Title: Active Projects for FY04
1Active Projects for FY04
- Clouds from AVHRR technical support for OSDPD
transition to operations, validation of products
and development of better algorithms. - VIIRS Cloud Work Improving the VIIRS cloud
algorithms based on NOAA expertise. - AVHRR Data Stewardship - Improving the AVHRR
data (calibration and navigation) and generating
climate records. - Microwave Radiance Assimilation (co-I)
development of a fast radiative transfer model
for moderately scattering atmospheres. - GOES Surface and Insolation Fulldisk extension
of the GSIP CONUS system to the full disk and
higher resolution.
2Clouds from AVHRR FY04 Highlights
- CLAVR-x is similar in scope to MSPPS except
limited to the AVHRR - Last Year of the CLAVR-x project (that involves
ORA directly) - The OSDPD CLAVR-x code continues to run on the
IBM SP (the new platform). Operational transition
set for December. Also runs within ORA in
real-time. - This year ORA completing the transition to HDF
output which has greatly facilitated the use of
data by outsiders. HDF is the also the format for
NPOESS and EOS. - CLAVR-x cloud mask now being used in NESDIS
operational products (radiation budget) and plans
exist for its use in new SST, GVI. - CLAVR-x SST data used for GOES/POES high
resolution SST project (RAL) - New development this year included a pixel level
cloud top temperature algorithm that is
consistent for all orbits and all times of day.
This will potentially benefit IASI sounding as
MODIS cloud products benefit AIRS soundings.
3Example CLAVR-x products available in real-time
The suite of CLAVR-x includes a full range of
cloud products in addition to the standard cloud
Cloud Top Temperature
Cloud Mask Surface Temp.
4Pixel Level SST (SST This is what is used by
RAL for POES/GOES SST) (All of this information
is available in the SST file and this analysis
can be done automatically)
Unmasked pixel level SST
Histogram of SST background SST
Cloud Masked SST
background SST field
5Real-time orbital
Example of the type of gridded information
produced by CLAVR-x. All are made available
through OSDPD/ORA.
Single Satellite Daily Asc/Des fields
Multi-satellite Synoptic Fields
6Current Uses of CLAVR-x
- Other NESDIS Applications
- NCEP is grabbing CLAVR-x gridded cloud fields.
Potential of clear radiances for assimilation
being considered. - Two JCSDA projects are using CLAVR-x output
- CLAVR-x algorithms are used in GASP, GSIP and for
some aviation safety program (ASAP) here at
CIMSS. - Parts used by NGST for VIIRS
- Basis of PATMOS-x which serves the climate
7VIIRS Cloud EDR Risk Reduction
- FY04 Highlights
- Continue as VIIRS OAT co-chair (with P. Menzel)
- Developed an extension of the CLAVR-x cloud type
to the VIIRS channels demonstrably better than
the VIIRS baseline approach. (This will also work
for ABI) - Successfully worked with NGST and helped them
adopt the CLAVR-x cloud typing approach for
VIIRS. - Worked with NGST to adopt the CLAVR-x spatial
uniformity tests into the VIIRS cloud mask to
improve VIIRS SST. - Helping NGST adopt NDVI-dependent reflectance
thresholds to improve land cloud mask
performance. - Researching the continuity in the POES/NPOESS
climate record using MODIS as a surrogate for
8Example Pixel Level Result of the Cloud Typing
with Multi-layer Detection using the AVHRR
Algorithm Typhoon Inoue in Indian Ocean observed
from MODIS
9Same as before but using the VIIRS Algorithm
10- AVHRR Data Stewardship / AVHRR Pathfinder
Atmospheres - ORA funded a pilot AVHRR Data Stewardship
Initiative in FY03 FY04. - The goal of these projects is to demonstrate that
ORA can use its expertise in all areas of AVHRR
processing to improve the AVHRR data record and
perform climate analyses. (ORA Participants
Goldberg, Tarpley, Heidinger, Harris, Key, Kogan,
Wu, Sullivan, Cao, Maturi) - ORA archive now contains all AVHRR GAC data
from 1990-2004. Data moving from the SAA as fast
as possible. - So far we have developed the navigation
correction, the GVI reprocessing software and the
PATMOS-x software. Currently working on
reflectance calibration improvements. - PATMOS-x is a climate data-set produced from
AVHRR with a 50 km resolution and contains cloud,
surface and aerosol products (all developed
within ORA).
11Initial Results from PATMOS-x Improvements in
the physics with the cloud mask have removed the
large satellite to satellite jumps observed in
the original PATMOS time series. Note, the
differences in PATMOS-x (black) are much less
than PATMOS (blue) on either side of the
satellite transitions (vertical lines)
12Initial Results from PATMOS-x Our time series
of cloud amount seems stable compared to that
from ISCCP. The downward trend seen in ISCCP is
contentious we do not see that trend and are
one of a few projects that produce an independent
global cloud climatology.
13GOES Surface and Insolation Project Highlights
- The new system that will replace the CONUS GSIP
is running within ORA. (It is essentially CLAVR-x
applied to GOES imager with the Laszlo insolation
algorithm). We were funded by Ground System and
currently NCEP is able to get the data from us
for testing. Once this testing is complete and
NCEP is satisfied with the new product, we will
try to transition to OSDPD. Currently, we felt
it unwise to transition during the OSDPD
- Microwave Radiance Assimilation Highlights
- My contribution was the development of an
extension of the traditional method of successive
order of scattering that is superior for
moderately scattering atmospheres (successive
order of interaction). The winning model will
be decided in a JCSDA contest this fall. - Collaborators include Ralf Bennartz, Tom
Greenwald and Chris Odell.
- Should we actively pursue the transition of NOAA
methods for NPOESS? What is the ideal
relationship between NGST and STAR. Should we
accept offers to co-authors on NGST led
publications? - Tom Schott explained to me that PSDI is going
away and being replaced by an NDE funding line.
The NDE list of NOAA unique products is currently
very modest. There is no Polar GIMPAP
counterpart. Are we getting out of the business
of product development from polar orbiters?