Title: Extended Static Checking for Java
1Extended Static Checkingfor Java
Slides courtesy of Rustan Leino
3Software development problem
- Software construction and maintenance are
expensive - Reliability is costly and difficult to achieve
- Increased programmer productivity and program
reliability through increased rigor
Record design decisions Utilize automatic
checking Detect more errors and reduce costs
5User's view
Error messages
Program with specifications
Program checker
public class Bag private /_at_non_null/ int
a private int n //_at_ invariant 0 lt n n lt
a.length public Bag(/_at_non_null/ int
initialElements) n initialElements.length
a new intn System.arraycopy(initialElement
s, 0, a, 0, n) public void add(int x)
if (n a.length) int b new
int2(a.length1) System.arraycopy(a, 0, b,
0, n) a b an x n public
int extractMin() int m Integer.MAX_VALUE
int mindex 0 for (int i 0 i lt n i)
if (ai lt m) mindex i m
ai if (0 lt n) n-- amindex
an return m // The program text
continues down here, but if youre // reading
this, you probably arent paying attention to //
the talk.
Bag.java18 Array index possibly too large
6Extended Static Checker for Java (ESC/Java)
- Built at Systems Research Center
- Input Java user-supplied annotations
- Annotation language captures programmer design
decisions - Powered by
- weakest precondition semantics
- automatic theorem proving
- Performs modular checking
7Weakest Preconditions in Practice
- Given procedure
- //_at_ requires Pre
- //_at_ ensures Post
- procedure m() c // c is an IMP command
- Generate verification condition
- Pre gt WP( c, Post )
- Check this VC is valid (true in all states)
- If so, then any execution of m() from a Prestate
is guaranteed to terminate only in Poststates. - Use automatic theorem proving to check VC
- Performs modular checking, requires annotations
8ESC/Java demo
9Program checker design tradeoffs
- Missed errors
- Spurious warnings
- Annotation overhead
- Performance
10ESC/Java architecture
Annotated Java program
Verification condition
Automatic theorem prover
Resource exhausted
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
11Tool architecture, detail
Annotated Java program
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatic theorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
12Tool architecture, detail
13Annotation language
Annotated Java program
- Simple
- non_null
- Method annotations
- requires E
- ensures E
- exsures (T x) E
- modifies w
- Object invariants
- invariant E
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
14Annotation language
Annotated Java program
- Simple
- non_null
- Method annotations
- requires E
- modifies w
- ensures E
- exsures (T x) E
- Object invariants
- invariant E
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
15Annotation language
Annotated Java program
- Specification expressions
- side-effect free Java expressions
- no , no method calls
- result
- ensures result gt 0
- old(E)
- ensures x old(x)1
- (forall T x E), (exists T x E), gt
- (forall int j 0 lt j j lt n gt aj gt 0)
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
16Annotation language
Annotated Java program
- Specification expressions
- side-effect free Java expressions
- no , no method calls
- result
- ensures result gt 0
- old(E)
- ensures x old(x)1
- (forall T x E), (exists T x E), gt
- (forall int j 0 lt j j lt n gt aj gt 0)
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
17Annotation language
Annotated Java program
- Miscellaneous
- assert E
- assume E
- assume x gt 0 // because x yy
- nowarn
- x aj //_at_ nowarn
- axiom E
- axiom (forall int x x 2 gt 0)
- Concurrency, ghost variables
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
18Sugared commands
Annotated Java program
- S,T assert E
- assume E
- x E
- raise
- S T
- S ! T
- S T
- loop inv E S ? T end
- call x m(E)
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
19Sugared commands
Annotated Java program
- x t.f.g
- assert t ? null
- tmp select(f, t)
- assert tmp ? null
- x select(g, tmp)
- if (x lt 0) x -x /_at_ assert x gt 0 /
- ( assume x lt 0 x -x
- assume ?(x lt 0)
- )
- assert x gt 0
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
20Sugared commands
Annotated Java program
- x t.f.g
- assert lblneg(Null_at_58.9, t ? null)
- tmp select(f, t)
- assert lblneg(Null_at_58.11, tmp ? null)
- x select(g, tmp)
- if (x lt 0) x -x /_at_ assert x gt 0 /
- ( assume x lt 0 assume lblpos(Then2807,
true) x -x - assume ? (x lt 0) assume lblpos(Else2807,
true) - )
- assert x gt 0
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
21Primitive commands
Annotated Java program
- S,T assert E
- assume E
- x E
- raise
- S T
- S ! T
- S T
- loop inv E S ? T end
- call x m(E)
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
22Primitive commands
Annotated Java program
- //_at_ requires Pre modifies w ensures
Postvoid m(U u) - call x m(E)
- var u in
- u E
- assert Pre
- var w0 in
- w0 w
- havoc w
- assume Post
- x result
- end
- end
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
23Passive commands
Annotated Java program
- S,T assert E
- assume E
- x E
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
24private int scanPunctuation(int nextchr)
try boolean possibleFloatingPointNumber
(nextchr '.') text0
(char)nextchr textlen 1
m_in.mark() // All paths out of the try must
unmark the stream!! PunctuationPrefixTree
prefix punctuationTable
PunctuationPrefixTree lastPunctuation prefix
int lastPunctuationLength 0 int
index nextchr - '!' if (index lt 0
PunctuationPrefixTree.CHILDLEN lt index) prefix
null else prefix prefix.childrennextch
r - '!' nextchr m_in.read()
if (possibleFloatingPointNumber
m_in.clearMark() return
this.append(nextchr) if (prefix !
