Title: Agenda
- Overview of case attack method
- Review Ch1 use in case analysis
- Team resume
2S-S Technologies Inc.
- Case Attack and
- Case Report Format
3SST Overview
- Who decision-maker(s), players
- What decision, problems
- Why impact, causes
- When decision time line
- How how to understand, resolve (theory /or
4Draft a Problem Statement
- What has the decision maker asked you to do?
- Why? In what context?
- How will you help? What insight can you bring to
this task?
5Structure for Problem Statement
- Common Ground
- Decision Context. Shared understanding about
the current status of the problem
taken-for-granted background. - Insight New Vision
- Problem statement, value-added. What principals
do not know or fully understand hidden causes
what costs will be if we dont respond what
benefits will be if we do - Resolution
- Indicating a response. Brief reference to main
point or launching point of your argument - (Adapted from Booth, Colomb Williams, p249)
6Draft a Problem Statement
- Take 5 mins groups of 2-4
- Pull together a statement from your individual
7Size-up Get the CONTEXT
- Current firm performance
- How are they doing?
- Current strategy
- What are their goals and how are they trying to
reach them? Is it a reasonable strategy given
their situation?
8Issues Triage Metaphor
- Immediate Theoretical
- a. a.
- b. b.
- c. c.
Presenting symptoms Breathing? Pulse?
Check Airway Heart Trauma
9Issues Triage Metaphor
- Immediate Theoretical
- a. a.
- b. b.
- c. c.
Symptoms Immediate issues
Check Theories or models that will probably be
useful. What theoretically may be involved?
103 concerns at SST
- Immediate Theoretical
- a. a.
- b. b.
- c. c.
113 concerns at SST
- Immediate Theoretical
- a. Rapid growth a. Contextual variables
- b. Compensation plan b. Structural variables
- c. Performance meas. c. Stakeholders
- Case attack is a first draft. Keep an open mind.
See if these issues fit.
- For each issue consider is it Important, Urgent
or both? - Pay attention to importance vs. urgency as you
read the case. - These priorities will be reflected in your
action plan
13Draft a Problem Statement
- Rapid growth at SST causing owners to rethink org
design - Issues around marketing, compensation
performance measurement indicate growth is
putting valuable culture at risk - To protect culture, need to preserve
self-management - Rough out what you think the problem looks like,
but keep your options open.
14Analyze? HOW?
- ORGANIZE the data
- EXAMINE how issues fit together
- APPLY theories, models, concepts
- INDICATE a strategic direction
- (And CONVINCE the decision maker)
15Data analysis
- A. Collect/organize data
- B. Use a model or concept to understand
relationships/causes - C. Check against another concept or model, and
another - D. Organize argument (clarity/persuasiveness)
16Collect data Organize
17Brainstorm Organize
18Brainstorm Organize
19Brainstorm Organize
21Organize data
Another example of a simple first cut
22Organize data for SST
- Collect and organize factors contributing to
major issues.
Issue 1
23Take 5 mins in your group
- Pick an issue. Note contributing factors.
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
24Organizing data for SST
25Complicating factors
26Complicating factors
Need to
Need to
27Complicating factors
28Organize, Illuminate, Solve
- Are there common factors contributing to more
than one problem? - Common factors can reveal root causes These can
also show which fixes will be most effective
29Common factors?
30Strategic Direction
Clearer rpting relationships policies need
communication mechanisms
31Strategic Direction
Need to maintain healthy culture and high
32Strategic Direction
Maintain flat structure/teams design bonuses
profit sharing accordingly
33Define the dimensions
34Characteristics of Three Organizations
Manufacturing Retailing
Service SIZE (employees)
250,000 35
35Organizational Dimensions
Workbook Activity
Missed class? Hand in workbook activity.
High Formalization 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Low
Formalization High Specialization 1 - 4 5
- 6 7 - 10 Low Specialization Tall
Hierarchy 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Flat Hierarchy
Product Technology 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Service
Technology Stable Environment 1 - 4 5 -
6 7 - 10 Unstable Environment Strong
Culture 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Weak Culture
High Professionalism 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Low
Professionalism Well-Defined Goals 1 - 4
5 - 6 7 - 10 Poorly-Defined Goals Small
Size 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Large Size
Modern 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Postmodern
36S-S Technologies
Workbook Activity
High Formalization 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Low
Formalization High Specialization 1 - 4 5
- 6 7 - 10 Low Specialization Tall
Hierarchy 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Flat Hierarchy
Product Technology 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Service
Technology Stable Environment 1 - 4 5 -
6 7 - 10 Unstable Environment Strong
Culture 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Weak Culture
High Professionalism 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Low
Professionalism Well-Defined Goals 1 - 4
5 - 6 7 - 10 Goals Not Defined Small
Size 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Large Size
Modern 1 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 10 Postmodern
37Two Org Design Approaches
Organizational Change in the Service
of Performance
38Ch 1 A few more highlights
- Organizations and
- Organization Theory
39Open System and Subsystems
Transformation Process
Raw Materials People Information
resources Financial resources
Products and Services
40Five Basic Parts of an Organization
Top Management
Technical Support
Administrative Support
Middle Management
Technical Core
41Five Basic Parts of an Organization
Top Management
Admin Support
Middle Management
Tech Support
Technical Core
42Five Basic Parts of an Organization
Top Management
Technical Support
Admin Support
Mid Management
Technical Core
43How do 5 Basic Parts perform subsystem Functions?
Top Management
Technical Support
Administrative Support
Middle Management
Technical Core
- Government
- Creditors
- Community
- Suppliers
- Employees
- Unions
- Management
- Customers
- Owners and stockholders
What do they want?
45Team Resume
- Take time in your group to discuss individual
skills and experience. - Record team strengths, distinctive competencies,
and gaps. - Share one team strength and one distinctive
competency with the class.
46Team Charter
- Continue the discussion of strengths/weaknesses
begun in class - On the basis of this discussion, create a Team
Charter - Observe the requirements in the handout
- Signed Charter due Wed, 12 May
47Next Class
- Read Ch. 2
- What strategies describe SST?
- What are implications for org design?
- Comment on effectiveness at SST
- Skim University Art Museum case
- Who are the stakeholders and what do they want?
- What are the goals of the museum?
- Note Team Charter due in 1 week.