Title: EUINet
- Conference
- Tallinn, Estonia
- May 3-5, 2006
- University-Industry links Where to heading?
- Prof. Csaba FORGÁCS
- CORVINUS University of Budapest
2University-Industry links Where to heading?
- Mission of University need for change
- New way of University-Industry links
- International experience (EU, USA, etc.)
- Importance of regional aspect European regions
and Centres of Excellence - Case of Hungary
- One possible way of EUI-Net development
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
31. Mission of Universities
- Basic research
- Producing skilled talented people
- Promoting diffusion of knowledge
- Full state financing
- Independent from business interests
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
41a. Mission has to be revised
- Economic and social environment has changed
dramatically knowledge on high tech can be
easily gained (books, internet and other sources) - Speeding up research new patents and know-how
produced every day - Research results needs less time to be applied in
industry (from military to civil society) - Accumulated knowledge of people and group of
people - Creation of new knowledge based on extended
experience - Small groups of people can make significant
contribution to technological development - Universities have to open their doors to
technological development
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
5 2. New way of University-Industry links
- SPIN-OFF (and Spin-out) form is in use for
improving cooperation between Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs)/Research Institutes (RIs) and
Industries involved university employees - Triangle of HEI, Employees and Industry
balance has to be found
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
62a. OECD definition
- Enterprise established having following
characteristics - Any new business enterprise established either a
by public institution or a university employee - Any new business enterprise getting technology
based on know-how from a university or other
public financed research institute - Any newly established business enterprise where
university or other public research laboratory
can be found among owners. - Any newly established enterprises established by
public research institute
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
72b.Need for speeding up innovation
- Innovation new knowledge based on creative use
of previous knowledge and experience - Diffusion of knowledge in business. Determining
Factors - 1. pressure by competition
- 2. demanded capital investment of innovation
- - accumulated capital
- - possibility of accessing loans
- 3. limits of hiring skilled people
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
82c. Pressure of competition
- The more the market players the stronger the
competition pressure has been increasing - Globalization new dimension competition
crossing national borders - Pressure from the market has an international
character - Increasing potential needs concentration of
knowledge and sources
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
92d. What Economic policy is needed?
- Recognizing the need for and helping to
establsih HE-Indsutry cooperation - Providing legal environment to prmote
cooperation between industry and universities - Placing partly the burden of providing budget
to shoulders of universities and indsustries - Role of State facilitator Example EXIST
program in Germany. - Focus on a. supporting new enterprise of
technology-intensive - b. helping diffusion of knowledge in economy
- c. promoting regional development
- Condition Spin-offs have to be
integrated into - national/local
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
102e. Integrating sources
- Universities
- knowledge, skills, expertise, innovation
- capacities for making experiments
- Industry
- budget for R and D
- facilities, place for experiments
- industrial culture
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
113. International experience
- Economic policy Funding establishing centres of
excellence in order to concentrate ecnomic
potential and speed up innovation (from USA, UK,
Finland, Germany, Japan, Austria etc. To CEECs) - Cooperation between University-Industy should be
based on mutual economic advantages
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
123a. Spin-offs
- Question Ability of a country to modernize
national economy on a concept of knowledge based
economy - International experience
- Silicium valley in California
- Road 128, Boston area
- Cambridge successful development in
agglomeration. - Regional aspect of development (USA)
- UK experiment in HEIs some 10 universities were
involved. Regional aspect is strong.
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
133b. Importance of spin-off in transition countries
- Centrally planned economies have collapsed
- Need for restructuring national economy
- New structure of national economy will be
occurred - Break down big state owned firms
- Strengthening emerging businesses needs capital
investments - Newly established enterprises have been
struggling of shortage of capital
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
143c. Mechanism
- Sharing advantages
- Industry
- University
- People individuals - professors
- Incentives
- conflicts of interests
- resolving problems
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
154. Regional aspect of innovation
- Innovation spreading not balanced by regions
- A spatial aspect of innovation IMPORTANT
- USA 55 of HIGH TECH concentrated in 10 big
cities. - Elements of innovation process
- A. Gaining knowledge
- B. Improving technology
- C. producing and marketing the product
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
164a. Innovation is interactive
- Elements of innovation systems
- A. industrial sector (manufacturers, suppliers,
buyers, industrial research institutes) - Academia universities, non-profit and sate
universities) - Innovation related service sector (technical,
marketing, laws) - Innovation based on strong interactions between
product development, technology development and
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
174b. Flow of knowledge
- Coordinated by
- A. market (e.g. selling and buying licences, new
technologies, - B. State flow of technologies of national
importance - C. Reciprocity flow of knowledge through
informal relationships you can access if you are
involved in this channel
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
185. Case of Hungary Concentration of innovation
- BUDAPEST and agglomeration Strong regional
concentration - 48 of R and D institutions,
- 66 of R and D investments
- 61 of labor and
- 68 of patents
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
195a. Conditions and opportunities
- Good potential in scientific-technical aspects
- To be in front line in international arena and in
Europe too. - After radical reforms much less money spent on
innovation GDP 1,6 before and 0,8
in 2000. - Number of inventions has dropped significantly
(1990 1805, 2000 330)
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
205b. National actions
- Law in integration of universities (1996, 2006)
- To force integration of HEIs based one
university in each city by law . - New comprehensive universities emerged.
