Title: CDM Executive Board
1CDM Executive Board status of work
Mr. José Domingos Miguez Chair of the CDM
Executive Board
QA sessions at UNFCCC COP/MOP2 November 2006
2COP/MOP 1 requests follow up
- 1. General
- gtEB made a recommendation to COP/MOP 2
- 2. Governance
- Catalogue of EB decisions gtimplementation has
been launched road testing expected in the first
quarter 2007, guidance on design given to
secretariat - Performance indicators gtsome have been
identified in CDM MAP 2007 and are being
implemented further work before end of 2006
3COP/MOP 1 requests follow up
- 3. Additionality and Methodologies
- Project activities under a programme of
activitiesgtBoard to apply COP/MOP guidance when
considering proposed new methodologies
gtConsideration of casesgtEB preparing guidance
document, to be consider at EB28. - ii. Broaden applicability conditions and increase
validity and use of approved methodologies,
clarifications - Call for inputs to improve Additionality tool and
provide alternatives, consideration by EB and
reporting back to COP/MOP. - Priority consideration by EB of non-renewable
biomass - Review definition for SSC and make
4COP/MOP 1 requests follow up
- Regional distribution and capacity-building
- EB requested public input in addition to the
COP/MOP request to Parties to provide input - EB to report on distribution and on inputs on
options to address systematic or systemic
barriers to equitable distribution - CDM information system provides on-line overview
on status of regional distribution of registered
activities - Recommendation contained in addendum to EB report
to CMP - DNA Forum (Co-chairs present for a short
presentation) - Established
- First meeting took place on 27-8 October.
- DNAs elected co-chairs supported by a committee
of 5 DNA representatives. - First interaction with EB took place on 28
5Score Board CDM
398 CDM project activities, - expected 100
million CERs annual, - expected 670 million
CERs till 2012
49 Project activities requesting registration,
- expected total 105 million CERs annual, -
expected total 700 million CERs till 2012
More than 1,200 activities in the CDM pipeline
(incl. above), - more than 1,400 million CERs
expected by end of 2012 (assumption no
extension of crediting periods)
Map and statistics accessible from
Status 7 November 2006
6Evolution of no. of registrations over one year
Status 7 November 2006
7Evolution of issuance of CERs over last year
Status 7 November 2006
8Evolution of CDM pipeline()
() counts proj.act. in all CDM project cycle
stages from validation to registered
Status 7 November 2006
9Number of Parties / DNA
10INFORMATION SOURCE Keep up to date
- CDM project and methodology search
- Interactive map with registered project
activities (http//cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/MapApp)
- UNFCCC CDM website (http//unfccc.int/cdm)
- UNFCCC CDM News Facility (Requirement to register
as a UNFCCC CDM web site user (join) -gt
automatically subscribed) - CDM EB meetings are web cast (internet),
- CDM EB meets frequently with constituencies
- QA sessions are held in conjunction with
COPs/SBs - Reports of the EB to COP/MOP
Feel free to ask questions! now orlater (e-mail
to cdm-info_at_unfccc.int)