Title: The Assessment Environment in North American Research Libraries
1The Assessment Environment in North American
Research Libraries
- Stephanie Wright, University of Washington
- Lynda S. White, University of Virginia
- 7th Northumbria Conference
- August 16, 2007
- Annual statistical surveys
- Many other programs LibQUAL, stats training,
Scholarly Communication, salary data - SPEC Kits http//www.arl.org/resources/pubs/spec/
- complete.shtml
3Response by Type of Library
US public 2.7
Canadian academic (public) 12.3
US academic (private) 21.9
US academic (public) 63
4Survey Information
- May-June 2007
- 60 response rate
- 99 do assessment other than routine ARL
5Assessment Methods Used by 80
6Assessment Methods Less Used
7When Assessment Began
8Growth of Assessment
9Impetus for Assessment
10Year Current Programs Were Established
11Responsibility for Assessment
12Assessment Tasks
13Assessment Tasks
14Units Assessed
15Use of Assessment Results
16Culture of Assessment
17Staff Abilities
- Strengths
- Formal presentations
- Formal reports
- Draw conclusions
- Make recommendations
- Project management
- Facilitate focus groups
- Weaknesses
- Sampling
- Research design
- Focus group research
- Survey design
- Qualitative analysis
McKenna, J. and Jordan, I. (2007) Assessment
Strategies for Library Services. Presented at
Ontario Library Associations Super Conference,
Toronto, Ontario.
18Training for Assessment
19Assessment Venues
20Training Needs
- Training in the basics
- Hands-on training
- Training on specific tools and techniques
21Professional Development Needs
More practical instruction on how to formulate
survey and interview questions. Theres a lot of
discussion about dos and donts, but no
opportunity to learn in a collaborative, hands on
environment. Practical level assessment
training for staff at all levels of the library.
When you dont have an expert on staff where do
you begin with assessment.
22Contact Information
- http//lib.washington.edu/assessment/
- 2007NorthumbriaLWSW.pps
- Stephanie Wright, University of Washington
- swright_at_u.washington.edu
- Lynda S. White, University of Virginia
- lsw6y_at_virginia.edu