DCAT180 Church Growth and Revitalization Module 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DCAT180 Church Growth and Revitalization Module 1


The Holy Spirit causes the church to grow ... Empowering Leadership Gift-oriented Ministry Passionate Spirituality Functional Structures Inspiring Worship ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DCAT180 Church Growth and Revitalization Module 1

DCAT180Church Growth and RevitalizationModule
1 Church Growth Through Church Health
  • Hope Christian Church
  • Dr. James Flynn
  • June 08, 2011

Church Growth
The Church Growth Movement
  • The Influence of Donald McGavran the Father of
    the Church Growth Movement.
  • Background Missions calling to India (emphasis
    on souls) Disciples of Christ to Havda, India
  • Catalyst Principle catalyst for Church Growth
    thought in the 1950s and 60s based on observation
    concerning church growth on the mission field in
  • Pragmatic approach If it is not unbiblical, do
  • Receptivity Focus on the people most likely to
    be receptive (limited resources time, people,
  • Fuller Theological Institute of Church Growth
    revitalized by McGavran in 1965 and founding dean
    of the School of World Missions
  • Ralph Winter Fuller Missions and the William
    Carey Library
  • Charles Kraft Christianity with Power (1989)
  • C. Peter Wagner Integration of Pentecostal
    theology into mainline third wave movement
  • John Wimber Founding Director of Fullers
    Institute of Evangelism and Church Growth Power
    Evangelism (1986)

The Church Growth Movement
  • The Church Growth Movement
  • Wagner became the primary source for the Church
    Growth movement in the 1980s.
  • Churchquake (1999) captures the essence of
    church growth and contextualization
  • Vineyard Christian Fellowship
  • The movement began to mature with experience in
    the 1990s with a shift toward church health and
    contextualization (Examples churches and
  • Willow Creek Community Church (Bill Hybels)
    Contextualization for affluent suburban people
    south of Chicago
  • Saddleback Community Church (Rick Warren)
    Contextualization for the suburban Southern
  • Yoido Full Gospel Church Paul Yonggi Cho in
    Seoul, South Korea 1.0 Million people
  • Christian Schwarz Natural Church Development
    a principle approach to church growth through
    church health

Natural Church DevelopmentChurch Growth Through
Church Health
Natural Church Development
  • An ordered approach to church growth and health
  • Christian Schwarz began research in the 1990s
    into what church growth principles work to
    produce a growing healthy church
  • The Study He began a study of 1000 churches in
    32 countries on six different continents, with
    varied denominational affiliation, language,
    tradition, and doctrinal stance in order to
    establish what church growth principles are true,
    independent of the above variables
  • The Goal He sought to distill the key points of
    difference between churches growing numerically
    and churches declining numerically
  • The Result He also set out to find what factors
    most contribute to the growth of a church,
    concluding that GROWTH is best facilitated
    through HEALTH.

Understanding Natural Church Development
  • Schwarz executed the International Research
    Project, which is still on going today
  • Originally
  • 1000 churches
  • 32 Countries
  • 6 Continents
  • Today
  • 40,000 Churches
  • 70 Countries

EMPIRICAL RESEARCH Schwarz leveraged scientific
observation and study
Understanding Natural Church Development
  • Schwarz used several key assumptions as a
    theoretical base for his study
  • Mark 426-29 26 And He was saying,
    "The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed
    upon the soil 27 and he goes to bed at night
    and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and
    grows-- how, he himself does not know. 28 "The
    soil produces crops by itself first the blade,
    then the head, then the mature grain in the head.
    29 "But when the crop permits, he immediately
    puts in the sickle, because the harvest has
  • Schwarz believed that GROWTH was GODS
    responsibility (Mark 426 auvto,matoj
    (automatos) by itself or automatically)
  • Schwarz believed that nature was a valid backdrop
    for discerning truth (Rom 120), and that God
    left His fingerprint of truth in creation

  • After the empirical study was complete, Schwarz
    concluded that there are eight areas of quality
    that infuse sufficient health into the life of a
    church, so that if they are at work at sufficient
    measurable levels (factor 65), the church
    will have a 99.4 chance of growth numerically.

