Title: Wireless Technology An Entrepreneurial View
1Wireless TechnologyAn Entrepreneurial View
- Michael Hathaway
- Venture Partner, Austin Ventures
2Wireless Explosion
Wireless Markets Are Dynamic
- Growth markets in wireless technology include
- Digital Mobile Telephony
- Wireless Ethernet (802.11x)
- Wireless Mobile Hand held computers
- Convergence is happening in wireless first
- Integrated voice and data
3Why So Much Wireless Activity?
- Wireless technology provides real solutions to
real problems that consumers are willing to pay
for. End of story!
4An Entrepreneurial Approach
- First of all having a vision is essential.
- Secondly technology is good
- But technology alone is insufficient
- Thirdly, think beyond the hype.
- What is really needed?
- What will actually work? Can it actually be
built? - Who is the customer and how much are they willing
to pay? - Identify what can be leveraged
- Time to market, technology barrier, etc.
5VisionExploring The Possibilities
- Ubiquitous Wireless Service
- Quality, integrated wireless services everywhere
- Fully integrated services and devices
- Media integration Voice, Video and Data
- Service integration email, vmail, document
access, etc. - Integrated devices and integrated device
communication - Security differentiation
- Better than legacy wired communication mediums.
- New and improved devices and interfaces
6RealityBusiness and Technical Challenges
- Infrastructure is inadequate
- Capacity is constrained, bandwidth limited
- Frequency spectrum is rationed
- Stringent investment community standards
- Un-profitable businesses are punished
- Un-profitable IPOs are a thing of the past
- Venture capital setting a higher bar
- Requiring experience,competitive barrier, and
profitability - Established vendors/operators are playing it safe
- Tending towards small, evolutionary steps
7RealityNetwork Operators Under The Gun
- Subscriber revenues are declining
- Willing to pay less each year for commodity
services - Specifically Internet access and mobile phone
services - Operators want new billable services to add
- Appetite for investment in capacity is low
- Need to leverage capacity that exists
- Operators want new, billable services
- Without having to invest significantly in
8Categorizing Opportunities
- Disruptive
- Obsoletes existing technology
- Digital Mobile Telephony replaced analog
- 802.11x
- Evolutionary
- Enhancements to existing technology
- 802.11a increased bandwidth over 802.11b
- Text Messaging added to digital telephony
- Integration
- Combining technology to create new product
9OpportunitiesEnhancing Existing Services
- Video/Satellite broadcast
- Adding bi-directional data flow and interactivity
- Mobile Telephony
- Better Service by improving range, density,
quality - Integration with data
- Wireless Packet Networking
- Reduce power, increase range, integrate security
10OpportunitiesPractical Solutions
- Short haul consumer market
- Eliminate wires Infra-red, Blue Tooth, etc.
- Integrated wireless links between devices
- Security Enhancement and integration
- Simplification of administration
- Integration of encryption/authentication/policy
mgt. - Client/End user
- Power reduction,Miniaturization and cost
reduction - Display enhancement
11OpportunitiesNext Generation
- Broadband Wireless
- Convergence of voice, video and data
- Broadcast media integration
- Integration of satellite and terrestrial networks
- The Final Realization Of The Wireless Vision!
12Rules For SuccessIncreasing Density and Capacity
- Capacity problems are best solved by increasing
capacity - Spectrum limitations must be solved
- Band aid solutions are not sustainable
- Many solutions intrude on neighboring
vendors/networks/solutions - Increasing spectrum is the ONLY long term
solution - Bandwidth constraints
- Best solved with added capacity
- QOS only helps when congestion has already
occurred - Customers dont pay more for better class of
service - They simply change vendors until theyre happy
13Rules For SuccessWireless Security
- Encryption in and of itself, is not security.
- Essential security components need development
- Service Permissions
- Who gets access to what data and services?
- Authentication
- Are you really who you say you are?
- Network protocol and data security
- Is someone watching your activities?
- Can your key be hacked?
- Can your network session be spoofed?
- Integrated management and account administration
- Administrator must easily add, delete and change
14Rules For SuccessSimplification
- Do not expose the customer to technical
complexity. - Example Early Deployments of DSL
- Difficult to deploy
- Complex to manage
- Capacity constrained
- Resulted customer dissatisfaction
- 3G can we avoid another DSL experience?
- New, complex services vs better existing service?
- Capacity is still constrained
- Japans 3G killer app free text messaging
- Vodaphones difficulties in deployment in Europe
15Rules For SuccessSizing Development Efforts
- Keep tasks bounded and well defined.
- Clearly defined development effort
- Believable schedules
- Sensible staff requirements
- Integration with existing platforms
- Well defined interfaces are essential
- 2.5G will prevail
- Its a logical incremental, evolutionary step
- Will people really pay more for 3G services?
- WI FI will evolve into a service
- Technology hurdles are surmountable
- Its here, it works and its simple
- Integrators will seize this opportunity
- At some point broadband wireless will happen
- And it will evolve out of 2.5G and Wi Fi
The industry will evolve on a path of least
- Having a vision is better than not having one!
- Having the correct vision is even better
- Hype generates media attention, not profits
- Wireless broadband can and will happen
- Enabled by existing technology and integration
- Simplicity will prevail
- Packet based networks
- Intuitive, useful services, available on
appropriate devices - Services that are easily managed and billed for