Title: Enrollment Management
1(No Transcript)
2The Profession Formerly Known As
AdmissionsEnrollment Management For The High
School Counselor
3OrA Classic Battle
4What Well Talk About Today
- How people seem to view EM
- How did EM come about?
- What forces suggest its here to stay? Can we put
a genie back in the bottle? Should we? - Is there a happy middle between Dr. Evil and
Superman? - Warning For EM people
- Warning For HS people
5The Latest Inspiration
- "Enrollment managers are ruining American higher
education. They are undoing our commitment to
justice and need-based financial aid. - How Enrollment Management Has
- Transformed -- or Ruined -- Higher Education
- Don Hossler, quoting a scholar, CHE 4/30/2004
6More Recent Inspiration
- This benefits colleges, not kids.
- I truly would like to know why colleges and
universities feel they must require such early
deadlines. Is it in any way for the good of the
student? - Colleges, do you really think it's in your or
our students' best interests to be going this
7Who knows what EM is ????
Is it..
- The same as admissions?
- A pricing/financial aid strategy?
- Another name for slick marketing?
- A haven for introverted admissions officers whod
rather run a spreadsheet than shake a hand? - A clever ploy to inflate admissions budgets while
sticking it to students?
This Concludes Our Presentation for Today. Thank
you, and Please Drive Carefully.
9Actually, a better definition might be...
- A strategic direction of institutional resources
to influence recruitment and retention
10Defining Re-Defining SEM
- Enrollment Management is a process that brings
together the often disparate functions having to
do with recruiting, funding, tracking, retaining
and replacing students as they move toward,
within and away from the university. - -Maguire
11Defining Re-Defining SEM
- EM as an organizational concept and systematic
set of activities designed to enable educational
institutions to exert more influence over their
student enrollments. Organized by strategic
planning and supported by institutional research,
enrollment management activities concern student
college choice, transition to colleges, student
attrition and retention, and student outcomes. - -Hossler
12Defining Re-Defining EM
- Enrollment Management is an integrated approach
to establishing and cultivating relationships
with students from their first contact as a
prospect through the completion of their
educational goal. - -Black
13Defining Re-Defining EM
- EM as a comprehensive process designed to help an
institution achieve and maintain the optimum
recruitment , retention and graduation rates of
students, where optimal is defined within the
academic context of the institution. As such,
EM is an institution-wide process that embraces
virtually every aspect of an institutions
function and culture. - -Dolence
14Defining Re-Defining SEM
- EM is a processEM seeks to integrate
- EM is goal-oriented
15Unlike the way we used to think about
16The Gatekeeper model
- The first model
- Counselors who are student-centered (by default)
- Admissions was just admissions Aid was aid
- Very passive
- Still in place at some Community Colleges
- A companion to the Freshman Speech
- It waslikereally, really, super nice. Right?
17Why Did It Work?
- Birthrates
- GI Bill
- No use of words Higher Education and Industry
in the same sentence - No new entrants into the business
- In loco parentis, instead of loco parents.
18Outside Cause? Inside Effect?
19The Pure Recruiter Model
- Sales terms
- High touch/personal contacts
- Generates lots of inquiries
- Non-data orientation
- Everyone can love us, if they only get the chance
- Recruiting starts at inquiry
- It waslikereally, really, super annoying.
20Why It Happened
- Birthrates, again
- Leveling off of attendance
- Encroaching Consumerism (cause? effect?)
- Societal Pressure (diversity, access)
21What Has Happened More Recently?
- Match has given way to Prestige as a driving
factor - A generation that does confuses want and need
and carries a sense of entitlement - Education is now a Mature Industry (Arthur
Levine) - Universities (at least all but 200) have become
increasingly reliant on tuition - Pressure on Higher Education to change.
22Anybody Here Want to Blame Higher Education For
These Trends?
23Common Perceptions
- College Costs Are Rising Dramatically
- Middle-class, And Minority Students Are Being
Squeezed Out - Costs Are A Proxy For Institutional Quality
- Financial Aid Process Is Biased And Skewed
- Parents, Students Overestimate Cost of College
Attendance, Even At State Schools
24College Costs, 1964--2000
25Erosion Of Minimum Wage
26Deleted Purchasing Power Of Median Income
27Parents And Students Perceptions
- Access For All Groups Has Increased
- NCES Study Shows Big Increase In Sticker, But No
Change Or Decrease In Net Cost To Student After
Accounting For Grants (And Sometimes, Loans)
19922000 - There is More Opportunity Today For More Students
To Go To College Than Ever Before
29Rates of College Attendance Have Increased
30Quiz What Is The Average Students Tuition
Sticker Price At A Four-year College In The U.S.?
- 28,347
- 25,553
- 21,921
- 18,012
- 16,914
- 11,590
- 9,180
- 7,412
- 5,305
- 3,212
2000 Data
31SoWhat We Have Here Is A Failure to Communicate.
