Title: Kentucky s Electronic Proposal Book
1Kentucky s Electronic Proposal Book
- And other adventures in PES/LAS
Natcher Bridge US 231 near Owensboro
2KYTC had to get a new vocabulary
- ContID, Contract ID (aka Proposal Code Number)
- Call Number Order, ContID to be called in
letting, NEW! - Item Code Number now at least 5 digits, was just
4. - Proposal can have one or more projects (ie Group
Proposal). - ContID not sequential, they are created by
designers and proposal compilation. - Proposal Item Number standardized on increments
of 10 .
3New Look for reports
- TRNSPORT PES/LAS Software to administer the
Proposal and Letting will be used. - Notice to Contractor will have slightly different
format. It will be sorted by call number. - Contracts have Call Number for Letting and
Contract ID (ContID). - Bid Items Code at least 5 digits. Listed in New
Specification book and on web page. - Proposals have page numbers and will be in PDF
format with most pages searchable, and final file
size now much smaller. - KYTC HwyBid new Version 2.0 will be used for May
letting. - Reports from HwyBid look slightly different.
4Notice to Contractor
5Bid Item Codes
6KYTC Plug-in Ver 1.0
- Developed by in conjunction with Mark Douglas of
ITI the KYTC PES/LAS lead with Chris Brown from
ITI programmer, Chris Lambert, Bob Lewis Fred
Upchurch from KYTC - Running under PLC 5.5-a1. DB Server Win 2000
Oracle 8i Development Server 082h2 cpu/500mhz
memory/2g Production Server
ea52lqk32r cpu/2.8ghz memory/4g - Began Production PES/LAS May 2004. Proposal
created with plug-in and posted to web. Still
printing copies for sale but long range goal is
to have contractors get from web. District Office
can get copies from web. - Client has Windows 2000, Office 2000 Adobe
Acrobat 5.0 - Standard KYTC client has NT or XP with Office 97.
Some clients with Acrobat 6.0 are needed to
apply headers and page numbers.
7KYTC Plug-in Ver 1.0 cont.
- When developed Adobe Acrobat 5.0 was standard and
it does not allow page numbering or headers - Attachments either PDF or Word documents
- Next version will NOT be OS specific. Also, KYTC
just now getting Test Server operational to be
able to insure plug-in will work with releases
higher than PLC 5.5a-1 - After Proposal generated, re-opened in Abode 6.0
to put headers and page numbers.
New Rest Area I-65 Hart Co.
8Create list of Special Note and Provisions
9Plug-in at Proposal Level under Attachment Tab
- Edit Base Provs for Note administrator to edit
base generic notes or add same. - Gen Prop Book to create a rolled up PDF file.
- Edit Prop Prov let user edit an attached note for
contract specific provision. Note that Base note
not affected but change added to attachments.
Attachments either Word or Abode PDF files. - Edit INI to create password for plug-in, separate
from GUI or batch passwords.
10Edit Prop Provisions
11Edit Prop Provisions continuedattach files that
are either Word or PDF(Word for Contract
specific information)
12Edit Prop Provisions continued
13Generate Proposal (Need client with Acrobat 5.0)
14Generate Proposal (Need client with Acrobat 5.0)
15Generate Proposal (Need client with Acrobat 5.0)
16Old Proposal
New ProposalCreated with Plug-in in PES
17Contract Project (s) Description Page a RTF
report added as an attachment.
18Proposal with Page Numbersadded with Adobe 6
19Proposal Item Number Page generated with KYTC
WinBid and attached to proposal
20Construction Inspections from the air!
Henderson, Ky
Glasgow, Bypass gt
21Proposal posted to KYTC websitehttp//transportat
22Proposal posted to KYTC websitehttp//transportat
23Proposal posted to KYTC websitehttp//transportat
24Vulcan Quarry Gilbertsville, KY near LBTL
25More Construction Pics
Robert C. Lewis, P.E. Assistant
Director Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Division
of Construction Transportation Cabinet Office
Building 3rd Floor West Wing Room W3-06-02
Frankfort, KY 40622 502-564-4780 extension
3784 fax 502-564-8388 bob.lewis_at_ky.gov