Title: Canola Weed Management
L. Grey Extension Weed Specialist and Research
Weed Scientist The University of Georgia
April 2007
2Before Getting Started
- What herbicides were used in previous crops?
- Canola is very sensitive to herbicide residues!!
3Canola Rotation Restrictions
FB Field Bioassay
4Avoid Planting Canola in Wild Radish/Mustard
5Follow All UGA Recommended Production Practices
- Adapted Variety
- Planting Date
- North Zone (September 10 to October 25)
- South Zone (October 10 to November 15)
- Row Spacing (6-12)
- Seeding Rate (4-6 lbs/A)
- Fertility Management
6Herbicides For Use in Georgia Canola
- Glyphosate
- at-planting but before crop emergence
- Treflan,Trilin, etc.
- Select/Arrow, Poast, Assure/Targa
- POST (grass control)
- Beyond
- Clearfield varieties only!!!!
7Trifluralin in Canola
- Incorporate to depth of 2-3 within 24 hours of
application - 2-pass system
- 0.50-0.75 lb ai/A
- some control of winter annual grasses, henbit,
and chickweed - no control of wild radish/mustard
- Better than nothing!
8- Clearfield Canola Production Systems
- Non-GMO
- Beyond (imazamox) is only herbicide registered
for use in U.S. - Based on UGA field trials, eliminates concerns
for Cadre (imazapic) carryover problems.
However, Clearfield canola is NOT listed on Cadre
9- Clearfield Canola varieties only!!!!!
- Beyond 1AS (imazamox)
- 4 oz/A NIS _at_ 0.25 v/v UAN _at_ 2.5 v/v
- weeds less than 3 tall
- In UGA field trials, Beyond has provided good to
excellent control of Italian ryegrass, wild
radish and shepherds-purse when applied between
24 and 37 DAP. - 515/gal (16.09/A)
- 3 months wheat
- 4 months barley, rye
- 8.5 months field/sweet corn
- 9 months cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot, cotton,
cucumber, grain sorghum, oats, onion, peanut,
pepper, tobacco, tomato, turnip, watermelon - 18 months non-Clearfield canola
11Weed Control in Clearfield Canola with Beyond 1AS
(4 oz/A) COC (1 v/v) 37 UAN (2 qts/A)
Grey et al. 2006. Weed Technology 20551-557
- clopyralid
- labeled but not yet recommended by UGA
- 3 lb ai/gal
- 4-8 oz/A (15-30/A)
- 2 to 6 leaf stage of canola
- 50 day PHI
- Canada thistle, sowthistle, dandelion, chamomile
- Rotations
- 0 months field corn, wheat, barley, oats
- 10.5 months grain sorghum, onions, sunflowers
- 18 months all other crops
13Other Types of Herbicide-Resistant Canola
- Roundup-Ready (RR)
- Liberty-Link (LL)
- both are not currently labeled for use in Georgia
- Why?
- Developed after Georgia stopped growing canola on
a commercial basis - varieties more susceptible to blackleg
- volunteer problem in other RR crops
- herbicide resistance issues
14Weed Control in RR-Canola with Roundup Weathermax
5.5SL (22 oz/A)
Grey et al. 2006. Weed Technology 20551-557
15Weed Control in LL-Canola with Liberty 1.67SL (34
oz/A) 21 AMS (3 lb/A)
Grey et al. 2006. Weed Technology 20551-557
16UGA Weed Science www.gaweed.com