Title: ARCH2108 Animals, Plants and People
1ARCH2108Animals, Plants and People
Sheep and Goats
2Genera of the family Bovidae, subfamily Caprinae
- Ovis sheep
- Capra goats
- 12 other genera
- mostly from temperate or arctic areas
- mostly in hilly or mountainous country
3Bharal (Blue sheep) Pseudois nayaur
Takin Budorcas taxicolor
Himalayan Tahr Hemitragus jemlahicus
Musk-ox Ovibos moschatus
Saiga antelope Saiga tatarica
4Aoudad (Barbary sheep Ammotragus lervia
Serow Capricornis sumatraensis
Chamois Rupicapra rupicapra
Rocky Mountain Goat Oreamnos americanus
Goral Nemorhaedus goral
5Sheepgenus Ovis
- Ovis aries Domestic sheep
- Ovis musimon Mouflon
- Ovis gmelini Red sheep
- Ovis vignei Urial
- Ovis ammon Argali
- Ovis nivicola Snow sheep
- Ovis dalli Dall sheep
- Ovis canadensis Bighorn sheep
6Bighorn and relatives
Short legs Muscular body Thick-based horns Live
in steep mountainous country
Bighorn Ovis canadensis
Siberian Snow sheep Ovis nivicola
Dall sheep Ovis dalli
7Old World sheep
Laristan Red sheep Ovis gmelini
Long-legged Thin-based horns Live in rolling arid
Pakistan Urial Ovis vignei
Mongolian argali Ovis ammon
8N.America O.dalli and O.canadensis
9Karyotypes of Old World and domestic sheep
Ovis aries (Karakul) 2n 54
Ovis gmelini isphaganica 2n 54
2n 58 Ovis vignei cycloceros
2n 56 Ovis ammon ammon
Hybrid zone in Iran between Ovis gmelini and Ovis
11Armenian Red SheepOvis gmelini gmelinipresumed
ancestor of domestic sheep
Sandy colour White legs Short tail Ewes with
short horns
12What are mouflon?
Small wild sheep (Ovis musimon) native to
Corsica, Sardinia and Cyprus
Corsico-Sardinian horns curl outward (positive)
Cypriot horns curl inward (perverted)
13Mouflon have been introduced to mainland France,
Germany, Czech Republic and elsewhere on European
14Are mouflon wild or feral?
Distribution of Ovis gmelini
Corsica Sardinia
15Mouflon were already fully domestic when they
were brought to Cyprus, but only just when they
were brought to Corsica and Sardinia
Cranial capacity
Ovis ammon
Ovis gmelini
Corsico-Sardinian mouflon
Cypriot mouflon
Domestic and feral sheep
16Soay sheepprimitive feral sheep from the Outer
Hebridesmay be either hairy or woollyhair shed
naturally, not retained and shornshort-tailed
like wild sheep and mouflon
17Earliest domestic sheep
- Ali Kosh, W.Iran 8900
bone collagen - 9500
- carbonised bone
- Nevali Çori, S.E.Turkey 8500-8000
- Asikli Höyük, S.E.Turkey 8000-7800
- Tell Abu Hureyra, N.Syria 8000-7800
- Jericho, Palestine 7500
- Tepe Guran, W.Iran 7500-7000
- Shillourokambos, Cyprus 8500-8000
- Haua Fteah, Libya early 5th mill.
18Breeds of sheep
- Hairy breeds
- Most of Africa, much of S.E.Europe Tibet.
- Ears pendulous often have throat tags
- Include
- Fat-tailed sheep widespread in Africa and
western Asia - Fat-rumped sheep N.E.Africa
- Wool breeds
- Wool classed as
- Coarse gt40µ, Medium 25-40µ, Fine lt25µ
- Long gt15cm in 1 years growth, medium 5-15, short
19Hairy sheep
Kargalin fat-rumped sheep
Cameroon dwarf sheep
20Fat-tailed sheep
From Rudolf the Elders New History of Ethiopia
Baluchi breed
Mehraban breed
21Wild sheep have both contour hairs (kemps) and
Kemps are narrowed in hairy Soay, lost altogether
in woolly Soay
Coarse, medium and fine wools have lost fine,
extreme and medium/coarse fibres respectively
22Ratio of primary to secondary follicles is
Primary follicles formed early in foetal life,
produce coarse hairs secondary follicles, formed
around birth, produce much finer hairs.
23Milking sheep
Only the East Friesian is a specific dairy breed,
but many other breeds are milked.
