Title: Measurements of aerosols and clouds
1Measurements of aerosols and clouds
Using the MODIS aerosol products to
characterize global aerosols
Note differences in aerosol characteristics in
very cloudy scenes
Remer et al. submitted JGR Kaufman special issue
2The challenge of measuring aerosols and clouds.
Koren et al. Submitted To ACP
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Total normalized cloud reflectance
In a sparse cloud field, cloud size distribution
follows a power law. The smallest clouds, at the
limits of Landsat resolution (30 m), are the most
numerous and represent the bulk of the total
cloud reflectance of the scene. The boundary
between clouds and non-clouds is ill-defined,
both from a remote sensing standpoint AND in
3Patterns of MODIS AOD trends over the 7 year
Terra life time.
Remer et al. Submitted to GRL
47 year time series of global mean MODIS AOD from
Terra, land and ocean, separately. The
increasing trend for ocean AOD is significant at
the 95 confidence level.
Remer et al. Submitted to GRL
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