Title: An A to Z of Competencies
1Beyond the Med School Gates Life in the Real
World 18 Sept 2007
An A to Z of Competencies and Safety
Prof Richard Beasley Physician Director MRINZ
Dr Geoff Robinson Physician Chief Medical
Officer CCDHB
2 3 4A ACC
- A professional responsibility to assist patients
- Good compliance in some services
- ACC Treatment Injury (new)
- Every patient harmed by treatment
- (provided by a registered health professional)
- is entitled to a claim
5B Boundaries
- Be very clear on boundaries
- Patients becoming friends
- Patients providing services
- Beware the personality disordered/ difficult
- patient
6C Confidentiality
- Seek patient consent before disclosure
- eg. referrals, discharge summaries, relatives
- Statutory exceptions still mostly advise
- patients eg. driving, notifiable diseases
7D Deceased Patients
- Care of the deceased patient (and family) is
- important
- Certificates (death/cremation)-ask if uncertain
- Consultants should opine on need for coroner
- notification
- Communicate with relatives and give them
- phone details for later questions
8E Ethics
- Two fundamental guidelines that sometimes
- conflict
- - Respect patient self determination
- - Act in the patients best interest
- Usually Common sense rules!
9F Futility (medical)/ Fiscal constraints/
10G GP
- A patients GP has a wealth of knowledge and
- information call them!
- You must have your own GP get one!
- Do not treat your family or friends
- Do not self prescribe
11H Handover
12H Handover
- Clinical Medical Handover
- is a prerequisite for patient safety
- It must happen am, 4 and 11.
- Use patient lists and handover sheet
13DATE___________ Remember to JUMP! 1.) Handover
Jobs to do 2.) Handover Unclerked Patients 3.)
Handover Medical Contacts - names and
numbers 4.) Handover Patients to be aware of
Subspecs reg Name________________
14I Informed Consent
15I Informed Consent
- Three essentials
- A competent patient
- Provision of adequate information
- Patient choice
- Beware consenting patients as an RMO, if you
dont understand the investigation/ procedure/
16J Judge not
- Be non- judgmental
- Patients and doctors
17K Knowledge
- You cannot know everything
- It is okay to ask
- It will be on your PDA, supplied by the
- hospital
18L Legislative requirements
- Lots!
- eg. - Privacy
- - Misuse of Drugs
- - Mental Health
- - HDC
- - ACC
- - Health Practitioners
- Competency
- Assurance (HPCA)
- Read Coles Book of
- Medical Practice (MCNZ)
19M Mistakes/ Medico-legal
- We all make mistakes
- Errors of omission are more common than
- errors of commission.
- ie You are more likely to make an error by not
- bothering to do something than by not knowing
- something
- Develop systems in your practice
- Ensure timely communication happens
20N Night shift
21 22 23O Open Disclosure
- When things go wrong in patient management
- open disclosure is encouraged
- Poor disclosure/ communication fuels
- complaints, HDC, and medico-legal issues
24P Prescribing
- What most doctors do
- Documenting admission medication-inaccurate
- Watch the dangerous drugs
- - anticoagulants
- - opioids
- - insulin
- - K
- Discharge medication management
- what has changed? - communicate
- O.C.D. needed!
- Protocols may ? acetylcholine
25Q Quality Improvement
- Everyones issue
- Report clinical adverse events
- Audits do them and enjoy
26R Respect
- The first tenant of HDC Code of Patient Rights
- Do you know the others?
- Lack of respect for colleagues is commonest
- cause of Human Resources complaints
27 28S Stress
Contributes to the Doctors Diseases Three
Ds - Depression - Drugs (alcohol) - Dimming
29S Stress
30 31T Technology
- 21 DHBs with different systems
- Get inducted/orientated and trained-your right
- Electronic Health Records and Radiology
- Be clear who signs off what (reports)
- Ensure the electronic discharge summary gets
- checked and sent
32U University Medical Schools
- Consider the curriculum
- ? Is the balance diseases and therapeutics
- vs how to be a doctor
V Vocation of Medicine
- Consider why not just a job/ professionalism
- Choose your career carefully
- There is something for everyone
33W When things go wrong
- Clinical or administrative
- Seek advise soon and actively (from the top)
X Xenophobia
- Respect others cultures/ beliefs
- Cultural competence
34Y Yawn
- Recognise sleep deprivation
- Effects judgment and behaviour
Z Zealand
- Please stay
- Or come back (we did)
- It actually is the best