Qashqai sheep, Iran
24Robert Bakewell (1725 - 1795)the founder of
modern scientific breeding
Founded the Leicester Longwool breed
25Longwool breeds
26Zackelschafscrew-horned sheep bred in parts of
Mediterranean and central Europe
Egypt, 2500 B.C.
27Four-horned sheepManx Loghtan
Fleece is coloured like other primitive
breeds. Pigmentless fleece first appears in a
Scythian burial mound, 400 B.C.
28North Ronaldsay sheep
Orkney Is. like many specialized longwool
breeds, found in Viking-settled British
islands. On North Ronaldsay, the sheep are
confined to the seashore by a stone wall, so they
are forced to eat seaweed, and blood urea levels
are higher than usually considered compatible
with good health!
29Finewool sheep Merino
Developed in Spain, as a trail breed, with a
well-developed flocking instinct, from 1200 A.D.
on, using Spanish / E.European finewool cross
originally made by the Romans.
Negretti merino (Austria), 1892
30The Merino today
Best wether, 1999-2000, Mungindi wether trial.
31The ultimate longwoolKarakul sheep
Persian lamb is the pelt of very young lambs
glossy, dark, very tightly curled.
32Woolly sheep first appeared after about 2500 B.C.
Mesopotamia, probably Assyrian period
Knossos, geometric period
33Behaviour of sheep
- Marked flock cohesion, all graze and move
together - Leadership in flock changes
- Bleat to maintain contact
- Flocks forced together dont integrate
- Vision excellent, but dependant on movement
- Can scent humans at 500m downwind
- Mainly grass, especially forbs (dicots growing
among grasses), but take a few shrub and tree
parts - Bite their food off, not lick like cow
- Upper lip cleft, permitting close cropping
- Move erratically according to grass availability
- Ewe flocks occupy best ground
- A grazing sheep travels 8-16km per day (wild or
domestic) - Mouflon and Soay are more sedentary than true
wild sheep
35Breeding ewes
- Breeding season centred about shortest day
- Triggered by change from decreasing to increasing
darkness - Starts 10-14 weeks later than the change in most
breeds - Breeding season shorter in colder climates
- 7-13 heats per season
- First and some later ovulations occur without
oestrus (still heats) - Oestrus lasts 27 hours (range 3-70)
- Cycle length 16 days (usual range 14-19)
- Gestation 145-150 days
36Breeding rams.
- Rams sperm levels lower, but not eliminated,
outside breeding season - Wild rams fight by rearing up, clashing horn
bases (detail different in bighorn, argali,
urial) - Dominant ram copulates 20x a day over 2 weeks
- Dominant ram tends only 15-20 of ewes
- Castration (wethering) is often incomplete
37Birth and development
- 90 of ewes can be expected to breed each year
- Twinning rate varies by breed
- Most breeds one third or less
- Border Leicester more than half are twins
- Lamb-ewe bond weak, dissolves altogether at
weaning (4-5 months in wild sheep) - No fixed puberty age
- Early lambs are older at first heat than late
38Goats (genus Capra)
- Capra hircus Domestic goat
- Capra aegagrus Bezoar goat
- Capra falconeri Markhor
- Capra cylindricornis Tur
- 6 species of ibex
- Capra ibex Alpine ibex
- Capra pyrenaica Spanish ibex
- Capra caucasica Caucasian ibex
- Capra sibirica Siberian ibex
- Capra nubiana Nubian ibex
- Capra walie Walia ibex
39Alpine ibex C.ibex
Tur C.cylindricornis
Spanish ibex C.pyrenaica
Markhor C.falconeri
Nubian ibex C.nubiana
40Bezoar goatCapra aegagrusThe ancestor of the
domestic goat
Male herd
Distributed from Turkey to Pakistan
Females horns, unlike wild sheep, are smaller
replica of males
Female and kid
41How to tell the sheep from the goats
42How to tell the sheep from the goats (contd.)
43Sheep dont climb trees -
-but goats do. Goats crop the grass less deeply
than sheep, but defoliate the trees.
44How to tell the sheep from the goats (contd.)
45Wild goats and sheep in Golestan National Park,
Capra aegagrus Goats live on steep, rocky cliffs
Ovis vignei Sheep prefer rolling country
Distribution of Capra spp.
Areas of sympatry
47Ibex and tur in the Caucasus
West Caucasus Capra caucasica
East Caucasus C.cylindricornis
- And in the centre, they hybridize
48A few breeds of domestic goats have scimitar
horns, like bezoar -
Bezoar goat, Iran
Swiss Toggenberg goat
49- but most domestic goats have spiral horns,
unlike the bezoar. Does this mean some of them
are descended from the markhor?
