Title: Diapositivo 1
1Information Systems and Data Acquisition for
- Weve successfully set up all the activities
planned - Consolidation of responsibilities on the
ATLAS/TDAQ community - On the Online Bookkeeper, which is our full
responsibility for more than 3 years - Making our group the official responsible of the
coordination of the database effort between the
ATLAS online and offline software and CERN/IT
effort. - A full Conditions Database package has already
been released, pointing to us the full
responsibility for the Detector calibration and
alignment databases. - Providing the necessary interfaces with the
CondDB and the DCS and TDAQ systems. - More than 20 presentations in ATLAS and LHC
meetings and 5 papers in Computing and HEP
The team plans to continue contributing
decisively to the advance of the knowledge in the
domain of the information systems for HEP
experiments, assuming an important role in the
necessary developments for the success of the
ATLAS experiment.
Time varying data for the LHC experiments
- The group associated with this proposal is today
a main reference in all subjects related to the
ATLAS databases at all levels, including the
collaboration with the LCG (LHC Computing GRID)
wide effort. The value of our proposals, the
quality and innovative character of our work was
evident in all conferences where it was
presented. The generalized acknowledgment of our
work brings with it a stronger responsibility
towards the ATLAS collaboration. The main
purposes of this proposal result directly from
these responsibilities - The database interface for calibration,
alignment and detector control (ConditionsDB)
including all interfaces for storing and
distributed access both online and offline. - To provide persistency support to all control
information from the DAQ system ("Online
Bookkeeping" and "ConditionsDB Interface"). - Strengthen our participation on the "ATLAS data
challenges", in particular in relation with data
management aspects. - Development and test of the electronics for the
ATLAS First Level Trigger, matching the needs of
the ATLAS trigger electronics, in particular the
"Muon Trigger to CT Processor.
Our software, developed for ATLAS is part of the
LCG persistent framework
Were using standard GNU tools for a portable
development strategy in order to make our
applications reusable in any environment and
- Conditions Database general management system
- General browser for LHC conditions data
- Participation in the ATLAS Data Challenge
- Maintaining, testing and optimization of the
Online Bookkeeping (OBK) - Conditions Database Interface (CDI) to the TDAQ
- Evaluation and study of the ATLAS detector
control systems database - Design of part of the ATLAS muon to central
trigger processor interface
Imagination for software and instruments