Title: ASTM User Training
1ASTM User Training
- in
- Risk-Based Corrective Action for Chemical
Releases - (Provisional ASTM Standard Guide)
- Day 2
2Agenda - Day 2
- 800 - 930 RBSL/SSTL Development
- 930 - 945 Break
- 945 - 1045 RBSL/ SSTL Development
- 1045 - 1100 Break
- 1100 -1200 RESC/SSEC Development/Data
Collection - 1200 - 100 Lunch
- 100 - 230 Tier Decisions/Remedial Options
- 230 - 245 Break
- 245 - 400 Source Reduction/ Activity and Land
Use Controls - 400 - 415 Break
- 415 - 500 Factors for Consideration in
Remedial Action Selection
3RBSL Development
4RBSL Development
- Acceptable concentrations of chemical(s) of
concern developed for the Tier 1 evaluation - conservative/non-site-specific models and input
values - data collection biased to area of highest
5RBSL Development Components of Risk Assessment
Health Risk
Exposure Concentrations
Fate Transport
Source Concentrations
6RBSL DevelopmentSite Conceptual Model
- Develop a generic or site-specific site
conceptual model to identify the RBSL to be
determined - site conceptual model can be either program or
site-specific based - program based RBSL
- generic exposure pathways
- non-site specific/conservative parameters
- individual site based RBSL
- site-specific exposure pathways
- non-site specific/conservative parameters
7RBSL DevelopmentExposure Pathway Considerations
- Receptors
- residential adult or children, worker
- Transport mechanisms
- soil to ground water leaching
- soil and ground water to indoor or outdoor air
- Exposure routes
- ingestion
- inhalation
- dermal contact
8RBSL DevelopmentUncertainty
- Define the uncertainties and the approach for
addressing - algorithm
- simple partitioning?
- heterogeneity of subsurface environment
- conservative soil type?
- biodegradation
- ignore?
9RBSL DevelopmentMethods and Parameters
- Identify the methods that are to be used to
calculate the RBSL so that they are reproducible - simple algorithms
- analytical models
- Define the parameters that are required by the
algorithms or models used to calculate the RBSL - fate and transport
- chemical and site characteristics
- toxicity
- exposure
10Fate and Transport ParametersChemical
- Molecular weight
- Solubility
- Vapor pressure
- Henrys law constant
- Soil-water partitioning coefficient
- Octanol/water coefficient
- Degradation rate
- Air diffusivity
- Water diffusivity
11Fate and Transport ParametersSite Characteristics
- Saturated Zone
- Groundwater mixing zone thickness
- Width of source area
- Depth of source area
- Vadose Zone
- Lower depth of surficial soil
- Thickness of capillary fringe
- Thickness of vadose zone
- Depth to groundwater
- Depth to top of subsurface soil sources
- Depth from bottom of subsurface sources to ground
12Fate and Transport ParametersSite
Characteristics - Saturated Zone
- Groundwater Darcy and seepage velocity
- Fraction organic carbon
- Ground water gradient
- Saturated hydraulic conductivity
- Soil porosity
- Soil bulk density
- Dispersivity
- longitudinal, transverse, vertical
13Fate and Transport ParametersSite
Characteristics - Vadose Zone
- Fraction organic carbon
- Infiltration rate
- Volumetric air content in capillary fringe soils
- Volumetric water content in capillary fringe
- Volumetric air content
- Volumetric water content
- Soil porosity
- Soil bulk density
14Fate and Transport ParametersSite
Characteristics - Volatilization
- Enclosed-space air exchange rate
- Enclosed-space volume to infiltration area ratio
- Enclosed-space foundation or wall thickness
- Areal fraction of cracks in foundations/walls
- Vol. Air content in foundation/wall cracks
- Vol. Water content in foundation/wall cracks
- Particulate emission rate
- Wind speed above ground surface in ambient mixing
zone - Width of source area parallel to wind flow
- Ambient air mixing zone height
- Averaging time for vapor flux
15Toxicity Parameters
- Target risk
- Hazard quotient
- Chemical toxicity
- slope factor (mg/kg-day)-1 or unit risk factor
(mg/m3)-1 - ingestion
- inhalation
- reference dose (mg/kg-day) or reference
concentration (mg/m3) - ingestion
- inhalation
16Exposure Parameters
- Averaging time
- cancer
- non-cancer
- Body weight
- Exposure duration
- Exposure frequency
- Exposure time for indoor air
- Exposure time for outdoor air
- Soil ingestion rate
- Daily indoor inhalation rate
- Daily outdoor inhalation rate
- Daily water ingestion rate
- Soil to skin adherence factor
- Skin surface area for soil exposure
17RBSL DevelopmentOther Relevant Measurable
- Concentrations of chemical(s) of concern, other
numeric values, physical condition or performance
criteria, other than the RBSL, RESC, SSTL,SSEC,
used to define corrective action goals - consistent with the technical policy decisions
- regulatory standards
- consensus criteria
- aesthetic criteria
- groundwater protection criteria
18Ground Water Ingestion
- Calculate (see Class Exercise ?)
