Title: PowerPoint Presentation German Slide show
1Power Point Brochure
By Trevor Nackers and T.J. Kiesow
- Bavaria (Bayern) Germany
- Industrial Area
- 48 degrees 823 northern latitude
- 11 degrees 3428 eastern longitude
3History of Munich
1158-Munich is founded by Henry the
Lion (official date June 14th, 1158).
1175-First fortification of Munich is
built. 1214-Munich is referred to as a city for
the first time. 1240-Munich passes from the rule
of the bishops of Freising to that of the House
of Wittelsbach. 1255-Munich becomes capital of
the partial duchy of Bavaria- Munich, beside it
exist three other partial duchies. 1328-Munich
becomes an imperial city and holds the imperial
insigna until 1350 1504-Munich has 13,500
inhabitants and becomes the capital of the Duchy
of Bavaria 1623-Munich becomes the city of
residence of the Electoral Price of Bavaria 1705
- 1714 -Munich under Habsburg rule. 1759-Bavarian
academy of sciences founded..
Population- 1,247,934 (282,148 foreigners) Size
of City- 120 square miles Manufacturing Germany
s leading centre of high-tech and media industry
5Points of Interest
- Museums and Galleries-History, Art, Technical
Sights-Das Neue Pinakothek - Theatre- Opera, Ballet, Play, Concert,
Satire-Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel - Gardens, and Parks-The English Gardens of Munich
- Churches- Cathedrals-Church of Our Lady-Die
Things To do
Many historical Monuments, walks in the park or
garden, musical performances or a weekly play or
6Unusual Facts
Men- 603,034 Women- 644,900 Tourism Accommodation
s- 346 with 39,995 beds Arrivals-3,742,710 Overnig
ht-7,756,152 Day Visitors- ca. 56 Mio.
7 Credits Designer- Trevor
Nackers Information Reciever- T.J. Kiesow With
help from http//www.cia.gov http//www.google.co
m http//www.muenchen-tourists.de