Indocement CDM Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Indocement CDM Project


Cement is produced by burning a mixture of raw materials comprising mainly of ... Fuel burning since the Carbon in fossil Fuels will generate CO2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Indocement CDM Project

Indocement CDM Project
  • Presentation World Bank Office
  • Jakarta 12th August 2008
  • Oivind Hoidalen PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa

Structure of presentation
  • Indocement and CDM Projects
  • CDM and Preparation of Methodologies
  • Alternative Fuel Project
  • Blended Cement Project
  • CDM Cycle
  • Milestones Indocement CDM Projects
  • Expected CO2 reductions
  • Host country approval
  • Environmental, Economical, Social and
    Technological Sustainability
  • Final comments

Indocement and CDM projects
  • HeidelbergCement AG majority shareholder of
    Indocement and member of World Business Council
    for Sustainable Cement Production committed to
    sustainable cement industry centering on three
    pillars ? economic growth, ecological balance and
    social progress
  • Cement industry worldwide contributes about 5 of
    anthropogenic greenhouse gases ? challenges as
    well as opportunities
  • CO2-trading ? European emission trading scheme
    and CDM mechanisms for non-Annex I countries of
    importance since HeidelbergCement operates cement
    plants in several developing countries

Indocement and CDM projects
  • Tarjun 2,5 mill tons/year
  • Citeureup 10 mill tons/year
  • Cirebon 2,5 mill tons/year

Indocement and CDM projects
  • Cement is produced by burning a mixture of raw
    materials comprising mainly of limestone and clay
    in large rotary kilns at temperatures above 1450
    C. This process results in the formation of
    clinker which together with gypsum and other
    materials upon grinding to high fineness is
    transformed into cement.
  • CO2-emissions are generated as follows
  • Through Raw Meal Calcination
  • CaCO3 CaO CO2
  • Fuel burning since the Carbon in fossil Fuels
    will generate CO2
  • CO2 generated from Power Consumption either
    from the grid or from on-site Power Generation
  • On-site transportation, lighting etc.

Indocement and CDM projects
  • Indocements Energy efficiency
  • About 3.150 kJ/kg clinker
  • About 105 kwh/ton cement
  • Main potential for CO2-reduction measures at
  • Increased use of alternative materials (Reducing
    Clinker content in Cement through introduction of
    Blended Cements) by using Limestone, Fly-ash and
    natural Pozzolana (Trass)
  • Increased use of alternative Fuels by using rice
    husk, palm oil kernels, saw dust etc.
  • Initial estimations indicated that reductions of
    about 0,5 - 1 million tons of CO2 could be
    reduced annually through increased use of
    alternative materials and alternative fuels
    hence a considerable potential!

Indocement and CDM projects
  • Based on an overall assessment of risks and
    benefits, it was from beginning of the Project
    concluded to proceed with the World Bank
    (Prototype Carbon Fund PCF) acting both as a
    Project Developer/Consultant as well as being a
    buyer of a part of the CO2-reductions
  • Reputation of the World Bank
  • Due to the comprehensive documentation required,
    Indocement appointed URS (Dames and Moore), later
    changed to PT Solusi headed by Ibu Architrandi

What is CDM?
  • CDM Projects require that a so called Baseline be
    established which defines
  • the scenario that reasonably represents the
    anthropogenic emissions by sources of Greenhouse
    Gases that would occur in the absence of the
    proposed project activity
  • Barriers have to be overcome with the help of the
    generated CER credits. It must be demonstrated
    that the CDM Project is not Business as usual
  • As a consequence detailed and comprehensive
    requirements are to be met in order to safeguard
    that emission reductions from CDM projects are
    real, measurable and long-term and that they are
    additional to any that would have occurred
    without the project
  • The project proponent requires to follow certain
    Baseline Methodologies which need to be approved
    by the Methodology Panel reporting to the
    Executive Board

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Preparation of Methodologies
  • Following the modalities and procedures for CDM
    Projects established at COP-7 in Marrakech in
    2003, in principle three Baseline Methodologies
    can be used
  • Existing actual or historical emissions, as
    applicable (Market Barrier Approach Blended
  • Emissions from a technology that represents an
    economically attractive course of action, taking
    into account barriers to investment (Investment
    Barrier approach Alternative Fuels)
  • The average emissions of similar project
    activities undertaken in the previous five years
    in similar social, economic, environmental and
    technological circumstances, and whose
    performance is among the top 20 per cent of their