Eight Qualities of Church Health
  • Those eight areas of quality include
  • Empowering Leadership
  • Gift-oriented Ministry
  • Passionate Spirituality
  • Functional Structures
  • Inspiring Worship
  • Holistic Small Groups
  • Need-oriented Evangelism
  • Loving Relationships
  • Note not only the words, but the descriptors!

Natural Church Development Eight Qualities for
Church Health
  • Eight Quality Characteristics
  • Empowering Leadership Leadership that
    concentrates on empowering others in the church
    to express their individual gifts as they share
    in the work of the ministry (Eph 28-10, Luke
    91-2, 6, 10)
  • Gift-oriented Ministry Ministry that
    facilitates the discovery, development, and
    deployment of God-given gifts in the lives of
    believers for the growth and building of the
    church as part of the discipleship and maturing
  • Passionate Spirituality Personal and church
    intimacy with God through the regular practice of
    spiritual disciplines, expressed in daily lives
    and actions
  • Functional Structures Clarity in personal and
    church vision, planning, and organizational
    structure with the ability to rapidly change
    structures and foci as needed to facilitate Gods
    purpose for the church

Natural Church Development Eight Qualities for
Church Health
  • Inspiring Worship Personal and corporate
    worship encounters with God that are directed by
    the Holy Spirit, infused with His power,
    transform participants, and instill a sense of
  • Holistic Small Groups The presence of vital and
    multiplying small disciple-making communities in
    the church used for evangelism, discipleship, and
    pastoral care
  • Need-oriented Evangelism Strategies for
    individuals and the church to reach the lost
    through points of their specific needs in their
  • Loving Relationships An atmosphere of joy and
    trust in the church that fosters affirmation and
    encouragement and is expressed by practical
    authentic Christian community

  • It is VITAL to note that these qualities relate
    to principles and values that determine the shape
    or form of expression they take in church life
  • The value or principle is NEVER negotiable
  • The form or outworking the principle takes is
    ALWAYS negotiable

The Eight Natural Church Development Quality
Eight Qualities for Church Health Empowering
  • Empowering Leadership does the church empower
    its members to do the work of the ministry?
  • Effective Leadership grows out of an intimate
    relationship with God (disciplines, His
  • Character relationship with God produces the
    Christ-like character and internal guts to lead
  • Empowerment the key to leadership is empowering
    others to function in their gift and calling (Eph
    28-10), thereby increasing the spiritual
    maturity base of the church for serving the Lord
  • Satisfaction Individuals are most satisfied in
    the church when they are being used by God in
    their area of gifting and calling to produce
  • Delegation the job of a leader is to equip,
    support, enable, and mentor individuals to do the
    work of the ministry in the church

Eight Qualities for Church Health Empowering
  • Key Questions
  • Match is the pastor matched properly to the
    congregation (values, culture, personality)?
  • Delegation does the leadership share the work
    of the ministry with the congregation?
  • Gifting does the congregation have a defied and
    deliberate way to help the members discover,
    develop, and be deployed in their area of
  • Vision does the leadership have a clearly
    defined and articulated vision for the church and
    ministry and has it been communicated well to the
  • Equipping does the leadership have a structured
    and defined mentoring and equipping mechanism to
    train individuals to the mature exercise of their
  • Change Is the leadership skilled in conflict
    resolution and leading the congregation through
    seasons of change

Eight Qualities for Church Health Gift-oriented
  • Gift-oriented Ministry does the church help its
    members discover, develop, and exercise their
    God-given gifts in appropriate ministries?
  • Gifting God has sovereignly given gifts to each
    individual to exercise in ministry and the
    building up of His church (Eph 28-10)
  • Pa 139 God has invested certain gifts in each
    person according to His plan
  • These gifts are described in the Scriptures (Rom
    124-8 I Cor 1228-31)
  • These gifts can be developed and deployed for use
    in the local church
  • A person is most satisfied when their gifting is
    identified, they are trained to use it, and they
    can make a meaningful contribution to the church
    by using it

