provide
a reliable, firewall-friendly tool, that would be
great. - I don't feel that my students need training.
- A recent email discussing "Blackboard Need To
Know Tips" was very interesting. Information on
how to better use Blackboard, to use it more
effectively, or use it in new and different ways
helps us to create better online learning
environments for our students.