- Other relevant measurable criteria (ORMC)
- e.g., drinking water maximum contaminant levels
SF Cancer Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1 HQ
Hazard Quotient RfD Reference Dose
(mg/kg-day) IR Ingestion Rate (l/day) EF
Exposure Frequency (days/yr)
ED Exposure Duration (yr) BW Body Weight
(kg) AT Averaging Time (period over which
exposure is averaged) (days)
19Leaching from Source Area to Ground Water
- Tier 1 RBSL are based on conservative default
parameters - steady state
- infinite source
- no vapor loss
- no biodegradation
- no dispersion/diffusion
20Leaching from Source Area to Ground Water
Partition Factor
Attenuation Factor
Back Calculate To Soil Concentration
21Leaching from Source Area to Ground Water -
Attenuation Factors
Attenuation (neglecting biodegradation) is
controlled by physical site parameters and the
infiltration rate.
22Leaching from Source Area to Ground Water -
Partitioning Factors
Concentrations of chemicals of concern measured
in soil includes chemical mass that is
volatilized into soil gas, dissolved into pore
moisture, and sorbed onto the soil surface.
Controlled by Chemical and Soil Parameters
23Class Exercise ??Soil to Ground Water Leaching
- chemical characteristics
- physical parameters
- ground water RBSL
- unsaturated zone parameters
- algorithms
- uncertainty
24Direct Contact -Carcinogens
Ingestion of soil
- Ingestion of soil
- Inhalation of vapor and particulates
- Dermal contact with soil
Dermal Contact
Inhalation of particulates
Inhalation of vapors
IRsoil ingestion rate of soil FI fraction
ingested IRair inhalation rate of
air RAFd Dermal relative absorption factor SA
Skin surface area (cm2/day) M Soil
to skin adherence factor (mg/cm3) VF
Volatilization factor
25Direct ContactVolatilization Factors
- Volatilization factor VFss for Surficial Soil
Ambient Air Vapors
- Volatilization factor VFr for Surficial Soil
Ambient Air Particulates
Pe particulate emission rate (g/cm-s) W
width of source are parralell to the wind
(cm) Uair wund speed in ambient mixing zone
(cm/s) dair ambient air mixing zone (cm) rs
soil bulk density (g-soil/cm3-soil) d lower
depth of surficial zone
26Direct ContactAlgorithms
Cancer RBSLs (ug/kg)
Non-Cancer RBSLs (ug/kg)
27Class Exercise ??Direct Contact
- Mercury
- chemical characteristics
- physical parameters
- target risk/hazard quotient
- exposure factors
- unsaturated zone parameters
- algorithm
- uncertainty
28Vapor Intrusion into Buildings
- Evaluation in Tier 1 is very conservative
- Often a significant pathway
Mixing in breathing zone
Diffusive transport to breathing zone
Impacted soil and/or ground water in equilibrium
with soil gas
29Vapor Intrusion into BuildingsVolatilization
H Henrys law constant dair ambient air
mixing zone (cm) rs soil bulk density
(g-soil/cm3-soil) qas volumetric air content in
vadose zone (cm/cm) Kd soil-water sorption
coefficient (g/g) Ls depth to subsurface soil
source (cm) LB enclosed space
volume/infiltration area ratio (cm/cm) Lcrack
enclosed space foundation or wall thickness
(cm) ER enclosed space air exchange ratio
(L/s) h areal fraction of cracks in
foundation/walls (cm2/cm2) Deffs effective
diffusion coefficient in soil based on vapor
phase (cm2/s) Deffcrack effective diffusion
coefficient through cracks (cm2/s)
30Vapor Intrusion Into Buildings Controlling
- Soil to Soil Vapor Partitioning
- Kd f(foc, koc)
- chemical Henrys Constant and Solubility
- existence of a NAPL
- Diffusive Transport
- Deff f(qws, qwa)
- layering in the vadose zone
- Indoor Air Transport
- building construction
31Equilibrium Partitioning Example
Linear Partitioning Approximation
Benzene Concentration in Ground
Water Cw (mg-benzene/l-water)
Raoult's Law Limit
Expected concentration
Residual Gasoline Concentration in Soil
CT (mg-gasoline/kg-soil)
Cwmax xiSi xi mole fraction of benzene Si
solubility of benzene
32Class Exercise ??Ground Water to Indoor Air
- Tetrachlorethene
- chemical characteristics
- physical parameters
- indoor air RBSL
- saturated zone parameters
- unsaturated zone parameters
- heterogeneity of soils
- biodegradation
- algorithms
- uncertainty
33Class Exercise ??Cumulative Risk
- Show the comparison of a few chemicals to the
their RBSLs - Show the ratios of the concentrations to the
RSBLs - Discuss apportioning the target risk among the
chemicals to address cumulative effects - Texas is an example (may be too complicated)
- more than 10 chemicals that are carcinogens or 10
non-carcinogens with the same target organ, then
adjust the RBSL - 10gt sum for all i (RBSLadj-i /RBSL)
34SSTL Development
35SSTL DevelopmentSite Specific Parameter Values
- When should site-specific data be considered?
- Which parameters should be considered for each
exposure pathway? - How should site specific data be collected and
analyzed (recommended methods)? - What is the reasonable range of values for each
site-specific parameter?