Eight Qualities for Church Health Gift-oriented
  • The deployment of the church members to do the
    work of the ministry threatens the artificial
    clergy and laity paradigm that has existed for
    many years
    measured by the NCD study

Eight Qualities for Church Health Gift-oriented
  • Key Questions
  • Does the church have a way to measure the
    spiritual gifts that are resident in their lives
    and to help them understand what they are and how
    they are used?
  • Does the church have a defined process for
    matching individuals with defined gifts to
    appropriate functions in the church that use
    their gifting?
  • Does the church place a high and public value on
    serving according to ones gifts and reward such
  • Is their a coaching and training mechanism in
    place to develop and deploy individuals to serve
    so that they mature in the exercise of their
    gifting under supervision?

Eight Qualities for Church Health Passionate
  • Passionate Spirituality Do the Christians in
    the church live committed lives and practice
    their faith with joy and enthusiasm?
  • Spiritual Passion flows from intimacy with God
  • Prayer and intimacy leads to a conviction that
    God is powerful, in control, and will act in
    powerful ways
  • Prayer and intimacy leads to a strong sense of
    calling, vision, and direction
  • Prayer and intimacy leads to an optimistic,
    overcoming, can-do attitude as peoples minds
    are renewed and they witness the results of faith
  • Prayer and intimacy tap into a dependence upon
    God and the opportunity for His supernatural

Eight Qualities for Church Health Passionate
  • Key Questions
  • Do individuals in the church have a highly
    developed and structured personal devotional life
    and regularly exercise the spiritual disciples or
    prayer, Scripture reading and memorization,
    meditation, fasting, and intercession?
  • Does the church have a highly developed corporate
    devotional life and regularly exercise the
    spiritual disciples or prayer, Scripture reading
    and memorization, meditation, fasting, and
  • Do members of the church seem to have a
    contagious faith that they share with others
    (i.e. on fire)?
  • Is there a generally optimistic attitude about
    life, the church and its direction?
  • Is prayer considered to be an inspiring
    experience in the church?

Eight Qualities for Church Health Passionate
  • Legalism Churches that tend toward legalism
    usually have a below average spiritual passion
    because they perceive themselves as doing their
  • Quantity The amount of time people spend in
    prayer is only minor in significance QUALITY
  • Quality the perception of how meaningful and
    inspiring the time spent in prayer is or not has
    a significant relationship to quality and
  • The passionate spirituality factor greatly
    influences how enthusiastic individuals feel
    about their church

Eight Qualities for Church Health Passionate
Eight Qualities for Church Health Functional
  • Functional Structures Do existing structures
    promote multiplication of the ministry and are
    they easily changed as needed for greatest
  • Nature models structure functionality
  • Life Life is highly structured structure and
    life are not opposites (church should be highly
  • Parts Each part in an organism plays its own
    defined role and works together for the good of
    the whole (church and ministries the same!)
  • Living organisms are organized and designed to
    multiply (so should be the church!)
  • Effectiveness in nature is judged by the
    efficiency that are part brings to fulfilling its
    purpose to benefit the whole, with the least cost
    or energy possible to the organism
  • Old parts, pieces, or unhealthy parts are
    discarded or removed if they endanger the good of
    the organism in nature (surgery, cancer, etc).
  • Is there a sharp focus to church activities or do
    they diffuse time and resources in many
    directions (swamp analogy)?

