Title: THE WORKING MEMORY MODEL Baddeley and Hitch, 1974
1THE WORKING MEMORY MODELBaddeley and Hitch, 1974
Articulatory processes
Visuo-spatial processes
2The Matrix Task (Brooks)
In the next square down put a 2. In the next
square left put a 3
In the next square good put a 2. In the next
square luck put a 3
3The Matrix Task (Brooks)
Recall of instructions
Recall of spatial instructions
Recall of verbal instructions
4Effect of Secondary Tracking Task
Recall of instructions
Spatial Verbal Spatial Verbal
5Nature of the Active Process
- Concreteness
- - concrete words are recalled better than
abstract words (Paivio, 1972). - Pegword Method
- - relies on the formation of images to
associated target items with concrete items.
6Dual Task MethodologyBaddeley Lieberman, 1980
Logie, 1986
Word recall
1 task
Imagery Words (pegword) (rote
7Nature of the Active Process
- Concreteness
- - concrete words are recalled better than
abstract words (Paivio, 1972). - Pegword Method
- - relies on the formation of images to
associated target items with concrete items.
- Dual Task Methodology
- - spatial and visual tasks impair the efficiency
of the pegword method (Baddeley Lieberman,
1980 Logie, 1986).
8Independence of the Slaves
Word recall
Rote Repetition Imagery
9So What?Importance of the Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
- Acquisition of new visual information ie., faces
- Acquisition of new spatial information ie.,
locations and directions - Independence of processing of visuo-spatial
information and phonological information
10A Role of the Central ExecutiveA Supervisory
Attentional System (SAS)
- The CE as a regulator of processing
- The CE as a controller of actions (Shallice,
1982) - - contentional scheduling of practised actions
- - conscious control of new or novel actions
- The CE as the point of retrieval from long term
memory - The CE as a seat of consciousness
11The Working Memory Model - Summary
- STM is an active system
- STM is a multi-component system
- - A central executive A phonological loop A
visuo-spatial sketchpad - Each slave has both a passive, limited store and
an active process - Each slave process has been described by the use
of dual-task methodology - The WM model is a flexible and versatile
contributor to everyday tasks.