Preparation of Methodologies
  • Indocement Project a Pioneer Project and two new
    Methodologies had to be developed
  • Methodology Blended Cement
  • Baseline Methodology for barrier testing,
    baseline scenario and emission reduction
    calculation for project activities that
    substitute Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with
    blended cement
  • Methodology Alternative Fuel
  • Baseline methodology for project activities that
    substitute fossil fuels with alternative fuels in
    cement kilns

Alternative Fuel Project
  • Indonesia possesses large amounts of biomass
    fuels such as palm kernel shells, rice husk and
    saw dust since such fuels are considered CO2
    neutral - CO2 reductions are achieved
  • Extensive discussions took place in Europe and
    the US during the 1980/1990ies as to the burning
    of alternative fuels in particular concerns
    about emissions of persistent organic
    constituents such as dioxins and furans
  • Extensive stack measurements in cement kilns all
    over the world have confirmed that cement kilns
    are well suited to burn a wide range of
    alternative fuels in addition to biomass (car
    tires, oily sludge, plastics, paper, pretreated
    municipal wastes etc.)
  • The use of some wastes will in addition to
    reducing CO2 also reduce generation of Methane
    from landfills thereby further reduce
    greenhouse gases

Blended Cement Project
  • A major breakthrough for wider use of Blended
    Cement new European Cement Standard EN-197
    introduced since end of the 1990ies
  • Standard allowed introduction of a variety of
    blended materials under strict quality
    requirements thus assuring constructive
    properties of concrete not to be jeopardized
  • Composition of Blended Cements deviates from
    Ordinary Portland Cement OPC.
  • Blended materials are Pozzolanic materials,
    high quality limestone etc.
  • Pozzolanic materials are siliceous or
    silicon-aluminous materials reacting with cement
    to form strength developing compounds

Blended Cement Project
  • The addition of blended materials to Ordinary
    Portland Cement (OPC) is limited by the
    Indonesian cement standard.
  • In order to implement the CDM project for Blended
    Cement, Indocement had to introduce a new
    Indonesian Cement Standard allowing a wider use
    of blended materials ? New Indonesian Cement
    Standard (SNI-15-7064-2004) for Portland
    Composite Cement (PCC)
  • PCC has compressive strength and other
    constructive properties equivalent to that of OPC

CDM Cycle
Milestones Indocement CDM Projects (1)
  • Project Idea Note (PIN) with Letter of Acceptance
    from the Ministry of Environment sent to the
    Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) of the World Bank ?
    Dec 2002
  • Project Concept Note (PCN) sent to the PCF ? Mar
  • Letter of Intent (LoI) signed with the PCF ? Aug
  • Feasibility Study and Environmental Management
    Plans (EMPs) for each production site Citeureup,
    Cirebon and Tarjun prepared ? end of 2003
  • Project Design Document (PDD) jointly prepared by
    Indocement and the PCF including proposal for new
    Methodologies for Alternative Fuel Project and
    Blended Cement Project sent to the UNFCCC ? 23
    Jan 2004
  • Indocement (and PCF) initially expected to
    receive final approval of both project components
    by May/June 2004

Milestones Indocement CDM Projects (2)
  • Indocements proposed methodologies required
    however several rounds of discussions with the
    Methodology Panel (MethPanel making
    recommendations to the Executive Board on how to
    calculate and monitor CO2 emission reductions)
  • In the meantime Indocement and the PCF signed an
    Emission Reduction Purchase agreement (ERPA) at
    the Carbon Expo in Cologne ? 9 Jun 2004
  • Kyoto Protocol entered into force ? February
  • Methodology for Blended Cement Project approved
    by the MethPanel ? October 2005 a revised final
    consolidated version approved ? 19th May 2006
  • Methodology for Alternative Fuel Project approved
    by the MethPanel ? June 2005 a revised final
    consolidated version approved ? 28th July 2006