36SSTL DevelopmentSite Specific Parameter Values
- Statistical representation of source area
concentrations of chemical(s) of concern, - Default parameter values used to develop the RBSL
are not appropriate for site-specific conditions,
or - The RBSL is applied at a site-specific point of
demonstration to develop SSTL
37SSTL DevelopmentSite Specific Parameter Values
- Site specific parameters can have a large impact
on calculated SSTL as compared to RBSL - Sometimes more than an order of magnitude!
38SSTL DevelopmentSite Specific Parameter Values
- Examine importance of parameters by looking at
exposure pathways - source composition
- NAPL composition, molecular weight, density,
total volume, component effective solubility - soil properties
- total and effective porosity, moisture content,
organic carbon fraction, and soil permeability or
hydraulic conductivity - physical site conditions
- depth from source to groundwater, thickness of
vadose zone, thickness of capillary fringe,
infiltration rate - ground water flow
- site specific aquifer data, hydraulic
conductivity, hydraulic gradient - building design
- Air exchange rate, building dimensions,
foundation construction
39SSTL Development - ExampleEffective Solubility
Limit (Seff)
- Estimated based on Raoults Law using published
references for the pure component solubility
limit (e.g., see Montgomery and Welkom, 1990) - data on the mole fraction of compounds in
gasoline can be found in published references
(e.g., see Johnson et al, 1990) or measured in a
sample of source zone soil.
40SSTL DevelopmentHeterogeneous Soils
- Will heterogeneous soil properties limit flux?
- define the effective diffusion coefficient, Deff
Homogeneous layer
Heterogeneous soil layers
DTeff, L
41SSTL DevelopmentHeterogeneous Soils
- How does moisture content affect diffusion?
Total Porosity
H0.22 DH2O / Dair 0.0001
42SSTL DevelopmentHeterogeneity Summary
- Zones of low Deff will reduce flux and increase
SSTL - Can result in an order of magnitude change in
SSTL - Estimation methods for Deff
- typical properties for soil types
- site specific soil property analysis
- in-situ measurement of Deff
43SSTL DevelopmentBiodegradation
- Aerobic Biodegradation
- Oxygen acts as an electron acceptor.
Indigenous micro-organisms exist that are capable
of degrading many volatile organic compounds.
The most significant rates of degradation occur
aerobically - Field studies conducted to date indicate that the
factor that most significantly controls
biodegradation in subsurface environments is the
rate of oxygen transport. - Anaerobic Biodegradation
- Oxygen acts as an electron acceptor. There are
other potential electron acceptors commonly found
in aquifer environments, including NO3-2, SO4-2,
44SSTL DevelopmentBiodegradation
- For mathematical simplicity, most volatile
organic chemical degradation reactions are
treated as being first-order reactions. In
other words
concentration of chemical
is proportional to
decay rate
45SSTL DevelopmentBiodegradation - Decay
- The concentration can be determined by
- C(t) Co exp (-?t)
- ln(C(t)/Co) -?t
- ? first order decay rate constant (t-1)
- C(t) concentration at time t (mg/l)
- Co initial concentration (mg/l)
For example, typical values for the rate constant
(?) for benzene fall in the range 0.1 - 1 per
46SSTL DevelopmentBiodegradation - Decay
- The half-life of a chemical is defined as the
time it takes for the first-order reaction to
transform half of the initial mass of the
chemical. If C(t)/Co is replaced with 0.5, then - t0.5 (ln 2)/? or t0.5 0.693/?
- t0.5 half-life of the chemical (days)
47SSTL DevelopmentBiodegradation
- Illustration of first-order decay
48SSTL Development Natural Attenuation
- Natural Attenuation refers to the reduction in
mass, mobility, or concentration of chemical(s)
of concern by intrinsic processes (e.g.,
advection, dispersion, diffusion, dilution,
sorption, degradation). - Dilution Attenuation Factor (DAF)
Data collection needs include flow direction
gradient hydraulic conductivity lithology
depth to ground water ground water
fluctuations extent of source historical
monitoring data
49SSTL Development Using RBSL Algorithms
- Default parameter values used to develop the RBSL
are not appropriate for site-specific conditions - RBSL algorithms and Tier 1 point(s) of exposure
are appropriate for the site
50Class Exercise ?? Using RBSL Algorithms
- Example problem
- substituting site-specific values to calculate
SSTL - use ground water to indoor air
- parameters
- depth to ground water
- soil moisture content
- sensitivity
51SSTL DevelopmentStatistical Representation
- 95 UCL of arithmetic mean
- sufficient number and quality of samples to
derive normal, log-normal or other applicable
frequency distribution - Based on appropriate statistical methodology for
normal or log-normal distributions
52Class Exercise ??Statistical Representation
- Example problem
- soil concentrations
- use direct contact RBSL
- compare highest value to average values
- look at area weighted averages
- look at histograms translate to frequency
distributions - calculate the probability of the concentration
being above the RBSL based on the distribution
53SSTL Development Using Exposure Pathway
Conceptual Model
54SSTL Development Using Exposure Pathway
SSTL Applied at Source Area
RBSL or ORMC Applied at Point of Exposure
Source Area
Back-calculating site-specific target levels at
source areas
55SSTL Development Using Exposure Pathway
- Allowable concentration at the point(s) of
exposure (CPOE) is based on - RBSL,
- ORMC, or
- SSTL calculated using target risk, toxicity
factors and site-specific exposure factors
56SSTL Development Using Exposure Pathway
- Allowable concentration in ground water at the
source area (Cgw) is - An attenuation factor (AF) of less than 1 is a
result of - diffusion
- dispersion
- adsorption
- decay (chemical and biological)
57SSTL Development Using Exposure Pathway
- Allowable concentration in soil at the source
area (Csoil) is - A leaching factor (LF) of less than 1 is a result
of - diffusion
- dispersion
- adsorption
- decay (chemical and biological)
58Using Ground Water Transport Modeling to Develop
the AFConsiderations and Data Requirements
- Source-specific data
- size, shape strength
- type of source
- continuous, constant pulse, exponentially
decaying - Receptor-specific data
- distance orientation relative to source
- Chemical-specific data
- persistence, mobility, solubility
- concentration in source area
- Media-specific data
- aquifer characteristics
- porosity, hydraulic conductivity
- Model applicability
- simplest model to represent transport
- does it apply?