- Concentration of knowledge Founding Centres of
Excellence and be involved in regional
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
215c. Regional aspect
- Flow of knowledge determined by several factors
as - 1. culture
- 2. legal environment
- 3. spatial aspect knowledge spillovers strong
regional character - 4. local-regional flow of knowledge as a
determining factor in innovation system
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
225d. Focusing on development of European regions
(NUTS 2)
- Regional innovations have to be supported by
government policy - Central region of Hungary has to play an
outstanding role - Role of centres of excellence should be fixed and
relations with central region developed
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
235e. Vision of a Rector for being elected
- New relationship university-city/town/region a
key to European integration of a region - New dimension of cooperation in the field of
EUI-Net - Establishing new center for innovation around
university. 15-20 ha area new research
institutes, incubator houses, technical-science
parks etc. will be developed. - Strong background for promoting SMEs
- Student Spin-offs for practicing .
- Support of University Alliance within a big
cross border region (Kassa-Miskolc-Debrecen with
affiliation centers based on alliance of
colleges Salgótarján-Eger-Gyöngyös, Nyiregyháza
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
246. One possible way University-Industry links
development UK
- Early 90s cutting back budget for higher
education institutions BUT Initiating a NEW - Experiment in the field of improving and
deepening cooperation between Universities and
Industry - Some 10 universities involved (Warwick, Oxford
and others) - Goal to generate additional income for
Universities as well - Government support for the experimental period
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
25QUESTIONS TO BE DECIDED6a. Spin-off Links with
mother institutions
- Short term if employee leave university/research
institute after founding spin-off - Links is limited for one transaction only
- Mother institution may use part of its
capacities (laboratories etc) or provide services
for start up businesses - Long term link mother institutions is among
founders or owners or, provides capital for
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
266b. Management of EU-I cooperation at universities
- General manager
- Projects Professional project leaders
- Profit centers
- Training short programs, MBA,
- tailored ones
- Services Any kind which can be offered if
- demand is available.
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
276c. Targeted markets
- Regional circles around universities
- Cooperation with big, medium and small size of
companies/firms - Research and extension activities
- Very fruitful cooperation
- Entrepreneurial Universities
- government budget
- leasing out real estates
- staring any new business if there is a demand
for it
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
286d. Financial results of experiment
- Not very much in short run
- Problems had to be overcome
- Reconciling conflicts of interests
- Royalties
- Real step ahead after some 5-7 years
- Speeding up profit generation later, probably
after on decade -
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
296e. Major fields of successful cooperation
- Need and possiblities for experimental work
- Agriculture
- Medical science
- Engineering
- Less dynamic Management development
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
306f. Learning from experience of others
- Use what others have already found out
- Analyzing causes of successes and failures of
others - Keep in mind local circumstances
- Adopt good models but taking into account local
social, economic and cultural conditions
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
316g. Networking
- Advantages
- Organizing change of experience on a regular
basis - Starting joint actions
- Synergy issue
- Spreading research findings
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
- Bessenyei, Lajos Competing for Rectors chair.
ng_hu - Borsi Balázs - Papanek Gábor Egyetem-ipar
kapcsolatok a kutatóhelyek benchmarkingja
Közép-Európában http//
lnkcd15lrlang_hu - Kleinheincz, Ferenc Spin-off vállalkozások,
avagy barátkozzunk eg yúj megnevezéssel
(Spin-off enterprises Le us become famliar with
a new concept. http//
rlang_hu - Varga, Attila Regional policy of Innovation USA
experiance and opportunities for Hungary. - http//
apcsolathlhuglhuctclnkcd7lrlang_hu - http//www.nce.gc.ca/about_e.htm
- http//www.rcoe.gov.uk/rce/core/page.do?pageId1
- http//www.ceticwales.com/application/home.cfm?lan
gen - http//www.itu.int/ITU-D/hrd/coe
- http//www.dest.gov.au/sectors/international_educa
l_centres_of_excellence.htm - http//www.kfki.hu/chemonet/TermVil/tv2002/tv0209/
kroo.html -
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB
33- Thank you for your attention!
EUI-Net Tallinn, May 3-5, 2006
Csaba Forgacs CUB