Title: OHP 1
- By the end of the course participants will be
able to - Design a one off health education/awareness
session for a defined group of participants - Describe how participants diverse needs may be
met in the course of a health education session - Produce an action plan for a local health
education/awareness campaign
2Health promotion is the process of enabling
people to take greater control of their health to
improve it. Its main elements are
- Creating supportive environments for health
- Strengthening community action
- Developing personal skills
- Re-orientating health services
- Building health public policy
- Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
3Spheres of health promotion activity
Health Education Influencing beliefs, knowledge,
attitudes and behaviour
Health Protection Legal or fiscal controls other
regulations or policies
Prevention Reducing Risk of occurrence of
disease, illness or injury policies
4Factors to take into account when designing a
- Size of group
- Resources available
- Group experience of learning
- Group lifestyles
- Factors affecting the participants
- Factors affecting the host organisation
- Factors affecting what you can do
- The overall structure of the programme of which
the session is part
5Kolbs experiential learning cycle
Source http//www.css.edu/users/dswenson/web/PAGE
6Learning Styles
- 4 principle learning styles have been identified
by Honey and Mumford - Pragmatist
- Activist
- Theorist
- Reflector
- Honey and Mumford, the Manual of Learning Styles,
2nd ed, Maidenhead, Honey.1986
7What constitutes a campaign?
- A campaign is a coordinated series of activities
to bring about change in a defined community. - The change may be in.
- Attitudes/ understanding.
- Knowledge.
- Skills/ behaviour.
8Campaign objectives
- People who is your target group?
- Place/ setting where will your health
education/ promotion take place? - Time over what time span do you hope to achieve
your objectives? - Amount - an increase or decrease in the activity
of the proportion of people affected - Source Kevin Croft Make it better, make it work
South Thames NHS (West) Region
9Effectiveness of campaigns
Factors that help
Factors that get in the way
- Evaluation is the process of assessing what has
been achieved and how it has been achieved. It
means looking critically at the activity or
programme, working out what was good about it,
what was bad about it and how it can be improved.
- Famously difficult but very achievable-
- Process - how you did it
- Outputs - the things, the countables
- Outcome the impact of what you did (in terms of
behavioural change)