Title: Exceptions in Java a second look
1Exceptions in Javaa second look
- Definition An exception is an event, which
occurs during the execution of a program, that
disrupts the normal flow of the program's
instructions. - Exceptions are Javas way of telling you
something has gone wrong - When an exceptional event occurs, an exception
object is created storing information about the
nature of the exception (kind, where it occurred,
etc.). When this happens, we say that an
exception is thrown. - The JVM looks for a block of code to catch and
handle the exception (do something with it)?
Exceptions are run-time events which indicate an
exceptional situation
int t new int10 for(int i0 ilt100
i) ti
String snull System.out.println(s.length())
int i5 for(int j3jgt-1j--)
Exceptions are run-time events which indicate an
exceptional situation
int t new int10 for(int i0 ilt100
i) ti
String snull System.out.println(s.length())
int i5 for(int j3jgt-1j--)
5Exception Handling
- The runtime system exhaustively searches the
methods on the call stack for the exception
handler (catch block). - Should find a handler before main.
- Main should never throw exceptions!
- The program will always crash if an exception is
thrown but not caught before or in main! - Examples 2 3 -gt AugEx
6When an exception is thrown
7Another Example
methodC() for(int j3jgt-1j--)
ArithmeticException Never Caught!
methodB() methodC()
methodA() methodB()
Ignored code
main() methodA()
9Exception Handling - I
methodC() try for(int
j3jgt-1j--) System.out.println(i/j
) catch(ArithmeticExcept
ion ae) System.out.println(ae)
Ignored code
methodB() methodC()
methodA() methodB()
main() methodA()
10Exception Handling - II
methodC() throws ArithmeticException
for(int j3jgt-1j--)
methodB() throws ArithmeticException
methodA() try
methodB() catch(ArithmeticException ae)
Ignored code
main() methodA()
11Exception Types
- Checked Exceptions MUST be caught or thrown (by
the function) for the code to compile. These
extend Exception - Runtime Exceptions do not have to be caught, but
the program will terminate if they arent! These
extend RuntimeException.
12Standard Checked Exceptions
13Standard Runtime Exceptions
14Exceptions Hierarchy
15(No Transcript)
16Exception Handling
- It is good practice to handle all exceptions.
- Although unchecked exceptions are allowed to be
ignored - If they are ignored and an exception is thrown,
the program will crash! - Usually, a method will tell you in the API or in
the signature which exceptions might be thrown.
17Exception Handling
- Exceptions are handled by catch blocks.
- Must catch the CORRECT Exception.
- All Exceptions can be caught by using (Exception
e) Can be used as last check. - Should be more descriptive catch the exact
exception being thrown to handle it correctly!
18The try catch block
try //code that may throw exception catch(
ExceptionType1 e1) //code to handle
exceptions of type ExceptionType1 or
subclass catch(ExceptionType2 e2) //code
to handle exceptions of type ExceptionType2 or
subclass //more catch blocks if
needed finally //code always to be
executed after try block code
- Each try must have at least 1 catch
- A finally block (optional) is always executed
regardless of what happens in the try
19Structuring a method
try //code that may throw exception catch(
ExceptionType1 e1) //code to handle
exceptions catch(ExceptionType2 e2) //code
to handle exceptions //more catch blocks if
needed finally //code always to be
doSomething() // code that does not
throw exceptions // try-catch-finally
blocks //code that does not throw
exceptions //try-catch-finally blocks
public class Foo public static int divide
(int array, int index) try
System.out.println(Try block)
arrayindex 2 arrayindex/arrayindex1
System.out.println(Done try)
catch(ArithmeticException ae)
System.out.println(Arithmetic exception)
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe)
System.out.println(Index out of
bounds) finally
System.out.println(Code outside of try)
public static void main(String args)
21Throwing Exceptions
- The programmer can generate exceptions to be
thrown. - Throw new ArithmeticException(Divide by zero)
- Good programming practice!
- foo throws ArithmeticException Users of the
function know to catch the exception!! - Unchecked do not have to be listed here, but
should be. - Example 9-25-Exc2
22Writing your own
public class ZeroDivideException extends
Exception public ZeroDivideException()
super() public ZeroDivideException(int
index) super(/ by zero at index
23Throwing your own
public static int divide (int array, int index)
throws ZeroDivideException try
System.out.println(Try block)
arrayindex 2 arrayindex/arrayindex1
System.out.println(Done try)
catch(ArithmeticException ae)
System.out.println(Arithmetic exception)
throw new ZeroDivideException(index1)
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe)
System.out.println(Index out of bounds)
finally System.out.println(finally)
System.out.println(Code outside of
Write a main() to catch this exception, fix it by
setting array value to 1 and recalling method for
next index.
24Finally Clause
- This code is ALWAYS executed even if an
exception is thrown. - Use finally to close input streams or do any kind
of cleanup that may not occur in the try block. - Open file in try check if null in finally and
then close if not null!