- Boards of Trustees filled with business people
- Pressure to balance competing objectives
- Access
- Diversity
- Academic Quality/Student Expectations
- Net Revenue
- Market Position
- Alumni Pride
32Factor Reputation And Pricing From A Market
33U.S. News and World Report
- Trani keeps his eye on the prize, too. He
carries a laminated index card that lists his
2000-2005 presidential priorities. Topping the
list is moving the undergraduate ranking from
Tier 3 to Tier 2. He has a great incentive to
accomplish this goal For every year VCU is
ranked in Tier 2, the board has promised him a
25,000 bonus. - AGB Priorities article regarding longtime
Virginia Commonwealth University President,
Eugene Trani (page 7)
34Moodys Investors ServiceRating Approach for
Private Colleges Universities
- Moodys review of an institutions market and
competitive position is typically the most
extensive part of our analysis because we believe
it is a key driver of long-run financial health
35Enter Enrollment Management
- Disdain for sales terminology
- Likely to be involved in Strategic Planning Not
just Order Taking from Above - Willing to embrace business models, where
appropriate (Brand ID, e.g.) - Heavily data driven
- Less concern with mass appeal
- Equal concern for retention
- A Loss of Innocence?
36The Ideal EM Professionals
37The Role Of EM In The Institution
38Illinois High School Graduates 1990- 2001 - and
projected to 2011
39Projected Net Change in Illinoisin 18-23 Year
Old Population
40Enrollment Management Is Portfolio Management
Growth Potential
Market Penetration
41Enrollment Management Is Portfolio Management
Have to Do (Harvest)
Want to Do (Invest)
Net Revenue
Why Do? (Trim)
Need to Do (Maintain)
4212-Year Percent Change in Number of Children by
Family Status, Parent Education, Age Band, and
Two Parent Single Parent
Two Parent Single Parent
Two Parent Single Parent
Two Parent Single Parent
43So, Enough Theory. Can It Work?
- For Universities?
- For Students?
- For Society?
44Org. Structure 1984 - 1997
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
Advertising Publications
45Along Comes Vision 2006, Demanding
- More Access for Lower Income Students
- Continued Alignment with First-Generation Mission
- Greater Institutional Diversity
- Hold Financial Aid at Current Levels
- Maintain or Improve Quality
- Ignore the Contradictions
46Core Premise of DePauls Undergraduate Strategy
in Vision 2006
- Access to a quality education will determine who
will be the haves versus the have nots in our
society in this Knowledge Age. - Richard J.
47DePauls Undergraduate Enrollment Management
- Improve DePauls market position prominence
- Ensure financial accessibility
- Increase diversity and mix
- Ensure academic success and attainment
- Optimize net tuition revenue
48The Challenge
- Balance our commitment to diversity and access
with other market, institutional and financial
dynamics constraints in the years to come.
Academic Profile
Financial Accessibility
Net Revenue
Enrollment Growth
50Enrollment Growth
Academic Profile
Net Revenue
Financial Accessibility
51First Generation and Minority Students
- More likely to be in lower income strata
- Less likely to finish high school
- Less likely to pursue a 4 year degree
- Less likely to pursue private higher education
52ACT Test Score Distribution
53Org. Structure 1984 - 1997
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
Advertising Publications
54New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
CAREER CENTERS Career Development Placement
Registration Records Financial Aid
Advertising Publications
55New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
CAREER CENTERS Career Development
Placement Student Employment
Advertising Publications
56New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
CAREER CENTERS Career Development
Placement Student Employment Internships
Advertising Publications
57New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
MARKETING Media Relations Univ Relations
Internet Special Events
CAREER CENTERS Career Development
Placement Student Employ. Internships
Advertising Publications
58New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
MARKETING Media Relations Advertising Publications
Communications Internet Special Events
CAREER CENTERS Career Networking Student
Employ. Internships
59New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
MARKETING Media Relations Advertising Publications
Communications Internet Special Events
CAREER CENTERS Career Networking Student
Employ. Internships
60New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
MARKETING Media Relations Advertising Publications
Communications Internet Special Events
CAREER ALUMNI Career Networking Student
Employ. Internships
Alumni Relations Annual Giving
Title IV
61New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
Registration Records Financial Aid
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
MARKETING Media Relations Advertising Publications
Communications Internet Special Events
CAREER ALUMNI Career Networking Student
Employ. Internships
Title IV
Alumni Relations Annual Giving
62New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
