Title: Nationalism in Europe
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3Nationalism in Europe
Ms. Ramos
4Building a German Nation
Ms. Ramos
5Ms. Ramos
Source Prentice Hall Presentation Express
6Steps Toward Unity
- Napoleons defeat changed pwr structure of
German states - Germans call for unification
- 1848 liberals demanded German political unity
- Offered Prussian ruler Frederick William IV the
throne - He declined, Bismarck becomes Chancellor
Ms. Ramos
7Ms. Ramos
8Bismarck Unites Germany
- Bismarck united the German states under Prussian
rule - Built up Prussian army
- won provinces from Denmark north German states
under Austria - Prussia defeated Napoleon IIIs forces in
Franco-Prussian War of 1870
Ms. Ramos
9Birth of German Empire
- William I of Prussia became Kaiser declared the
birth of the Second Reich
Ms. Ramos
10Ms. Ramos
11Germany Strengthens
Ms. Ramos
12Germany Becomes Industrial Giant
- Natural resources educated workforce led to
fast industrial dev - Railroads reorg of banking system improve
economy - Scientists developed new products for industrial
Ms. Ramos
13Ms. Ramos
14The Iron Chancellor
- Tried to stifle opposition w/in Germany
- Wanted Catholics put state above the Church
- state control over Catholic education
- expelled the Jesuits from Prussia
- To keep socialists at bay, banned their
newspapers mtgns - Both groups rallied enough support to cause
Bismarck change his ways
Ms. Ramos
15Kaiser William II
- Bid for absolute power-asked Bismarck to resign
- His nationalism military buildup increased
tensions that led to WWI
Ms. Ramos
16The Proclamation of Wilhelm as Kaiser of the New
German Reich
Ms. Ramos
17Unifying Italy
Ms. Ramos
18Obstacles to Unity
- Congress of Vienna
- Austria given much northern Italy
- Hapsburgs French Bourbon controlled other
Italian states - Giuseppe Mazzini nationalists wanted unite
peninsula people
Ms. Ramos
19- After Congress of Vienna
- Austrian Prince Metternich wanted Congress of
Vienna to maintain old Europe, old relationships - 15 years after Congress, old order destroyed
beyond repair - 1800s, nationalism a growing force in Europe,
fostered by decisions made at Congress of Vienna
- National Groups Ignored
- Congress had ignored national groups, placing
them under control of large empires some empires
included different ethnic groups - Italians split into three groupsmuch of northern
Italy under Austrian rule, other states under
Hapsburgs, still others under a French ruler - Italian nationalism grew in opposition to these
Ms. Ramos
20Mazzini and Young Italy
Ms. Ramos
21The Path Toward Unity
As Italian nationalism grew, some Italians led
unsuccessful rebellions. Then two men rose to
lead a successful movement to unify Italy.
Ms. Ramos
22Sardinia and Italy
- Kingdom of Sardinia
- 1852, Cavour became prime minister of independent
Kingdom of Sardinia - Believed thriving economy important for Italy to
be reborn
- Economy
- Cavour worked to build Sardinian economy
- Believed Italy should be reborn as monarchy
- Ally
- Cavour in position to cultivate powerful ally
- Supported France in war with Russia gave France
provinces of Savoy, Nice
- Frances Support
- France agreed to support Sardinia in war against
Austria - 1860, northern Italian states liberated from
control of Austrian Empire
Ms. Ramos
23Identify Cause and Effect How did Cavour help
Sardinia break free from the Austrian Empire?
Answer(s) He cultivated an alliance with the
Ms. Ramos
24Garibaldi and the Red Shirts
- Sword of Italy
- Many Italians consider Cavour brain of Italian
unification, Mazzini heart - Giuseppe Garibaldi has been called sword of
Italy - Garibaldi joined Young Italy movement, 1833
- Exile
- Nationalist activities forced Garibaldi to flee
Italy twice - Learned techniques of guerilla warfare while
living in South America - Returned to Italy often to continue fight to free
Italy from Austrian domination
- Return
- 1854, Garibaldi returned for good
- Cavour asked to lead part of Sardinian army in
war against Austria - After bitter fighting, Austrians agreed to give
up Lombardy, retaining Venetia
Ms. Ramos
25Control and Elections
Ms. Ramos
26Find the Main Idea What actions led Garibaldi to
be called the sword of Italian unification?