null prefix.code ! TagConstants.NULL)
lastPunctuation prefix
lastPunctuationLength textlen - 1
m_in.mark() while(prefix !
null) index nextchr - '!'
if (index lt 0 PunctuationPrefixTree.CHILDL
EN lt index) prefix null else
prefix prefix.childrennextchr - '!'
nextchr m_in.read()
this.append(nextchr) if (prefix !
null prefix.code ! TagConstants.NULL)
lastPunctuation prefix
lastPunctuationLength textlen - 1
m_in.reset() textlen
lastPunctuationLength endingLoc
m_in.getLocation() ttype
lastPunctuation.code if (ttype !
TagConstants.C_COMMENT ttype !
TagConstants.EOL_COMMENT) nextchr
m_in.read() return ttype catch
(IOException e) m_in.clearMark()
e.toString()) return TagConstants.NULL
// Dummy
25Passive commands
Annotated Java program
- if (x lt 0) x -x /_at_ assert x gt 0 /
- ( assume x0 lt 0 x1 -x0 x2 x1
- assume ?(x0 lt 0) x2 x0
- )
- assert x2 gt 0
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
26Passive commands
Annotated Java program
- if (x lt 0) x -x /_at_ assert x gt 0 /
- ( assume x0 lt 0 assume x1 -x0 assume x2
x1 - assume ?(x0 lt 0) assume x2 x0
- )
- assert x2 gt 0
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
27Weakest preconditions
Annotated Java program
- A Hoare triple P S Qsays that if command S
is started in a state satisfying P, then S
terminates without error in a state satisfying Q - The weakest precondition of a command S with
respect to a postcondition Q, written wp(S, Q),
is the weakest P such that P S Q
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
28Weakest preconditions
Annotated Java program
- wp(assert E, Q) E Q
- wp(assume E, Q) E gt Q
- wp(ST, Q) wp(S, wp(T,Q))
- wp(S T, Q) wp(S, Q) wp(T, Q)
- wp(x E, Q) Q x E
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
29private int scanPunctuation(int nextchr)
try boolean possibleFloatingPointNumber
(nextchr '.') text0
(char)nextchr textlen 1
m_in.mark() // All paths out of the try must
unmark the stream!! PunctuationPrefixTree
prefix punctuationTable
PunctuationPrefixTree lastPunctuation prefix
int lastPunctuationLength 0 int
index nextchr - '!' if (index lt 0
PunctuationPrefixTree.CHILDLEN lt index) prefix
null else prefix prefix.childrennextch
r - '!' nextchr m_in.read()
if (possibleFloatingPointNumber
m_in.clearMark() return
this.append(nextchr) if (prefix !
null prefix.code ! TagConstants.NULL)
lastPunctuation prefix
lastPunctuationLength textlen - 1
m_in.mark() while(prefix !
null) index nextchr - '!'
if (index lt 0 PunctuationPrefixTree.CHILDL
EN lt index) prefix null else
prefix prefix.childrennextchr - '!'
nextchr m_in.read()
this.append(nextchr) if (prefix !
null prefix.code ! TagConstants.NULL)
lastPunctuation prefix
lastPunctuationLength textlen - 1
m_in.reset() textlen
lastPunctuationLength endingLoc
m_in.getLocation() ttype
lastPunctuation.code if (ttype !