59Conceptual Ground Water ModelSignificant
Transport Processes
- Different processes to consider
Infiltration from Rainfall
COC in Soil
Aqueous Advection
Advection and Dispersion In Groundwater
60Ground Water Transport ModelingDomenico Solution
- Transport processes
- dispersion in 3 dimensions
- one-dimensional uniform advection
- Model assumptions and applicability
- one-dimensional flow and 3-dimensional dispersion
- first-order decay rate based on dissolved and
adsorbed phases decaying at the same rate - medium is isotropic and homogeneous
- source concentration is constant
- areal source perpendicular to the direction of
61Ground Water Transport ModelingDomenico
- Analytical solution for the steady-state
concentration along the centerline
62Ground Water Transport ModelingDomenico
- Analytical solution, steady-state
- Attenuation factor relates the concentration at
the source to the centerline down gradient
concentration at the water table - Function of
- advection and partitioning vKi/qR
- decay
- dispersion longitudinal, transverse and vertical
- source area depth and width
63Ground Water Transport Modeling
Steady-state centerline concentrations predicted
by the Domenico solution
Source width 50 ft source thickness 5 ft GW
velocity 0.3 ft/d ?x 0.1 L ?y ?x/3 ?z
0.035 ?x
no decay
max decay
Distance from Source ft
64Transport ModelingCaution
- Given the inherent limitations (data, model
assumptions), models are used to estimate rates
of transport, expected trends in data. This
information is very useful in developing SSTL,
monitoring plans and remedial designs, and for
assessing the significance of various exposure
and transport pathways. Models should not be a
substitute for site-specific data. Model
results are only one of the elements used in
making RBCA decisions!!!
65Transport ModelingSummary
- Identify the processes to considered in the
modeling - Determine the assumptions made by the model
- Identify the appropriate data requirements
- balance the model complexity with the available
data - Verify the model predictions with empirical data
66Class Exercise ?? Using Exposure Pathway
- Move point of demonstration to calculate new
concentration of chemical(s) of concern in ground
water at the source area - Domenico
- Calculate concentration in soil at the source
area - use soil to ground water leachate RBSL calculation
67RESC/SSEC Development
68Example 1 City Service Center
- A service station in the downtown of a city has
experienced a release from an underground storage
tank. - Chemical(s) of concern associated with gasoline
have been identified in the underlying soils and
groundwater. - The city service station is not located near
relevant ecological receptors or habitats.
69Example 1 City Service CenterInitial Site
- No ecological relevant receptors or habitats have
been identified - these conditions were documented
- Ecological issues need not be considered
- Initial site assessment is sufficient
70Example 2 Rural Manufacturing Facility
- A manufacturing site located in a rural area has
observed concentrations of TCE in its soils and
ground water - The site is located near a small river, which
provides habitat for aquatic biota but is not
used for drinking water - The groundwater flow is toward the river
- It is likely that the groundwater discharges to
the river.
71Example 2 Rural Manufacturing Facility -
Initial Site Assessment
- Potentially complete pathways and exposure to
relevant ecological receptors and habitats exist. - Proceed to Tier 1 assessment
72Example 2 Rural Manufacturing Facility - Tier 1
- Probability of potentially complete pathways and
exposure to relevant ecological receptors and
habitats has increased, but is not conclusively
known. - Concentrations of TCE in ground water range from
70 1,200 ?g/l - Concentrations of TCE in the surface water are
above the generic screening levels - attributed directly to the presence of a hot
73Example 2 Rural Manufacturing Facility - Tier 2
- The concentrations of TCE in the surface water
that are above the generic screening levels were
attributed directly to the presence of a hot
spot - Exit Tier 2 and proceed to remedial action
74Example 3 Printing Site
- The Printer is located near a wetland and river
- Drainage and runoff from the Printing Site are
believed to have contributed to elevated
concentrations of organic chemicals and metals in
a nearby swamp.