Answer(s) He used guerilla tactics to gain
control of the southern Italian states.
Ms. Ramos
27Struggle for Italy
- Victor Emmanuel II, Sardinia, wanted enlarge
kingdom - His prime minister, Count Camillo Cavour, got
Napoleon III to agree to aid Sardinia in any war
w/Austria - Cavour provoked the war
- France help Sardinia defeat Austria annex
province of Lombardy - Other provinces soon joined Sardinia w/help
Giuseppe Garibaldi, nationalist Kingdom of the
Two Sicilies - Victor Emmanuel II became king of Italy
Ms. Ramos
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31Reforms and Empire
- As Italy industrialized, particularly in north,
government passed reforms including laws limiting
work hours, prohibiting child labor - Government encouraged building transportation,
water systems to improve cities, encourage
Ms. Ramos
32Challenges After Unification
In the years after unification, Italy faced many
new challenges. Although politically unified,
Italy had to deal with a number of social and
economic problems.
Ms. Ramos
33Summarize What problems did Italy face after
Answer(s) Regional differences kept the nation
from being truly united pope did not recognize
Italy as a legitimate nation widespread poverty
caused many Italians to emigrate.
Ms. Ramos
34Challenges Facing the New Nation
- Industrial north agricultural south difficult
bring together - Catholic Church asked members stand against govt.
that did away w/ Papal States - Leftist radicals fought govt. --- too conservative
Ms. Ramos
35Nationalism Threatens Old Empires
Ms. Ramos
36Ms. Ramos
37Hapsburg Empire Declines
- Austrian Hapsburgs tried to stifle nationalist
activity in their lands - People too diverse to coexist under one govt.
- Hungarians especially determined to become
Ms. Ramos
38Formation of Dual Monarchy
- Hungarian leader Ferene Deák worked out
compromise w/ Austria - Gave Hungary status as separate state w/own
constitution - Francis Joseph still ruled both Austria and
Hungary - This made other subject peoples more determined
to have their own states
Ms. Ramos
39Ms. Ramos
40Ms. Ramos
41Ottoman Empire Collapses
- 1800s various peoples ruled by Ottomans revolt
- Other Euro countries seized opportunity- try to
take Ottoman lands - One of the most contentious Balkans
- event would help start WW I
Ms. Ramos
42Ms. Ramos
43Russia Reform Reaction
Ms. Ramos
Ms. Ramos
44Emancipation and Stirrings of Revolution
- After losing Crimean War, Alexander II forced
free serfs - moved to cities, work in industry
- Tsar some forms local govt intro legal reforms
- Tsar moved back to repressionass. by terrorists
- His son- more harshness to the throne
- increasing the pwr secret police suppressing
non-Russian cultures - Many persecuted, esp. Jews
Ms. Ramos
45Drive to Industrialize
- Rev ideas of Karl Marx got a boost from
discontent workers as industrialization took hold - Peasants moved to cities found dangerous jobs,
low pay, and slums
Ms. Ramos
46Conditions in Russia
- Lgst nation in Europe
- Social structure much pwr landowning nobles, did
nothing to improve industry - Most were serfs, served landowners
- Landowners actions governed by Tsar, ruled
w/absolute pwr
Ms. Ramos
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Source Prentice Hall Presentation Express
50Turning Point Crisis and Revolution
- Military disasters with Japan drove workers to
strike protesters fill streets - Tsars troops fired on protestors, revolution of
1905 gained pwr - Tsar Nicholas II summon a Duma to approve all
laws - Dissolved the Duma, leaders criticized his rule,
appointed conservative Peter Stolypin as prime
minister - He was assassinated in 1911
Ms. Ramos