TagConstants.C_COMMENT ttype !
TagConstants.EOL_COMMENT) nextchr
m_in.read() return ttype catch
(IOException e) m_in.clearMark()
e.toString()) return TagConstants.NULL
// Dummy
30Verification condition
Annotated Java program
- Universal background predicate
- (?t ? t lt t)
- Type-specific background predicate
- Bag lt java.lang.Object
- Verification condition BPUniv BPT gt
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
31Verification condition
(BG_PUSH (AND (lt T_T T_java.lang.Object)
(EQ T_T (asChild T_T T_java.lang.Object))
(DISTINCT arrayType T_boolean T_char T_byte
T_short T_int T_long
T_float T_double T_.TYPE
T_T T_java.lang.Object))) (EXPLIES (LBLNEG
vc.T.abs.2.2 (IMPLIES (AND (EQ
elems_at_pre elems) (EQ elems (asElems
elems)) (lt (eClosedTime elems) alloc) (EQ
LS (asLockSet LS)) (EQ alloc_at_pre alloc))
(NOT (AND (EQ _at_true (is x2.21
T_int)) (OR (AND (OR
(AND (lt x2.21 0) (LBLPOS
trace.Then0,3.15 (EQ _at_true _at_true))
(EQ x3.17 (- 0 x2.21)) (EQ
x2.21lt1gt x3.17)) (AND (NOT
(lt x2.21 0)) (LBLPOS
trace.Else1,3.4 (EQ _at_true _at_true))
(EQ x2.21lt1gt x2.21))) (NOT (LBLNEG
Assert_at_4.8 (gt x2.21lt1gt 0)))) (AND
(OR (AND (lt x2.21 0)
(LBLPOS trace.Then0,3.15 (EQ _at_true
_at_true)) (EQ x3.17 (- 0 x2.21))
(EQ x2.21lt1gt x3.17)) (AND
(NOT (lt x2.21 0)) (LBLPOS
trace.Else1,3.4 (EQ _at_true _at_true))
(EQ x2.21lt1gt x2.21))) (LBLNEG
Assert_at_4.8 (gt x2.21lt1gt 0)) (NOT
(LBLNEG Exception_at_5.2 (EQ ecReturn
ecReturn))))))))) (AND (DISTINCT
Annotated Java program
- class T
- static int abs(int x)
- if (x lt 0) x -x
- //_at_ assert x gt 0
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
32Theorem prover Simplify
Annotated Java program
- Nelson-Oppen cooperating decision procedures
- conguence closure
- linear arithmetic
- partial orders
- quantifiers
- Key features
- automatic no user interaction
- refutation based searches for counterexamples
- heuristics tuned for program checking
- labels
- time limit
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
33Counterexamples and warnings
Annotated Java program
- Counterexample labels (IndexTooBig_at_26.5
vc.Bag.add.20.2 trace.Then0,21.23)
context (AND (NEQ tmp1!a23.23
null) (NEQ this null) (EQ alloc_at_pre
alloc) (EQ tmp4!n26.6 0)
(lt alloc (vAllocTime tmp3!a26.4)) ) - Bag add(int) ...--------------------------------
---------------------------Bag.java26 Warning
Array index possibly too large (IndexTooBig)
an x Execution trace information
Executed then branch in "Bag.java", line 21, col
Sugared command
Primitive command
Passive command
Verification condition
Automatictheorem prover
Counterexample context
Post processor
Warning messages
34Experience annotations
- Capture common design decisions
- Suggested immediately by warnings
- Overhead 4-10 of source code
- 1 annotation per field or parameter
- Most common annotations
- non_null
- container element types
35Experience performance
- 50 of all methods lt 0.5 s
- 80 of all methods lt 1 s
- time limit 300 s
- total time for Javafe (40kloc) 65 min.
36Related work
- ESC/Modula-3
- Full functional specification and verification
- JML, LOOP, B, Penelope, ...
- Languages and language features
- Euclid, Eiffel, Escher, Guava, Vault, Cqual, ...
- LCLint, refinement types, Types against races,
... - Other checking techniques
- Abstract interpretation, PREfix, SLAM,
Bandera,Java PathFinder 2, Canvas, ESP, AST
Toolkit, Metal
- Using weakest precondition semantics and
automatic decision procedures for program
analysis works! - Cost effective?
- Read Hudaks paper on functional programming.
- Read at least the initial part of Pierces paper
on foundational calculi (the part on lambda