MARKETING Media Relations Advertising Publications
Communications Internet Special Events
CAREER ALUMNI Career Networking Student
Employ. Internships
Registration Records Community Outreach Financ
ial Aid Title IV
Alumni Relations Annual Giving
63New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
MARKETING Media Relations Advertising Publications
Communications Internet Special Events
CAREER ALUMNI Career Networking Student
Employ. Internships
Registration Records Community Outreach Financ
ial Aid Title IV
Alumni Relations Annual Giving
64New Alignments 1997 - 1999
- Division of Enrollment Management
ADMISSIONS Freshman Adult Grad International Tra
MARKETING Media Relations Advertising Publications
Communications Internet Special Events
CAREER ALUMNI Career Networking Student
Employ. Internships
Registration Records Community Outreach Financ
ial Aid Title IV
Alumni Relations Annual Giving
65Current Structure 2004
- Division of Enrollment Management
Relations Advertising Publications
Communications Web Office Special Events
Placement Student Employ. Internships Alumni
Relations Annual Giving
ENROLLMENT SERVICES Registration Records
Community Outreach Financial Aid Financial
Admissions Freshman Adult Grad International Tr
ansfer Title IV
66Building Capacity for Increases in Freshman
2,256 80since1997
67Change in Freshman Profile 1996 to 2002
68A Changing Enrollment Mix1997-2002
- 1997 2002
- Undergraduate
- Full time 37 46
- Part time 23 17
- All undergrad 10,660 14,220
- TOTAL 17,790 23,227
- 5
69Undergraduate Enrollment Growth A Commitment to
Diversity Access
32 34
36 Minority as of Total
70Cross Roads Between 1997 and 2004 In an
enrollment management environment DePaul moved
forward on its goals of
- Diversity and
- Financial accessibility goals,
- Keeping its academic profile in tact,
- Improved its market position prominence
- Stabilized its discount rate and substantially
increased net tuition revenue - What is in store for 2006 and beyond ?
71Current Situation
- Significant increase in demand - mostly driven by
growing minority interest in DePaul - of minority freshmen grew 32-36
- 80-90 of minority freshmen receive institutional
financial aid compared to 50 of white freshmen
average aid package for minorities is 35
greater. - Average academic profile lower for minority apps
- Net revenue improved substantially
72Anticipating Tomorrows Traditional Undergraduate
- An increasing number of non-white minorities in a
fairly stable pool of high school graduates - Financial accessibility affordability
challenges - Mixed levels of academic preparedness
- Dramatically heightened competitiveness among
universities for students of high ability/higher
73Planning for 2010 Three Scenarios
- A Full Access Model Build capacity to 4,000 to
capitalize fully on projected increases in demand - A Selectivity Model Stabilize freshmen
enrollment at 2,500 - and become more selective
in admissions - A Balanced Growth Model Manage a balanced growth
to 3,000
74A Full Access Model
- Applications continue to grow 8 annually - with
greater interest among minority pool - Continue to apply current admission criteria
- Assume stable enrollment yield
- Freshman class grows from 2,500 to 4,000
- Minority continues to grow to over 50
- Academic quality measures decline
- Net tuition revenue erodes substantially
- Requires substantial increase in capacity
75A Full Access Model
14,000 Applicants
4,000 Enrolled
76A Selectivity Model
- Applications continue to grow 8 annually
- Cap freshman enrollment at 2,500
- Assuming constant 30 yield, admission rate must
decline from 75 to 50 - Academic profile will improve
- Minority will decline
- Discount rate will ???
77The estimated effects of limiting freshmen
enrollment growth 1997-2004
- Profile No Growth (est) Growth
- Enrollment 1,200 2,350
- High school rank Top 1/4 Top 1/3
- Admit Rate 30 70
- ACT score 27 24
- Minority 1/5 1/3
- Median income 85,000 61,000
- Avg. discount 30 15
78A Selectivity Model
14,000 Applicants
2,500 Enrolled
79A Balanced Growth Model
- Applications continue to grow 8 annually
- Set enrollment goal of 3,000 freshmen, with
- Approximately 33 minority
- Net tuition approximately 70-75
- Gradual improvement in academic quality measures
- Admission rate likely to remain above 66
- Yield rate likely to decline
- Requires additional capacity
80The Outcome of DePauls Vision 2006 Undergraduate
- By shifting from an Admissions focus to one of
Enrollment Management, and aligning functions to
affect public image, perception, and drive
institutional objectives, DePaul has provided
greater access while successfully
simultaneously balancing gains innumbers,
quality attainment, diversity mix, net
81Vision 2006
Net Revenue
Academic Profile
Financial Accessibility
Enrollment Growth
82Almost There Just 200 More Slides to Go
- Hello.?????
- Hey Jon, its time to .
- Stop Talking, already!
- Thank them for coming, and especially for
listening - Ask for questions
- The Fat Lady is singing!!!!
83Thank You
- Questions
- Comments
- To get a copy of this presentation, bring me a
business card and Ill email it, or send an email
to me at JBoecken_at_DePaul.Edu