75Example 3 Printing SiteInitial Site Assessment
- Elevated concentrations of organic chemicals and
metals are known to exist in the swamp area - Proceed to Tier 1 based upon
- potentially completed exposure pathways and
- the presence of relevant ecological receptors and
76Example 3 Printing SiteTier 1
- Runoff could carry chemical(s) of concern from
the spill locations to the wetlands - Concentrations of several organic chemicals and
metals are above the surface water screening
levels - Proceed to Tier 2 to refine generic criteria to
more site specific values
77Example 3 Printing SiteTier 2
- Concentrations of several organic chemicals and
metals in soil and wetland sediment at the site
are above those in the region for several metals - The site also exceeds ecological toxicological
benchmarks. - Proceed to a site-specific Tier 3 evaluation
78Data Collection
79Data Collection
- Follows line of evidences
- background information
- qualitative data
- quantitative data
- Purpose and use
- Analytical methods
- Quantity and quality necessary to make decisions
- conservatism vs. uncertainty
- technical policy decisions
80Data CollectionTier 1
- Objective is to demonstrate highest concentration
of chemical(s) of concern - for each exposure pathway identified
- Drivers
- site conceptual model
- concentrations of chemical(s) of concern
- Technical policy decisions
- what quantity and quality of data is adequate to
demonstrate no further action - agreement on screening approach
81Data CollectionTier 2 and Tier 3
- Objective is to demonstrate that concentrations
of chemical(s) of concern at the point(s) of
exposure will not be above acceptable levels or
criteria - for each exposure pathway identified
- Drivers
- site conceptual model
- concentrations of chemical(s) of concern
- fate and transport
- Technical policy decisions
- what quantity and quality of data is adequate to
demonstrate no further action
82Data Collection
- Representative of the site conceptual model AND
Chemical(s) of concern in the source area
Distribution of chemical(s) of concern
Variability in environmental conditions
Environmental media
Transport pathways
83Tier Decisions
84Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Process
- Encourages user-led initiatives
- Encourages stakeholder involvement
- Provides a framework for corrective action
- Recognizes the diversity of sites
- Encourages technical policy issues to be
addressed up front - Provides appendices for direction and examples
85Tiered Decisions
- Decisions about chemicals of concern and pathways
that are complete or potentially complete - Decisions are made based on the tier evaluation
86Tiered Decisions
- Complete or potentially complete pathways
- site conditions are above corrective action goals
- options interim remedial action, tier upgrade,
remedial action - site conditions are below corrective action goals
- option no further action
- Decisions are made as part of Tier 1, Tier 2 and
Tier 3 Evaluations
87RBCA Process Flow Chart
88Decision Alternatives
- No further action
- pathway meets corrective action goal for the tier
- does not apply to chemicals or pathways for which
there are no corrective action goals - Interim action/risk reduction
- address immediate issues
- reduce migration or concentrations
- eliminate pathways and re-evaluate
89Decision Alternatives
- Tier Upgrade
- complete or potentially complete pathways
- for pathways where no corrective action goals
were developed or identified - not available at Tier 3
90Decision Alternatives
- Final remedial action
- develop remedial action performance criteria
based on - corrective action goals
- site conditions
- chemicals of concern
- pathways
- site use or redevelopment
- evaluate alternatives to meet goals
91Decision Alternatives
- Choosing among the alternatives involves business
decisions - economic
- site use or redevelopment
- liability
- stakeholder issues
- All of the alternatives meet the same level of
92Why 3 Tiers (Levels) in RBCA?
Tier 1
More Site-Specific
Tier 2
More Conservative
Tier 3
Target Risk
Every tier achieves the same level of public
health protection
93Tier Upgrade
- For chemicals and pathways where site conditions
are above corrective action goals - Compare with interim remedial action and final
remedial action - may be qualitative or quantitative
- Not available at Tier 3
94What are the Drivers?