Eight Qualities for Church Health Functional
  • Key Questions
  • Does the church have a highly defined and
    functional organizational structure?
  • Is that structure and the lines of authority
    understood by the leadership and members of the
  • Does the leadership structure allow for
    accountability, oversight, and management of the
  • Does the church have a vision, goals, and
    strategic plan to implement them that has been
    reduced to written form and communicated to the
  • Is church leadership creative and responsive when
    managing change?
  • Is church leadership skilled in conflict

Eight Qualities for Church Health Functional
  • Designing functional structures
  • Who/what are you (vision and mission)?
  • Where are you/it supposed to go (goals and
  • How will you/it get there (strategic measurable
  • Are you/it there yet (measurable plan)?
  • Traditions can be a roadblock to functional

Eight Qualities for Church Health Inspiring
  • Inspiring Worship does personal and corporate
    worship provide for an encounter with the living
    God and bring Him glory and honor?
  • Is the worship service inspiring?
  • Is there the inclusion of the leading of the Holy
    Spirit in the preparation of the worship and
    order of service?
  • Is there evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work
    in the worship service, or is His presence merely
  • Do the people come to church out of a sense of
    obligation to do God or the pastor a favor, or do
    they come because it is fun and they want to be
  • Do people feel pressured to attend church because
    of obligation, assuming God will bless their
    sacrifice, or do they want to be there?

Eight Qualities for Church Health Inspiring
  • Key Questions
  • Does the worship service leave people feeling a
    sense of inspiration?
  • Is there adequate care for children so that the
    worship experience is not unduly interrupted for
  • Does the preaching and the worship meld together
    to form a unit that ministers a common theme or
  • Do visitors feel comfortable in the worship
    service and can they enter into it?
  • Is the worship God-centered and does it celebrate
    the Christina experience?
  • Are there signs or evidence of the work of the
    Holy Spirit in a meaningful way through the
    worship service?
  • Does the Holy Spirit seem to direct and is His
    personal presence felt in the service during the
    worship time?

Eight Qualities for Church Health Inspiring
  • People who feel that the worship is inspiring
    tend to view going to church as something that is
    fun rather than a duty
  • When people feel inspired, the worship will draw
    people all by itself
  • Inspired Worship is a key factor in church health

Eight Qualities for Church Health Holistic
Small Groups
  • Holistic Small Groups Are there holistic small
    disciple-making units in the church of some kind
    that provide an avenue for personal growth,
    relationship, nurture, care, and church
  • Continuous multiplication of small groups is a
    universal principle for church health and growth
  • They are a natural place to serve one another
  • They make intimate relationship possible because
    of reduced numbers
  • They become a source for the transfer of life,
    care, and discipleship to the participants
  • They provide a means for multiplication as a
    by-product of discipleship and growth

Eight Qualities for Church Health Holistic
Small Groups
  • Key Questions
  • Is there an atmosphere of transparency, trust,
    and sharing in the small group?
  • Is the group spiritually-oriented despite its
    other foci?
  • Does the small group meet felt needs of the
  • Does the small group have relevance to daily
  • Is the small group sensitive to the presence of
    guests and can they be integrated into the group
    in a deliberate and decisive way?
  • Does the group have the internal mechanism to
    identify, disciple, and deploy new leaders and
    distribute work and responsibilities?
  • Do members of the small group actively
    participate in the group?
  • Is there accountability that ties the small
    groups and the church together in a meaningful
    way, harnessing the relationship, ministry, and
    evangelism that occurs there?
  • Small groups may take on a variety of forms (cell
    church, home church, care groups, interest
    groups, Sunday school, etc.)

Eight Qualities for Church Health Hol,istic
Small Groups
  • Small groups must have a focus and be
    application-oriented in some way to produce
  • The larger the church, the more important are its
    small groups
  • One of the most important and basic elements of
    church health!

