Title: Financing a New Venture
1Financing a New Venture
Hamish Hawthorn CEO ATP Innovations Pty
Ltd h.hawthorn_at_atp-innovations.com.au
2Licence/spin out paradigm
IP Generated
- Low risk
- Royalty stream
- Medium term
- High risk
- Long term
- High returns
Un-interested route
Entrepreneurial route
3Licensing IP vs. a New Company Start-up
- Sell or License to an existing organisation
- neater, less risky if deal with established
firm - may be lower payoff (unless it is a
blockbuster) - risk of shelving
- New start-up (equity, may also include
royalties) - more work, very high risk
- social tension between educational mission and
business relationships - share in up side no matter what the final
company mission is
4Right Structure, Right Investor
- Is the technology/product most suitable to be
sold or licensed? (Is there really a business?) - Company or other organisation
- Is the technology/group of products suitable as
the basis for a start up? - Angels or other informal investors
- Can revenues reach 50m in five years?
- Venture Capitalists or other formal investors
5Start-up Pitfalls
- Scientists trying to be business managers
- Setting unrealistic milestones
- Burning funds too rapidly
- Ignoring need for investors' exits ROI
- Going to public market too early
- Not communicating with investors
- No guarantees, but risk reduced with
- Experienced advisors
- Experienced management
- Realistic budget, strategies, and milestones
- Solid investors who add value as well as money
7Growth in Company Value vs Risk
Early stage
Later stage
Market testing
Product development
Proof concept
Company Value
Bootstrap Angel funds
First Round Expansion IPO
500-3M 3-10M
10-50M 100M
8Where does the money come from?
- The four Fs Founders, Friends, Family, Fools
- Easier to obtain fewer questions asked
- Value-add may be limited
- What happens if it all goes wrong?
9Where does the money come from?
- Angels and High Net Worth Individuals
- Can be more hands-on
- Formal and informal Angel Capital
- Greater levels of due diligence and expectations
10Where does the money come from?
- Venture Capital
- Professional investors with specific expectations
- Need to provide a sufficient return and exit
- Only 1 in 100 business plans are successful
11Where does the money come from?
- Public Markets
- Listing on the ASX (or NASDAQ or AIM)
- High cost of compliance
- Shareholder expectation volatility of share
value - Typical exit for investors
12Where does the money come from?
- Selling stuff to customers!
- Bootstrapping
- Understand what your customer wants
- No loss of control or dilution of value
- Slower growth
- How much money is needed?
- What will that money achieve?
- How long will that money last?
- How will investors get their money back?
14What do Investors Look for?
- The people and management
- Founders vs new recruits
- The technology
- The financial opportunity
- Growth
- Appropriate return on investment
- Appropriate exit strategy
- The right attitude (passion !!!!)
15You should also check out your investors
- Reputation and track record
- Investors who specialise in the target sector can
offer advice, contacts, and experience - immense
value - Should be prepared to offer you hands on advice
- Able to attract others for subsequent rounds of
private financing - Incubators and accelerators can provide excellent
introductions - Must be a good match on risk preference and timing
16In summary
- Forming a company is definitely not the only, and
may not be the best, path to commercialisation
consider all the options - Look at all the funding options available to you
- Raising money from professional investors is very
hard so focus on your value proposition - Dont forget that selling to you customer is the
17Stay connected!
- Hamish Hawthorn
- Phone 9209 4128
- h.hawthorn_at_atp-innovations.com.au
- www.atp-innovations.com.au
- www.successful-innovation.com