We are the first and only state in the nation to
require a teaching performance assessment as a
credentialing requirement.
3Whats New with the Teaching Performance
Assessment (TPA)
- Required statewide implementation of an approved
TPA began July 1, 2008, per SB 1209 - CTC model is the California TPA (CalTPA)
- Two alternative TPA models approved by the
Commission PACT (Performance Assessment for
California Teachers) and FAST (Fresno Assessment
of Student - Teachers), for CSU Fresno
- only)
4Common Features of the Three Approved TPA Models
- Based on the Teaching Performance Expectations
(TPEs) - Require candidates to perform specified
tasks/activities with K-12 students - Require candidate orientation and practice in the
TPA tasks/activities - Embed tasks within the teacher preparation
program sequence - Provide assessor training, calibration and
5Common Features of Approved TPA Models (continued)
- Use a rubric-based score of 1-4 (different models
may require different minimum score levels) - Require double scoring to maintain scoring
reliability - Provide feedback to candidates
- Provide opportunities for candidates to retake a
task if needed - Provide candidate information useful for
6Who is Required to Take the Teaching Performance
- All candidates starting approved multiple and
single subject teacher preparation programs on or
after July 1, 2008 must meet the teaching
performance assessment - requirement
- Early Completion Option
- Intern candidates are subject
- to the TPA requirement
7Who Are the Assessors of Candidate Performance?
- University teaching faculty, field supervisors,
master teachers - K-12 teachers, supervisors, support providers,
administrators - Retired faculty, teachers, administrators
- Other education professionals
8Performance Scoring
- Each task has a specific scoring rubric
describing the characteristics of a candidates
performance relative to that task and the TPEs - Each rubric has four score levels, ranging from a
low of 1 to a high of 4 - Scorers (assessors) are trained and calibrated
to apply each rubric to candidate performance
- Will be used in Title II reporting
- State-level data collection and reporting
guidelines will be coming soon - Programs should be collecting program-level data
10Use of TPA Results
- Formative information for use by the candidate
- Summative information as one basis for the
recommendation of a candidate for a credential - Evidence of program effectiveness
- Formative information for use in an induction
12Program Standards Relating to TPA Implementation
- Teacher Preparation Program Standards 19-21
- Standard 19 Assessment Administered for
Validity, Accuracy and Fairness - Standard 20 Assessor Qualifications and Training
- Standard 21 Assessment Administration, Resources
and Reporting
13Information and Technical Assistance for Teacher
Preparation Programs
- TPA Implementation Task Force comprised of
stakeholder representatives has been meeting
since 2007 to discuss common implementation
issues such as communications with the field and
with other stakeholders, video recording
procedures, and transition to induction
14Information and Technical Assistance for Teacher
Preparation Programs (cont.)
- TPA technical assistance is available from CTC
staff and from developers of PACT and FAST
15Update on TPA Development Work
- TPA model developers are working during 2008-09
on addressing all of the Single Subject content
areas. The specific content areas being worked on
may vary depending on the TPA model. - Full implementation of all Single Subject content
areas is expected for July 1, 2009. - During 2008-09, programs may continue to assess
these single subject candidates under Interim
Standard 19 or may propose another alternative.
16How You Can Help the TPA Implementation Process
- Participate in TPA orientation training
- Share your knowledge about the TPA with other
stakeholders and community members - Become a trained assessor in one or more TPA
models - Volunteer to help pilot the CalTPA
Subject-Specific Pedagogy task for single subject
content areas
17CalTPA Contacts
Wayne Bacer wbacer_at_ctc.ca.gov Suzanne
Sullivan ssullivan_at_ctc.ca.gov Phyllis Jacobson
pjacobson_at_ctc.ca.gov To register for
training Nick Pearce npearce_at_ctc.ca.gov
18Other TPA Contacts
- For PACT Kendyll Stansbury kendylls_at_stanford.edu
- PACT website http//www.pacttpa.org/
- For FAST Susan Macy smacy_at_csufresno.edu