Milestones Indocement CDM Projects (3)
  • Validation process by DnV (Norway) ? Dec 2005 to
    Jul 2006
  • Alternative Fuel project registered by UNFCCC ?
    27 Sep 2006
  • Blended Cement Project registered by UNFCCC ? 28
    Oct 2006
  • Verification by TUEV SUED (Germany) ? Dec 2006
    until beginning of 2008
  • First CERs finally approved on the 15th March
    2008 for the Alternative Fuel Project
  • CERs for the Blended Cement project under final
    revision and final approval expected soon
  • You have to be patient entire process has taken
    gt 5 years

CO2 reductions from biomass fuels and production
of Blended Cement

Fuels, Calcination, Power
Fuels, Calcination, Power
Alternative Fuels
Gypsum Additive
Gypsum Additive
Clinker (100)

Alternative Material s
Summary of expected CO2 reductions
Host Country Approval
  • Indonesia ratified the Kyoto protocol in July
  • Indonesian Designated National Authority (DNA)
    established July 2005
  • Application with answers to a set of questions
    sent to the Indonesian National Authority DNA ?
    Sep 2005
  • DNA approval ? Dec 2005
  • CDM projects must be approved by the DNA and must
    in addition to reducing CO2 emissions meet
    specific requirements from the host country
  • The Indonesian DNA set up a set of criteria's
    with which Indocement had to comply prior to
    acceptance by the host country
  • The following slides show some of these

L. Environmental Sustainability
  • L.1. Criteria Environmental Sustainability
  • L.1.1. Indicator
  • Environmental Sustainability by applying natural
    resource usage , conservation and diversification
  • L.1.2. Indicator
  • Applicable national and local standards threshold
    values for environmental quality must not be
    exceeded (applies to air, water and soil
  • L.1.3. Indicator
  • Biodiversity (genetic, species and ecosystem)
    must be maintained and genetic contamination
    shall not occur
  • L.1.4. Indicator
  • Compliance with land use and spatial lay-out

L. Environmental Sustainability
  • L.2. Criteria Local community, safety and health
  • L.2.1. Indicator
  • Provide evidence that project activity will not
    give any adverse effects on health for local
  • L.2.2. Indicator
  • Occupational Health and Safety regulations to be
    adhered to.
  • L.2.3. Indicator
  • Available documented procedures describing
    adequate efforts in order to prevent the
    occurrence of accidents as well as its remedial

E. Economical Sustainability
  • E.1. Criteria Local community welfare safety
    and health
  • E.1.1. Indicator
  • Project must not lead to any reduction in the
    income of the local community as a whole
  • E.1.2. Indicator
  • Describe efforts to handle potential impacts of
    reduced income for a parts of the community
  • E.1.3. Indicator
  • In case of lay-offs as a result of the project
    activity, lay-offs must follow applicable
    statutory regulations
  • E.1.4. Indicator
  • Project must not lead to any reductions in the
    quality of services to local community

S. Social Sustainability
  • S.1. Criteria Community Participation
  • S.1.1. Indicator
  • Have in place a consultation process for local
  • S.1.2. Indicator
  • Have in place a response and follow up to
    comments and complaints from local communities
  • S.1.3. Indicator
  • Project shall not impair the social integrity of
  • S.1.4. Indicator
  • Project must not lead to any conflicts among
    local communities

T. Technological Sustainability
  • T.1. Criteria Technology Transfer
  • T.1.1. Indicator
  • The project activity must not create dependence
    from foreign countries in terms of knowledge and
  • T.1.2. Indicator
  • The project shall not apply obsolete technology
  • T.1.3. Indicator
  • Project shall improve the ability of and
    utilization of local technology

Final comments
  • A CDM Project must not only reduce CO2-emissions
    but must also lead to Sustainable Development in
    the Host Country
  • Comprehensive documentation and transparency
    required ? PDD, Validation reports, Verification
    reports on the UNFCCC-web for public comments
  • Environmental Management Plans on Indocement
  • Challenging in a plausible way to predict
    investments, market developments etc. (Time Frame
    10 years and more!)
  • Additionality Why is a project only feasible
    with CO2-credits and not feasible without
  • Arduous Validation and Verification processes
  • Provide substantiation for Methodology
  • Provide substantiation for additionality
  • Detailed Monitoring reports to follow Monitoring
    plan in PDD
  • Detailed leakage calculations (Although less than
    5 of Emission Reductions)
  • Continuation of flexible mechanisms now being
    discussed as part of Post Kyoto Agreement
    Uncertain outcome!

Thank you
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