Agrigento goat
Markhor Capra falconeri
50Two types of spiral
Heteronymous Right horn has a left-hand
spiral (anterior keel travels round front of horn
and goes round lateral side)
Homonymous Right horn has a right-hand
spiral (anterior keel tucks round the back on the
medial side)
Kurdish goat
Agrigento goat
51Most (but not all) domestic goats are homonymous
markhor is heteronymous.But a few bezoar in the
Caucasus are reported to have homonymous spiral
Agrigento goat
Markhor Capra falconeri
52Earliest domestic goatssites also containing
- Ganj Dareh, W.Iran 10005-9525
- Ali Kosh, W.Iran 8900 or 9500
- Nevali Çori, S.E.Turkey 8500-8000
- Asikli Höyük, S.E.Turkey 8000-7800
- Tell Abu Hureyra, N.Syria 8000-7800
- Tell Halula, Syria 8000-7800
- Jericho, Palestine 7500
- Tepe Guran, W.Iran 7500-7000
- Shillourokambos, Cyprus 8500-8000
- Haua Fteah, Libya early 5th mill.
53Nubian ibex
Jericho, Pre-pottery Neolithic
Domestic goats have a less angular cross-section
than bezoar
Wild bezoar (modern)
Bezoar, Late Pleistocene, Antelias, Lebanon
Domestic scimitar goats
Cross-sections of scimitar goat horns
54Shaheinab Neolithic
Cross- sections of spiral goat horns
Cyprus, Late Bronze Age
Jericho, Bronze Age
Ancient Egypt
Shaheinab Neolithic
Domestic spiral-horned goats
From Zeuner, 1955
55Chiltan goats
In the Chiltan Hills, Pakistan, some
spiral-horned (heteronymous) wild goats occur
among the ordinary bezoar. Are they a morph of
bezoar, or hybrids with (formerly sympatric)
56Chiltan goat is not a bezoarBest interpreted as
a hybrid
57Aegean wild goats
Wild goats, looking very like small bezoar (but
sometimes with slightly spiraled horns) live on
Crete, Erimomilos and Yioura. Are they truly
wild, or feral?
Cretan wild goat
58The Aegean goats fall between wild and
domestic. They are probably derived from very
early-stage domesticates
Capra aegagrus 1 Crete 2 Erimomilos 3
Yioura Feral and domestic Nilotic dwarf goats
59Early Cretan goats
Goat and kids Knossos Neolithic
An unexpected use for goats Minoan period
60Breeds of goats
- Of about 62 recognized breeds, 30 are primarily
dairy - Lactate for 8-10 months
- Produce 900kg milk (but up to 1800)
- 3.5 fat (fat globules much smaller than cows
milk) - Swiss Saanen and Toggenberg
- French and Swiss Alpine
- Balkan breeds (meat and skin as well)
- Fetta cheese
- Nubian up to 5 fat
61Dairy goats
Swiss Toggenberg
62 Breeds of goats contd.
- Many goats bred for hair
- Kurdish breeds, Turkey to Central Asia
- Angora - finest of Kurdish breeds produces
mohair - Mohair grows 15-30cm/year
- Usually clipped twice a year
- Clip has nearly doubled under selective breeding
- Much smoother surface than wool
- Central Asian Down breeds, Caspian Sea to Gobi
and Tibet - Cashmere finest of Down breeds produces
fluffy underwool called Pashm - Pasha long, straight silky
- Only 85 grams in a clip
63Goats bred for hair
Tadzhik goat
Himalayan goat
Gujarat goat
64Breeds of goats contd.
- All-purpose breeds
- Syrian
- Lop-eared
- Often hornless
- Widely milked
- Dwarf breeds
- Bred in Africa, Arabia, Tibet, Lapland
- Meat, milk, skins (for bags)
- Useful in eating crop stubble
- Often, especially in Africa, housed only at
night, roam free by day, return to their correct
65All-purpose goats
Cameroon dwarf goats (achondroplastic)
Bedouin goats
Syrian lop-eared goat
66Sacred goats
The Egyptian god Kneph
Goats brought as sacrificial offerings Hagia
Triada, Crete (Minoan period)
The annual plays in classical Athens in honour of
Dionysos, god of wine, were called tragedies,
literally goat songs
67The goat caught in the thorn bush Royal tombs
of Ur (Mesopotamia) 2700 B.C.