Title: Children Who Fall Through The Cracks
1Children Who Fall Through The Cracks
- David Fanning
- Commissioner for Children
- Tasmania
The Commissioner for Children is an independent,
statutory office responsible to the Parliament of
Tasmania. The Commissioners functions include
promoting the rights and well-being of children
along with examining the policies, practices and
services provided for children and any laws
affecting their health, welfare, care, protection
and development.
2An example
- Magistrate comments on a lack of coordinated and
integrated approach for the offender and directs
that the case be brought to the attention of
relevant authorities - 16 year old male youth charged with assault
- Serious Assault with the potential for serious
injury - Magistrate notes that the nature of assault would
warrant a Detention Order or a jail sentence for
an adult - Has prior history of demonstrating some
propensity for violence - Has increased vulnerability as already not living
with parents
3Magistrate is concerned that
- Despite youth having been on two previous
Probation Orders there are no apparent support
provided to him by Youth Justice - Not attended school at all for two years
- Enrolled himself in distance education but
without support could not maintain commitment
4Not so much falling through the cracks
as a gaping chasm of inactivity!
5How does this type of service system failure
happen in such a comparatively well resourced
- This example highlights
- The simple availability of services is not enough
- Service providers tend to define their
responsibilities narrowly - Service principles enshrined in legislation may
not reflect reality on the ground - Workers often define the problem as not enough
services or service gaps - Workers are less likely to identify the way
services are provided as part of the problem
6What are the features of an effective service
- 3 levels which interact
- Individual service providers
- Wider agency work
- Service system
7What makes an effective service provider?
- Technical knowledge and skills
- Initiative
- Empathy
8Effective inter-agency work features
- Cooperation
- Collaboration
- Coordination
- Communication
9An effective overall service system requires
- A cohesive policy and legislative framework
- A balanced continuum of services encompassing
prevention, early intervention and targeted
services - A geographic approach to building service
integration at a manageable level, e.g.
multi-service childrens service hubs which
co-locate a range of services to facilitate a
joined up approach - Funding processes that do not result in program
silos some capacity to pool funds to build
service responses for complex multi-need clients,
e.g. avoid exclusive reliance on parallel
specialist services and ensure generic multi
skilled service capacity - Performance measures that support cross program
effort - Measure client outcomes not just process outputs