Eight Qualities for Church Health Need-oriented
  • Need-oriented Evangelism Does the church and
    its members intentionally cultivate meaningful
    relationships with pre-Christian people?
  • Focusing evangelistic efforts on the needs and
    questions that unsaved people have around us
  • Average Christian has 8.5 meaningful
    relationships with unbelievers
  • A programmatic approach is often not as
    successful as a relational approach
  • Ministries of the church can be developed as a
    hook to draw the lost or capture their
    attention (benevolence, service)
  • Each Christian has the responsibility to share
    their faith, but all are not evangelists

Eight Qualities for Church Health Need-oriented
  • Key Questions
  • Is there a deliberate plan to facilitate personal
    evangelism in the church, or do the people in the
    church view evangelism as the job of the pastor
    and a select few?
  • Are there relational evangelism strategies
    present in the church that utilize existing
    relationships that church members have with
  • Is there a sensitivity to the needs of the
    unsaved in the corporate service?
  • Is their a structure means to assimilate and
    disciple new Christians in the church?
  • Relationship is the key to evangelism (87 of the
    people get saved because of a relationship
  • Cultivate and use existing relationships within
    your oikos (sphere of influence)

Eight Qualities for Church Health Loving
  • Loving Relationships Is there a practical
    demonstration of Christian love in the
    congregation that draws the unbeliever into the
    church and fosters community?
  • There is a direct correlation between the ability
    of a church to tangibly demonstrate love and its
    growth potential
  • Key Questions
  • Is there an atmosphere of joy and trust in the
  • Does the church have a web of interdependent
    relationships that exist outside of church time?
  • Is the atmosphere of the church one of
    affirmation and encouragement?
  • Does the church practice intentional conflict
    resolution or avoid conflicts?

Eight Qualities for Church Health Loving
  • Practical love is a magnet for the world and the
  • Christian love is directly proportional to the
    amount of time that people spend together OUTSIDE
    of church.

Eight Qualities for Church Health Loving
  • There is a strong correlation between the amount
    of laughter that can be heard in the church and
    the churchs potential for growth

Eight Qualities for Church Health Summary
  • Summary and Implementations
  • Eight Quality Factors these were the eight
    factors that emerged that were most critical to
    church health, growth, plateau, and decline
  • Schwarz developed a survey and methodology to
    measure the eight quality characteristics in the
    church and normalized the results to a median of
    50 - growing churches scored above the 50 and
    declining churches below 50
  • All eight factors were interrelated with rise or
    fall of any one factor affecting the level of the
    other factors

Measuring the Eight Quality Characteristics in a
Eight Qualities for Church Health Measurement
  • Schwarz has developed a survey that measures the
    level of each of the eight Quality Factors in a
  • Survey questions are given to 30 church members
    and answers correlated and scored

Eight Qualities for Church Health Measurement
  • Survey results Every church in which the
    quality factors reached 65 or above for all
    factors was a growing church (99.4 probability
    of growth if all factors are 65 or above)

Eight Qualities for Church Health Measurement
  • Schwarz found that is ALL of the eight factors
    are at 65 or above the church has a 99.4 of
    being a church that is healthy and growing

Eight Qualities for Church Health Measurement
  • The factors that fall below 65 are called
    MINIMUM FACTORS, and represent a DRAIN on church
    health and vitality
  • They must be addressed FIRST

Eight Qualities for Church Health Measurement
  • Of the three churches measured at the right,
    which church has the greatest odds of growing
    The one with NO factor below 65
  • Which factors are the minimum factors? The ones
    that are the LOWEST for any given church

The Minimum Factor
Natural Church Development Timing and Minimum
  • Church growth is blocked by the quality factor
    that is least (65 or below)
  • Focus key resources (time, people, funding) to
    address the minimum factor
  • Focus stronger areas and factors on the weak area
    to create a synergistic effect and revitalize the
    weaker area
  • The analogy in nature is the application of
    fertilizer nitrogen, lime, potash, and
    phosphoric acid which nutrient is missing or
  • Barrel analogy the shortest stave (quality
    factor) determines how much water health) the
    barrel can hold

Natural Church Development Timing and Minimum
  • The minimum factor that is draining church health
    must be identified and addressed effectively
  • No single quality is the solution to all problems
    they are all interdependent and necessary for
    growth and health
  • There is no relationship between what method
    works in an individual church setting and what
    method will work in another setting working the
    principle and selecting the right method for your
    individual context and culture is what is needed
  • The solution for one church may actually be
    counter-productive in another church
  • Use strengths to address areas of weakness