- Cost to implement each alternative
- Time and schedule concerns
- Stakeholder issues
- regulatory compliance factors
- acceptability to neighbors
- political issues
- Impacts of implementing each alternative
- e.g., short term impact to ecological habitats
from active remedial action - Site use or redevelopment
- transaction issues
95Weighing the Alternatives
96Weighing the Alternatives
- Start with common sense screening
- Is remedial action clearly the right choice given
the site circumstances or would further tier
evaluation be best? - e.g., time sensitive redevelopment design system
to meet current tiers corrective action goals
rather than spending more time to develop higher
tier corrective action goals - If no clear choice then go to a more detailed
97Weighing the Alternatives
- Develop a common scale for evaluating the drivers
- common scale for assigning values to drivers for
each alternative - Where do each of the alternatives (i.e., tier
upgrade, interim action, remedial action) fit
based on each of the drivers? - Compare qualitatively or semi-quantitatively
- Results of the comparison will be site specific
based on the relative importance of the drivers
at a particular facility
98Example Qualitative Comparison
- Redevelopment site - shopping mall construction
ready to begin now - Option 1 Tier 2 remedial action
- extensive soil excavation, groundwater air
sparging system - Implement now
- Option 2 Tier Upgrade
- tier 3corrective action goals expected to result
in limited soil excavation and engineering
control system for groundwater - 6 months for Tier Evaluation, then Implement
99Example Qualitative Comparison Scale
100Quantitative Analysis
- Formal decision analysis
- Develop decision trees including all of the
alternatives - Need to know
- the common value of implementing each alternative
- the consequences of success and failure
- the probability of success and failure
101Quantitative Analysis
- Calculate the common value for each of the
alternatives based on each of the drivers - Compare the weighted average values (expected
values) and choose the alternative with the
highest expected value - Common values can be expressed as monetary
values, utilities, or another common scale
102Example Comparison
- For one site the comparison between tier upgrade
and remedial action looks like this
103Example Comparison
104Example Comparison
Expected Value probability of failurevalue of
failure probability of successvalue of
E(Tier Upgrade) (0.1)(-35)(0.9)(-25) -26
E(Remedial Action) (0.2)(-45)(0.8)(-20) -25
Choose Remedial Action
105Remedial Options
106Remedial Action
- Purpose of Remedial Action
- Definition
- The RBCA Paradigm
- Use of the site conceptual model
- Developing a holistic perspective
- Remedial action alternatives evaluation
107Remedial Action
- Activities conducted reduce or eliminate current
or potential future exposures to receptors or
relevant ecological receptors and habitats - These activities include
- monitoring
- implementing activity and use limitations
- designing and operating clean-up equipment
- other activities that are conducted to reduce
sources of exposures to meet corrective action
goals, or sever exposure pathways to meet
corrective action goals
108The Evolution of the Remedial Action Philosophy
- Pre RBCA
- What is the most we can clean up?
- Emphasis on mass reduction through technology
for risk reduction
- Post RBCA
- What is clean up is necessary to be protective of
human health and the environment? - emphasis on technology and activity and use
limitations for risk reduction
109The RBCA Remedial Action Paradigm
- Is there a complete or potentially complete
exposure pathway? - How can we break the complete or potentially
complete exposure pathway? - reduce the source area
- eliminate the transport mechanism
- remove the receptor
110Drivers for Remedial Action
- Concentrations of chemical(s) of concern are
above the appropriate corrective action goals at
the point of demonstration - which COC are above the goals?
- what pathways are of concern?
- what media are affected?
- A higher tier evaluation is not warranted?
111Remedial Action Performance Criteria
- Concentrations of chemical(s) of concern or ORMC
in environmental media that are protective of
human health and the environment for a given
activity land use - These goals may be based on
- generic (e.g., RBSL, RESC) or site-specific
(e.g., SSTL, SSEC) corrective action goals
developed during the Tier Evaluation - regulatory standards (e.g, MCL)
- other performance criteria (e.g., aesthetic
criteria) - Criteria for establishing these goals should be
acceptable to the regulatory agencies
112The Holistic Approach to Selecting Remedial
Action Alternatives
- Remedial action has to achieve an adequate level
of risk reduction for all COC phases for each
complete or potentially complete exposure pathway - Considerations necessary to achieve remedial
action goals - All exposure pathways
- Chemical(s) of concern
- Chemical properties (e.g., chemical, physical,
toxicological) - Subsurface characteristics
- Distribution of chemical(s) of concern in the
environment - Chemical phases
113The Holistic Approach to Selecting Remedial
Action Alternatives
- Chemical properties and the characteristics of
the environmental media define the phase and the
distribution of chemical(s) of concern
114The Holistic Approach to Selecting Remedial
Action Alternatives
115The Holistic Approach to Selecting Remedial
Action Alternatives
116Source Reduction
117Source Reduction Technologies
- NAPL recovery
- Pump treat (dissolved phase)
- Natural attenuation
- High vacuum extraction
- Excavation
- Soil vapor extraction
- Bioventing
- Sparging
- Enhanced bioremediation
- Thermal technologies
- Chemical
- Oxidation
118Source Reduction Considerations
- Source Type
- residual phase (soil sorbed)
- free phase (NAPL)
- vapor
- dissolved
- Mobility
- volatility
- solubility
- availability
- trapped residual phase
- Environmental media
- Chemical persistence
- Location
- surface soils
- subsurface soils
- unsaturated
- saturated
- NAPL on ground water surface
- NAPL below ground water surface
- sediments
119Source Reduction Implications
- Does mass reduction result in significant risk
reduction? - Not Always
- with current technologies it may not be
practicable to reduce residual NAPL in the
saturated zone to a level that will result in
acceptable dissolved concentrations - recent studies predict that 80 - 90 of the
saturated zone residual NAPL must be removed to
affect the soluble plume
120Source Reduction Implications
- Risk reduction in low permeability soil estimated
to be negligible - Risk reduction in high permeability soil can be
good - Field residual saturation controls the source
reduction - Low volatility chemicals are recalcitrant
- longer dissolution and attenuation times
- lower mobility plus higher residual saturation
- generally lower quantified risk
- Chemical alteration better when feasible
121Source Reduction Implications
- Opinion
- many chemical(s) of concern plumes do not pose a
risk - leaving long-lived chemical(s) of concern plumes
in place requires management mechanisms - new technologies are needed
122Source Reduction ImplicationsTechnology
