Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Brain (Re)Aggregate Cultures (Brain Spheroid
Cultures) P. Honegger, M.-G. Zurich, F.
Tschudi-Monnet Department of Physiology
University of Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland
R.R. Felder and U.C. Gupta, BIOforum Europe 5/2005
R. Felder U.C. Gupta
3Aggregate formation from a single cell suspension
4Brain cell aggregates 17 h and 34 days in culture
Scale bar 100 mm
Scale bar 5 mm
5Brain cell aggregate histotypic structures
2 mm
6Neuron-specific enzyme activities
7Synaptogenesis in brain cell aggregates
8Maturation of macroglial cells
Days in vitro
Days in vitro
9Myelination in aggregated brain cell cultures
20 mm
2 mm
2 mm
10Effect of OTA on inflammation markers
Exposure 24 and 48 h
11- Characteristics of aggregating brain cell
cultures and advantages for DNT - - Spontaneous aggregation, a characteristic of
immature cells of any species - - Aggregation is organ-specific (e.g., no
fibroblast contamination of brain cell cultures) - - 3-D cell culture provides optimal cell-to-cell
interactions - Histotypic maturation and expression of the
correct cellular phenotypes - Morphogenetic events (synaptogenesis,
myelination) according to the in vivo time
schedule - - Formation of neuronal networks with spontaneous
electrical activity - Pathogenic cascades (including glial reactivity)
in response to primary (chemical) injuries - - Simple methodology for culture preparation and
maintenance - - Suspension culture, robust, easy to handle, and
adaptable to automation - - Cultures develop and function in chemically
defined medium (serum-free) - - High yield and excellent reproducibility
- - DNT tests in both acute and chronic exposure
schemes possible - - Applicable to multidisciplinary assays, HT and
HC testing - Amenable to transcriptomics, proteomics and
metabolomics - Major disadvantages
12(No Transcript)
13Environmental signals activating diverse
intracellular pathways and ERG networks, causing
phenotypic diversity
J. de Vellis E. Carpenter, Basic
Neurochemistry, Chapter 27
14Global changes in gene expression approach
Three independent experiments giving each
1 sample control (pool of 4 culture flasks) 1
sample OTA 10 nM, 24 h (pool of 4 culture flasks)
Checked all the samples by real time RT-PCR
Affymetrix analyses performed by P2
Criteria used for the selection of probes
p 0.0001 fold change 2
631 probes (204 EST)
15Global changes in gene expression results
16Markers of general cytotoxicity
17Effect of OTA on astrocytic cytoskeletal proteins
18Effect of OTA on astrocytic cytoskeletal proteins
OTA 15 nM
Vimentin GFAP
19Immunocytochemical characterization of aggregate
20Ammonium-induced impairment of axonal growth
Prevention by creatine
21In vitro models for brain research