Title: Integrating Information Literacy Skills into a Blackboard Class
1Integrating Information Literacy Skills into a
Blackboard Class
- Presented by Sarah Brick Archer,
- Northeastern State University
- Tahlequah, Oklahoma
- Sarah Brick Archer
- Instruction librarian for 24 years.
- Experienced with Blackboard and html.
- Established relationship with English teaching
3Institutional Background
- Northeastern State University
- Comprehensive regional university in Oklahoma.
- Enrollment of approximately 9,500.
- Blackboard available since 2000.
- 10 of classes online with 30-40 of classes
with online components.
- Libraries are responsible for instructing
distance education students in - Basic information literacy techniques.
- Use of print and non-print materials.
5Information Literacy
- Information literacy is defined as "the ability
to locate, evaluate, and use information to
become independent life-long learners. - Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools (SACS). Criteria for
Accreditation, Section 5.1.2 Library and Other
Information Resources Services . 10th ed. Dec.
1996. (URLhttp//www.sacscoc.org/SectV.htm)
6- Libraries have tried to meet these
responsibilities through - In-person instruction sessions.
- Uploading supplemental materials to online
classes. - Creating a discussion thread for instruction.
7First Example of Implementation, 2004
- All three elements listed below were included in
the online class. - The librarian had full instructor status in the
teaching facultys online class. - A library instruction module was added to the
class. - The librarian assisted in creating and monitoring
the discussion board.
8Description of the First Study
- Conducted in English 5033 Graduate Research and
Writing class taught during fall 2004 on
Blackboard. - 9 students were enrolled.
- Library instruction module--html-based, including
links Flash routines. - Discussion board monitored by the librarian.
- Online survey of students.
9Module Content
- Photograph and contact information for librarian.
- General library information.
- Review of information cycle.
- Concepts of search strategies.
- Choosing a topic.
10- Database concepts.
- Locating materials.
- Evaluating materials.
- Citing resources.
11Creating the Discussion Board
- Created a month after the class started.
- Discussion board entitled Post your
questions/con-cerns about your research in
general and the program Ms. Archer has prepared
in specific here.
12Summary of Discussion Board Activity
- Participation (9 students and 2 faculty had 19
postings). - Students needed help with
- Identifying peer reviewed journals.
- Assessing quality of materials.
- Dealing with technical problems.
13Discussion Board Comments
- I thought that I knew how to research already,
but after reading the program you prepared, I
was able to find twelve new potential (as in
all of them are good) sources in less than an
hour. Holy cow! (Victoria Hamilton, personal
communication, September 15, 2004)
14- The thing that was most valuable to me was your
suggestion to find what issues were current by
checking the Calls For Papers. - (Jeanne Urie, personal communication, September
15, 2004)
15- Your information was very informativethe
evaluating materials section was most
valuable. - (Melody Denny, personal communication, September
17, 2004)
16Classroom Professors Comments
- Sarah, I think the posts so far indicate this
approach is perhaps even more useful to them than
we thought it might be. - (Dr. Mary Stanley, personal communication,
September 20, 2004.)
17Creating the Survey
- The purpose of the survey was to determine the
effectiveness of a discussion board in enhancing
the library online module. - The survey was created and conducted on
Blackboard by the librarian and posted two months
after the discussion board closed.
18Survey Results
- Eight out of nine students responded.
- Participation was voluntary.
19Survey Results
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23Survey Results-Student Comments
- I know this was an online class, but I would
have liked an in-person library tutorial. - The library module should be a required
assignment in freshmen orientation. - The discussion board made me realize that the
librarian truly wants to help and will not feel
bothered if I need to ask questions.
24- The library module made things clear visually
theres just too much information for oral
directions to make sense. - I have had my academic butt saved by many
librarians, and Im sure not for the last time.
25Additional Examples
- In a later class, I asked Dr. Stanley to include
a discussion board that encouraged the students
to explain how they conducted their research and
to include databases and search strategies used.
To encourage compliance, a discussion board
rubric was created.
26Discussion Board Rubric Example
- 10 points A clearly written, spell/grammar
checked contribution explaining the process that
you used to define and create your semester
project. Based on the library module, explain
what databases you will or did use, why you
selected them, and how you used them (what search
terms did you use?) Identify problems encountered
and any ideas of how you might overcome them.
27Examples of Student Questions on Additional
Discussion Boards
- A student mentioned her topic and that she had
searched Web sites. It gave me a perfect
opportunity to give her links to specific
databases. - Another student listed inappropriate databases
for his topic, so I was able to identify more
effective databases. - Another student listed a search strategy to which
I could recommend changes. - During one discussion, I was able to email a
student some relevant articles.
28Example of Discussion Board Comments, Advanced
Composition for Teachers, 2006
- Student Statement I would like to do my paper on
the need for home-schooling regulations in the
US, most particularly in Oklahoma. - Classroom teachers reply This appears a "go,"
but have you done a preliminary search to be sure
you can find 10 solid sources?
29- My reply Keri,I would use ERIC and Education
Fulltext for articles. For Oklahoma related
materials, use NewsBank which indexes the Tulsa
World and Daily Oklahoman. The Oklahoma State
Dept. of Education has a link to home schooling
on its Web site. It links to Oklahoma curriculum
standards and to state and national home
schooling associations.Sarah Brick Archer
30- Student reply Thanks for the addition (sic)
place to search. I have used the library site
but the other places is (sic) a great place to
go. I now have ten sources. Thanks, Keri
- Librarians have a responsibility to teach and
provide resources to distance education students
and some approaches include - Inserting library instruction modules into the
Blackboard class. - Participating in discussion boards.
- Finding e-books, e-journals and web sites to post
in classes.
32- Discussion boards are useful follow-up tools and
can generate critical thinking. - Discussion boards create positive relationships
between student and librarian. - Omissions in instruction can be identified
through discussion boards. - Discussion boards can assist in assessing student
satisfaction and achievement levels.
33- Classroom faculty seem supportive.
- The faculty member who participated in this study
included the library module in other online
classes. However, it was occasional inserted
without being relevant or updated for the class. - This approach is time consuming.
- Librarians can make it easier for classroom
faculty to include projects in online classes. - Students seem to recognize and appreciate the
library instruction.