- Some methods limited in effectiveness
- ability of method to access the affected area
- Certain methods limited to amenable components
- e.g., volatile for SVE
- Phase-specific or component specific nature of
some methods - Prior success and experience for some methods
- Potential negative or adverse impacts of a method
- e.g., noise, dust
123Source Reduction ImplicationsTechnology
- Economics
- Time to complete
- Heterogeneity of soils
- Success hinges not on remedial action screening
calculations but on understanding the
hydro-geological characteristics and chemical
distribution and relationship to clean up
124Activity and Use Limitations in Remedial Action
125Activity and Use Limitations
- Legal or physical restrictions or limitations on
the use or access to a site or facility - to eliminate or minimize potential exposures to
COC - to prevent activities that could interfere with
the effectiveness of a remedial action - to ensure maintenance of a condition of no
significant risk to human health and the
environment - to prevent adverse impacts to individuals or
populations that may be exposed to chemicals of
concern - focus on controlling human activity rather than
containing or managing chemicals of concern
126Activity and Use Limitations
127Activity and Use Limitations
128Activity and Use Limitations Types of Controls
- Proprietary controls
- State and local government controls
- Statutory enforcement tools
- Informational devices
- Engineering and access controls
129Activity and Use LimitationsProprietary Controls
- Deed and Use Restrictions
- limits or conditions on the use and conveyance of
land to - inform prospective owner or tenant of existing
condition - ensure long-tern compliance and integrity of
remedial action - must satisfy several legal requirements
- written and recorded
- reflect mutual intention that restrictions run
with the land - compliance enforcement by third parties (privity
of estate) - address impacts that touch and concern land
- remedies for non-compliance includes seeking an
injunction or civil penalties (e.g., fines)
130Activity and Use LimitationsProprietary Controls
- Restrictive covenant
- provisions in a deed limiting the use of the
property and prohibiting certain uses - in context of property law the term describes
contract between grantor and grantee for
grantee's use and occupancy of land - general purpose is to maintain or enhance value
of lands adjacent to one another by controlling
nature and use of surrounding lands - not a permanent part of the property record or
property title for flexibility to re-convey the
131Activity and Use LimitationsProprietary Controls
- Easements
- a right of use over the property of another
- traditionally limited uses
- rights of way and rights concerning flowing
waters - normally for the benefit of adjoining lands, no
matter who the owner is rather than for the
benefit of a specific individual - may allow access to the property or prohibit a
use of the property - grant state authorities or others an easement for
operation and maintenance of engineering controls
or for general inspection/audit functions
132Activity and Use LimitationsState and Local
Government Controls
- Restrictive zoning
- imposed by municipal or local government
authorities - prohibit residential uses in a formerly
industrial area - can not limit uses or activities at individual
sites - Local jurisdiction review of activity and land
use controls before issuing building permits - Water and well use advisories
- alert the public to potential risks from ground
water - recorded in the land record
- presented in the form of public notice of
remedial action as part of the federal or state
133Activity and Use LimitationsState and Local
Government Controls
- Well restrictions that prohibit or condition the
construction of ground water wells in an area - permitting
- prohibit construction of a private well without
permit - limited water quality testing and well
inspections prior to use - overlay zoning
- zones drawn on zoning map to provide protection
not explicitly stated under existing zoning
regulations - aquifers and quality designation through
classification system - local and county ordinances
- restrict the use of ground water in cases where
the existing water supply on a property is a
potential threat to health
134Activity and Use LimitationsStatutory
Enforcement Tools
- Regulatory agency may have enforcement
authorities that can be used to impose activity
and use limitations - administrative orders or a court order whenever
there is an imminent and substantial endangerment
to public health, welfare or the environment - only binding on responsible party not subsequent
owners - a facility operating permit (e.g., under RCRA) or
corrective action permit may be a vehicle for
imposing activity and use limitations - binds only the permittee for life of permit
135Activity and Use LimitationsInformation Devices
- Notices
- tool to ensure that parties to a real estate
transaction are aware of the environmental status
of the property prior to finalizing a
transaction. - may be informational only
- may be an integral enforceable part of activity
use controls - usually requires disclosure of the specific
environmental condition of a site and any
restrictions on use, access and development of
part or all of the property - record notice
- actual notice to the other party to a real estate
transaction - notice to the appropriate government authority
136Activity and Use LimitationsInformation Devices
- Registry requirements
- a list maintained by a regulatory or other
government agency of all properties that have
been the site of hazardous waste disposal and
that have restrictions on use or transfer - Transfer requirements
- specific regulatory program that require full
evaluation of the environmental condition of a
site before or after a transfer occurs - typically creates information disclosure
obligations on the seller or lessor of property
137Activity and Use LimitationsEngineering Controls
- Technology based, physical modifications to a
site or facility to reduce or eliminate potential
for exposure to a chemical(s) of concern - Hydraulic containment
- physical barrier
- slurry walls
- fences
- capping
- point of use water treatment
- positive pressure (prevent vapor intrusion)
138Activity and Use LimitationsEngineering Controls
- Considerations
- location
- residential or mixed use neighborhood
- surroundings
- near sensitive land use areas, such as day care
centers, playgrounds, schools - usage
- frequently used or traversed by area residents or
local workers - maintenance and monitoring
- duration of the potential exposure
139Activity and Use LimitationsBarriers to Use
- Real estate preference and misunderstanding
- concern for property cost devaluation
- stigma
- controls that prevent or control use should not
contribute to significant property devaluation - reliability of the controls
- Inadequate regulatory authority or programs
- enforcement to ensure controls remain in place
- Legacy of past problems
- liability and financial responsibility
140Factors for Consideration in Remedial Action
141Key Questions for Remedial Action
- Is the situation stable?
