Title: Ogokwe
1Ogokwe Ogokwe-nini
- Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy, 2007
2The West finds the Americas
- A totally different way of life existed
- All were included, honoured and respected
- Sex, sexuality, identity and spirituality
combined to form - who a person was
- how they fit into the physical world
- how they related to the spiritual world.
3When Europe Hit Our Shores
- When the first Europeans got lost and washed up
onto our shores, they were nursed back to health,
usually by the Two-Spirited People - Chiefs rarely were the first face that outsiders
would see - It is estimated that 90 of Indigenous
populations were wiped out by disease.
4A European Response
5Two-Spirited PeopleGo Underground
- Elders, Medicine People including Two-Spirited
People were forced to hide - Some tribes were wiped out of existence
- Governments form and introduce Treaties
- Medicines and Ritual were outlawed and became
income for the visitors - The 60s Scoop, Residential School and the White
Paper of 69 are the new landscape
6Hollywood Indian?
- Through observation and imitation, we became our
own worst enemies - Sex became a bad word
- Same-sex was equated to sexual abuse at the hands
of priests and nuns in Residential Schools - Our sacred Two-Spirited Teachings were also put
away for safe-keeping.
Whats the difference?
8The Sex Medicine Wheel
SEX Your sex is based on your sex
organs Male Female Neuter Inter-sex
SEXUALITY Only you know how you feel inside.
Only you know if you relate better to guys or
better to girls. Maybe you can relate to girls
just as easily as you can relate to guys. Your
insides may not match your sex organs.
10IDENTITY As you grow and understand things about
yourself, you develop your own identity. You
know what is true for you. In late childhood and
early adulthood, the teen years, how others see
you plays a big part in how you see yourself, how
you WANT to see yourself, and how you WANT others
to see you.
11SPIRITUALITY What your traditional role is in
the community, at ceremony, how you do rituals,
what relationship you have with your Higher Power
and your closeness to you Higher Power have
traditionally been different depending on whether
you are male, female or Two-Spirited.
Two-Spirited people have special roles.
12The Nature of Sexuality
- In nature, there are four main types of common
sexuality - Homosexual
- Bi-sexual
- Heterosexual
- Asexual
- These deal with natural attraction
13The Complete Sexes
- In nature, there are four main sexes
- Female
- Male
- Neuter
- Inter-sex
- These deal strictly with biology
14The Sex Continuum
- Neuter (Male Essence)
- Asexual (Biological Male)
- Common Male (Heterosexual)
- Bi-sexual (Biological Male)
- Homosexual (Biological Male)
- Inter-sex (Predominantly Male
Genitalia) - Transitional Inter-sex (Natural or
Medical) - Inter-sex (Predominantly
Female Genitalia) - Homosexual (Biological Female)
- Bi-sexual (Biological Female)
- Common Female (Heterosexual)
- Asexual (Biological Female)
- Neuter (Female Essence)
15Human Sexuality
- Depending on the tribe, any or all of these
thirteen types of sexuality existed. All tribes
recognized the existence of persons other sexed
than male or female - Most tribes honoured other-sexed people while a
few tribes were afraid of them - Sometimes banishing them or, after Contact, even
killing them
16Ojibway Views on Other-sexed
- In our language, persons who were known to be
other-sexed were regarded to have a special
closeness to the Great Mystery - Ogokwe Wise Woman
- or Ogokwe-nini Wise Woman Man
- This acknowledges advanced balance between male
and female essences housed in one body.
17Return of the Teachings
- Two-Spirited People are traditionally the
counsellors - We are the mediators and marriage counsellors
- We are the visionaries and prophets
- We guide new directions of traditions and ritual
- We are the craftspeople, warriors, and helpers
18Return of the Teachings
- We look after the dead and dying
- We are charged with conducting the rituals and
ceremony around entering the Spirit World after
our time in this physical realm is over - We do the things that are too sacred for others
to do (Center pole at Sundance) - We do those things that most people will not or
cannot do
19Return to the Teachings
- Sometimes we perform our traditions and rituals
differently, often backwards compared to most
spiritual practices - We challenge tradition and force our People out
of their comfort zones to ensure we adapt as a
People - We are often resisted
- We are usually listened to