Natural Church Development Eight Qualities for
Church Health
  • There are a few exceptions to the rule where some
    churches have lower quality index readings but
    employ marketing and contextual factors that
    cause growth
  • If any of the eight quality factors are below
    65, they act as a drain for the health of the
    church and can effect church growth

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Building Spiritual Momentum
  • Prayer life and devotional life (individual and
    corporate) (Ps 421)
  • Centering of life and activity on God (Matt
  • Dying to self and self exaltation (I Pet 56)
  • Hunger for His presence and direction (Mat 56)
  • Atmosphere of expectation faith (Heb 116)
  • Discipline (rod and staff)

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Determining Minimum Factors

Natural Church Development Applications
  • What are the least developed qualities?
  • How are the least developed qualities manifesting
    themselves as sickness in the church?
  • What strategy to address the minimum factors is
    appropriate for your church culture and vision?
  • What is causing the church to be less healthy in
    these areas
  • Outside consulting and perspective
  • How can the stronger qualities be recruited to
    help the weaker ones?

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Setting Qualitative Goals
  • Precise and define strategies
  • Measurable and verifiable strategies
  • Outcome-based strategies (what are you trying to
  • Time-specific strategies
  • Minimum-factor targeted strategies
  • Published and declared strategies (corporate
    communication and involvement)
  • Identifying Obstacles
  • Identify areas of resistance
  • Looks for symptoms of imbalance in bipolarity
    (technocratic or dualistic imbalance and
  • Looks for hidden resistance below the surface
  • Look for paradigm resistance (late and
  • Recruit outside perspective
  • Spiritual gifts (word of wisdom and knowledge
    with discerning of spirits)

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Applying Strengths to Minimum Factors
  • What is my minimum factor/ most obvious or costly
  • What strengths can be brought to bear on these
  • Are there individuals who champion the cause for
    the existence of the weakness?
  • Are there worn out paradigms in operation that
    are being protected by a select group or

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • How can I work my church culture to address the
    weaknesses effectively?
  • Do I have a measurable and time-specific strategy
    to address the weakness?

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Monitoring Effectiveness
  • Number and type of negative factors
  • Ongoing measurement of factors
  • Tracking progress
  • Communication with the church (synergy)

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Working on New Minimum Factors
  • Continual process
  • As minimum factors increase, what were strengths
    now become weaknesses
  • Weakness is an opportunity for new strength (II
    Cor 1210)
  • Refocusing the congregation and leadership on new
  • Speed is not important quality and quantity of
    increased in minimum factors is the goal

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Dont allow the leadership and congregation to
    get comfortable or proud
  • Chart movement of all factors since they are
    interrelated and affect one another as they
    change, even for the good
  • Focus on the minimum factors dont get tempted
    to focus where there is already success!

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Multiplying Your Church
  • Health churches eventually reproduce
  • Focus is on the eight quality characteristics,
    not growth!
  • There are four distinct phases to church
  • Conception
  • Pre-natal
  • Birth
  • Reproduction
  • The growth is driven by church health, not

Natural Church Development Applications and
Case Studies
  • Partnership with the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit is a living being He functions
    in a biotic/living manners!
  • Scripture captures the essentials for church
    health and the Holy Spirit favors and supports
    His Word
  • The Holy Spirit is the one responsible for growth
    (Acts 514).
  • The Holy Spirit causes the church to grow
    automatically (Mark 428)
  • Are my methods proving ineffective (no measurable
    increase in minimum factor)? CHANGE THEM
  • Are my methods devouring resources (energy, time,
    funds, people) without increasing minimum
  • Am I relying too much on my own strength rather
    than the Holy Spirit?
  • What changes do I fear because of tradition, fall
    out, or fear of the unknown/fear of failure
    (faith journey
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