- is there limited or no migration potential of
chemical(s) of concern? - Is there a need to implement remedial action
immediately to address a significant potential
exposure? - Will active source reduction reduce overall risk
(all phases considered) to an acceptable level? - if active remedial action is not likely to reduce
overall risk in a reasonable time, should this
still be considered?
142Key Questions for Remedial Action
- Is containment an appropriate alternative?
- will containment protect receptors?
- will source reduction reduce the containment
lifetime? - is the source reduction technology likely to be
successful and cost-effective versus containment? - Are activity and use limitations appropriate with
or without remedial action? - Are there potential redevelopment or future land
use issues that need to be considered?
143Key Questions for Remedial Action
- What remedial action alternative or combination
of alternatives can achieve the corrective action
goals for the complete or potentially complete
exposure pathways at the point(s) of
demonstration? - source reduction
- engineering controls
- activity and use limitations for contributing
chemical phases
144Factors for Consideration in Remedial Action
- Effectiveness
- Reliability
- Short-term risk
- Integration with property use
- acceptability
- Implementability
- Ecological
- Cost effectiveness
145Remedial Action SelectionEffectiveness
- Ability of remedial action alternative to achieve
the corrective action goals - In some cases it may be technically impracticable
to achieve the appropriate remedial action goals - activity and use limitations should be considered
- Regional factors may also influence overall
effectiveness - background concentrations of COC
- location of other potential sources
146Remedial Action SelectionReliability
- The potential of the remedial action to achieve
and maintain the corrective action goals - New technologies are continually being developed
- may not have an established performance history
- both their short-term and long-term reliability
are subject to question
147Remedial Action SelectionShort-Term Risk
- Short-term risk posed by the implementation of
the remedial action to - the affected community
- those engaged in the remedial action effort
- relevant ecological receptors and habitats
- example excavation may involve
- aesthetic impacts to the local community
- heath and safety risks to excavation contractors
- increased potential for a transportation accident
- damage or destruction of ecological receptors or
habitats - future risk and liabilities at disposal site
148Remedial Action SelectionIntegration with
Property Use
- Consideration of potential redevelopment and
current use of the property in selection, design
and implementation of remedial action alternative
- Redevelopment of the site
- short term objectives
- long term objectives
- delayed or accelerated implementation
- location of equipment
149Remedial Action SelectionAcceptability
- Consideration of the acceptability of the
remedial action to the affected community and
other potential stakeholders - it is important to keep stakeholders involved in
the process to provide awareness of the issues
and prevent potential conflicts at the end of the
project - buyer or lender requirements in a property sale
- regulatory compliance and acceptability of the
selected remedial action alternative - available regulatory oversight or voluntary
action program - insurer or management requirements related to
future liabilities
150Remedial Action SelectionImplementability
- Consideration of the technical and physical
issues that will affect the implementation of the
remedial action considering site constraints - geological factors
- soil heterogeneity and discontinuities
- surface factors
- location constraints due to existing physical
structures - political or regulatory constraints
- ability to obtain permits
- logistics of scale-up of new technology
151Remedial Action SelectionEcological
- Remedy selection always involves tradeoffs
- Need to balance the consequences of actions taken
- Can occur when considering human health and the
environment - Example
- implementation of remedial action to protect
human health will destroy ecological health in
the areas where remedial action will occur - What options can be selected to protect human
health while leaving the environment intact?
152Remedial Action SelectionCost Effectiveness
- Reasonableness of cost
- selection of the most cost effective alternative
- including activity and use limitations where
source reduction is unreasonable - consideration of
- cash flow
- net present value
- development of new technologies
- impact on property values
- total cost or life cycle costs
- available funding to complete the project
153Additional Factors Influencing the Type of
Remedial Action Selected
- Regulatory compliance / acceptability (e.g., RNA)
- Buyer or lender requirements in a property sale
- Re-use / redevelopment of site
- short term objectives
- long term objectives
- Good neighbor issues
154Additional Factors Influencing the Type of
Remedial Action Selected
- Insurer or management requirements related to
future liabilities - Total cost or life cycle costs
- Available regulatory oversight or voluntary
clean-up program
155Remedial Action Cost Categories
- Capital Costs
- direct costs
- construction
- site development
- buildings and services
- demolition and decommissioning
- indirect costs
- engineering design (before/during construction)
- supervision
- permitting and legal
- other
- Operation and maintenance costs
- labor
- supervision
- health and safety
- chemicals
- equipment
- materials
- utilities
- insurance and taxes